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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Impact of heat and nutritional stress on the growth and reproductive performance of bucks
    (Academy of Climate Change Education and Research, Vellanikkara, 2015) Abdul Niyas, P A; KAU; Girish Varma, G
    A study was conducted to assess the combined effect of heat stress and nutritional restriction on growth and reproductive performances in Osmanabadi Bucks. Twenty four adult Osmanabadi bucks (average body weight (BW) 16.0 kg) were used in the present study. The bucks were divided into four groups viz., C (n=6; control), HS (n=6; heat stress), NS (n=6; nutritional stress) and CS (n=6; combined stress). The study was conducted for a period of 45 days. C and HS bucks had ad libitum access to their feed while NS and CS bucks were under restricted feed (30% intake of C bucks) to induce nutritional stress. The HS and CS bucks were exposed to solar radiation for six hours a day between 10:00 h to 16:00 h to induce heat stress. The data was analyzed using repeated measures analysis of variance. Both C and HS groups showed significantly higher (P<0.01) body weight and body condition scoring (BCS) as compared to restricted feeding groups (NS and CS). The allometric measurements also were significantly (P < 0.01) lower in restricted fed groups (NS and CS) as compared to ad libitum fed groups in CS bucks as compared to other groups (C and HS). Among the scrotal measurements, Scrotal circumference afternoon (SCA) and scrotal length afternoon (SLA) differed significantly (P<0.05) between the groups. The highest semen volume (P<0.01) was recorded in C group bucks as compared to other groups. The significantly (P<0.05) higher mass motility and progressive motility was recorded in C group bucks. However, both mass motility and progressive motility did not differ between the stress groups (HS, NS and CS). The highest plasma GH (P<0.01) was recorded in CS group and the lowest in rest all the groups (C, HS and NS). The highest plasma testosterone level was recorded in C group and the lowest in rest all groups (HS, NS and CS). The interaction between treatment and experimental days significantly (P<0.01) influenced body weight, BCS, allometric measurements, scrotal circumference, left testicular length and width, right testicular width, semen volume and growth hormone concentration. The higher expression of testicular Heat Shock Protein 70 (HSP70) Messenger Ribonucleic Acid(mRNA) was reported in HS goats. Testicular section showed significant changes for different stresses. The highest loss of spermatid density indicating decreased spermatogenesis was recorded in CS followed by HS and NS 109groups compared to C group. It can be concluded from this study that when nutrition is not compromised Osmanabadi bucks were able to withstand heat stress. This is evident from the non-significant difference on various growth and reproductive parameters studied between C and HS groups. Further, the study also revealed that Osmanabadi bucks possessed superior adaptive capability to combined stresses simultaneously. This is evident from the significant interaction of treatment and experimental days on majority of the parameters studied.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Phenology of medicinal snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina L.) under different seasons
    (Academy of Climate Change Education and Research, Vellanikkara, 2015) Harsha Satheesh; KAU; Kanakamany, M T
    The present study entitled “Phenology of medicinal snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina L.) under different seasons” was carried out at Academy of Climate Change Education and Research (ACCER), Vellanikkara during the period 2014-2015. Field experiments were conducted at All India Coordinated Research Project on Medicinal, Aromatic Plants and Betel Vine (AICRP on MAP & B), College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara. The objective of the study was to assess the influence of weather parameters on yield and yield attributing characters of medicinal snake gourd (Trichosanthes cucumerina L.) under open and rain shelter during winter, summer and rainy seasons. The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with six treatments and four replications each in open and rain shelter during winter, summer and rainy seasons. Observations on meteorological, growth characters, floral biology, yield and quality parameters were recorded under open and rain shelter in all the three seasons. Significant difference was observed in number of flowers, number of fruits produced, pollen fertility, fruit yield per plant, herbage yield per plant, total yield per plant and per plant cucurbitacin content for plants grown under rain shelter as well as in open condition during the three seasons. During winter, summer and rainy seasons crops grown under rain shelter recorded highest vine length, number of branches, maximum leaf area and number of male and female flowers produced, herbage yield per plant and dry yield per plant than open condition. Whereas pollen fertility, pollen viability and fruit weight were found to be highest in open condition than in rain shelter during summer season and found more in rain shelter during winter and rainy seasons. Earlier anthesis of both male and female flower was recorded during summer season under open condition. Highest herbage yield per plant, fruit yield per plant and total yield per plant were recorded under open condition during summer season. But during rainy season it is higher under rain shelter when compared to open field.Per plant cucurbitacin content was highest for the plants that grown under open environment than in rain shelter. It was found to be maximum during summer season followed by winter and rainy season. Weather parameters such as canopy air temperature, daily minimum and maximum temperature were high under rain shelter during the three cropping seasons. Relative humidity and soil moisture were high under rain shelter during winter and summer and low during rainy season. Correlation analysis with the weather parameters and crop was studied. Relative humidity and soil moisture had a significant negative correlation with the number of male flowers produced, pollen fertility, herbage yield per plant, total yield per plant and per plant cucurbitacin content. Canopy air temperature, minimum and maximum temperature showed positive correlation with the number of male flowers, produced pollen fertility, number of fruits, fruit yield per plant, herbage yield per plant, total yield per plant and per plant cucurbitacin content whereas rainfall had a negative correlation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Modeling the impact of climate change on growth and yield of tomato
    (Academy of Climate Change Education and Research, Vellanikkara, 2015) Safia, M; KAU; Sunil, K M
    Tomato is the world’s largest vegetable crop. It is one of the most important vegetable crops cultivated for its fleshy fruits and it is considered as important commercial and dietary vegetable crop. The average productivity of tomato in our country is nearly 158q per hectare. Its successful production in the tropics is, however, constrained by environmental variations especially under open field conditions. The rising temperatures and carbon dioxide concentration and uncertainty in rainfall associated with climate change may have serious direct and indirect consequences on crop production and hence food security. Objective of the study were Modeling of growth and yield of tomato and the impact of climate change based on projected climate change scenarios using DSSAT 4.5 model and the impact of climate change will be studied based on projected climatic scenarios (RCP.2.6, 4.5, 6.0 and 8.5). The field was designed as spilt plot under 3 growing situations (S1-poly house, S2-rain shelter, S3-Open condition) at Central Nursery, Vellanikkara. The date of planting was on 2014 December 1st, 10th, 2015 January 10th and 20th. The variety chosen was Anagha. The date of transplanting and growing environment had a significant effect on the various morphological, Phenological and yield parameters. Then greatest height was obtained by polyhouse (251.7cm) on 01 December 2014.The greatest biomass accumulation (2.23 t ha-1) inside the polyhouse on 10 December 2014 and 10 January 2015. The crop transplanted in polyhouse on 01 December 2014 had the longest duration of 114 days. Maximum LAI was recorded in the crop transplanted inside the polyhouse, rain shelter (20 January 2015) and open field (10 December 2014). Highest yield 111.5 t ha-1 in the crop transplant inside polyhouse on 01 December 2014. DSSAT model was validated and gave good RMSE values. The results also showed that the effect of minimum temperature would drastically reduce the yield. The increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration is likely to have some positive effect on yield, but the effect is not significant compared to the negative impact of rise in temperature. The yield of tomato (Anagha) will be reduced considerably due to climate change.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Tree growth climate relationship in plantation teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) grown in Thrissur district, Kerala
    (Academy of Climate Change Education and Research, Vellanikkara, 2015) Gayathri, Asok; KAU; Anoop, E V
    The present study ―Tree growth climate relationship in plantation teak (Tectona grandis L. f.) grown in Thrissur District, Kerala‖ was conducted to develop tree-ring chronologies from plantation teak (Tectona grandis ) at the site Vazhani in Thrissur forest division, Kerala, to understand the relationship between climate and tree growth. The work was carried out at the Department of Wood Science, College of forestry, KAU, Vellanikkara, Thrissur. The study samples were selected from the sample collection in the Department of Wood Science, College of Forestry. The collected samples are thinned and sanded with different grades of sand papers to expose the growth rings. Statistical parameters like SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) and EPS (Expressed Population Signal) showed a good dendroclimatic potential. Weather parameters such as rainfall, temperature and moisture index showed significant positive and negative correlation with Ring Width Index. Summer temperature, showed significant positive correlation and annual temperature showed negative correlation. South West monsoon rainfall showed significant positive correlation. Correlation between Ring Width Index and Moisture Index showed positive correlation during previous year North East monsoon.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Crop weather relationship in okra
    (Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1999) Kavitha, S; KAU; Kesava Rao, A V R
    CROP WEATHER RELATIONSllP IN OKRA (Abelmoschus esculentus [L.} Moench), VARIETY 'ARKA ANAMIKA' The experiment was conducted during 1998-1999 at the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara to find out the crop weather relationships of okra, 'Arka Anamika'. The experiment was laid out in randomised block design with three replications. The treatments consisted of twelve monthly sowing, starting from 21 st April 1998 to 21 st March 1999. Observations on morphological, phenological and yield attributes were recorded during the course of investigation. The daily values of weather elements viz., rainfall, number of rainy days, maximum and minimum surface air temperatures. bright sunshine, mormng and afternoon relative humidity, pan evaporation and wind speed were collected from the Principal Agricultural Meteorological Station, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, to work out the crop weather relationships of okra. March, April and September sown crops were significantly superior in terms of fruit yield per plant, number of harvests and crop duration. April sown crop was also superior in plant height, number of nodes on mainstem, and number of primary branches. The fruit yield was significantly associated with the plant height, number of nodes on main stem, number of primary branches, number of harvests and duration of the crop. A multiple regression equation was worked out for predicting fruit yield based on plant characters and it is as follows: Y = 3.08 XI + 11.15 X2 - 210.14 (R2 = 0.94) Where, XI is the duration of the erop in days, X2 is the number of harvests and Y is the yield per plant (g). Based on the association between weather elements and crop yield of okra, a multiple regression equation was worked out and given below: Y = 50.7 XI - 28.69 X2 + 16.11 X3 - 0.058 X4 - 456.29 (R2 = 0.76) Where, Y = yield per plant (g), X, - Minimum temperature (OC) during vegetative phase (6,h to 7th week after sowing), X2 - Maximum temperature (OC) during reproductive phase (6th to 9th week after sowing), X3 - Bright sunshine (h per day) during vegetative phase (4th to 6th week after sowing) and X.4 - Rainfall (mm) during vegetative phase (5th to 6th week after sowing).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Crop weather relationship in cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var.botrytis L.)
    (Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2012) Karthika, V P; KAU; Prasada Rao, G S L H V
    A field experiment was conducted during 2010-11 and 2011-12 at the Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara with the objectives to study the effect of weather on growth and yield of cauliflower and to assess the suitability of cauliflower under various crop growing environments. The study included five planting times at an interval of 15 days (1st November, 15th November, 1st December, 15th December and1st January) and two tropical hybrid varieties (Basant and Pusa Kartik Sankar). The different growth and yield characters like plant height, number of leaves, plant biomass, duration of different growth stages and curd weight were recorded along with monitoring of the incidence of various pests, diseases and physiological disorders. The daily weather parameters like maximum and minimum temperatures, forenoon and afternoon relative humidity, forenoon and afternoon vapour pressure, bright sunshine hours, wind speed, rainfall and rainy days were collected and used in this study. Based on these weather parameters, other important weather variables like mean temperature, diurnal temperature range, forenoon and afternoon vapour pressure deficits and solar radiation were determined. Various heat units like growing degree days, heliothermal units and photothermal units were also worked out. The maximum and mean temperature, diurnal temperature range, forenoon and afternoon relative humidity, forenoon and afternoon vapour pressure deficits, bright sunshine hours and solar radiation were found to be higher in 2010-11 as compared to 2011-12. Plant height, number of leaves and the duration of different growth stages were found to be highly variable among the different planting times in both the years, but when pooled over years, these characters became non-significant (except the duration from curd initiation to harvest) with respect to the planting time as a result of the higher variability between the two years for the different weather parameters. The curd weight and the plant fresh and weights exhibited high significant difference for the different planting times. Duration from transplanting to curd initiation was found to be more critical for the curd yield. To determine the critical weather elements affecting the crop growth, correlation analysis was done and it was observed that the crop duration would increase with increase in the maximum temperature, bright sunshine hours, solar radiation and afternoon vapour pressure deficit whereas, the afternoon relative humidity showed a negative influence on crop duration. The curd yield and plant weight were found to be decreasing with increase in the maximum temperature and sunshine hours. The various heat units exhibited positive correlation with the duration of different growth stages. Based on the weather parameters experienced by the crop during the transplanting to curd initiation period, a regression equation with an R2 value of 0.95 was developed to predict the curd weight. The present study revealed that first fortnight of November is the optimum planting time for tropical cauliflower in Thrissur District, since the maximum curd size was obtained when planted on 1st November in 2011-12. The optimum weather for the planting of tropical cauliflower was observed to be less than 31.2°C of maximum temperature, less than 26.8°C of mean temperature, less than 8.8°C of diurnal temperature range, less than 6.0 hrs of bright sunshine hours and less than 22.3 MJ m-2 of solar radiation, with 22.5°C of minimum temperature. Intermittent rainfall and higher relative humidity observed during the earlier planting times were found to be conducive for the incidence of pests and diseases and the bacterial disease black rot was observed as a serious threat to cauliflower cultivation in this region.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Crops weather relationship in rice
    (Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 2000) Sunil, K M; KAU; Kesava Rao, A V R
    An experiment was conducted in the Agricultural research Station, Mannuthy during first, second and third crop seasons of 1998-99 to study the crop weather relationship in rice variety 'Kanchana'. The experiment was laid out in randomised block design with three replications. The treatment consisted of three dates of planting in each season i.e., 1 s\ i s" and 30th of June, 1 st 15th and 30th of October and 1 st, 15th and 30th of January. Observations on morphological and yield attributes were recorded during the course of investigation. The daily values of weather elements viz., maximum and minimum surface air temperature, bright sunshine, morning and afternoon relative humidity and wind speed were collected from the Principle Agro Meteorological Station, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, to work out the crop weather relationships in rice. . Crops transplanted on 1 st is" and 30tl) of October and 1 st 15th of June were significantly superior in terms of grain yield, panicle number, number of filled grains/panicle, number of leaves, plant biomass, number of tillers and leaf area index. The crop weather relationship studies showed that the wind speed, minimum temperature and mean temperature during flowering to maturity had a significant negative correlation with grain yield. But morning relative humidity and mean relative humidity during transplanting to panicle initiation stage had a significant positive influence on ultimate grain yield. The wind speed, mean temperature, temperature range, RH1-RH2 and solar radiation during vegetative stage were negatively correlated with the straw yield. Maximum temperature during beginning of grain filling to maturity stage also had a negative correlation. But increase in mimmum temperature, mean relative humidity, morning and afternoon relative humidities during transplanting to flowering stage was significantly increase the straw yield as there was a positive correlation. The regression equations developed in the study predicted the grain yield, straw yield, duration of vegetative phase and maximum leaf area index well and a close relation existed between observed and estimated yield. Based on the experimental data, minimum data set for the validation of rice model of the IBSNAT has been generated.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Crop weather relationship studies in bitter gourd
    (Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1996) Lincy Davis, P; KAU; Balakrishna Pillai, P
    An experiment was conducted during 1995 – 96 at the College of Horticulture, Vellenikkara to find out the optimum date of sowing and to study the crop – weather relationship in bitter gourd, variety mc –84. The experiment was laid out in randomised black design with 3 replications. The treatments consisted of twelve dates of sowing starting from April 15th, 1995 and ending in March, 15th, 1996. For each and every treatment one control plot was maintained. The biometric observations of the crop growth characters, flowering and yield attributes were taken at different stages of development of the crop. The observations on the incidence of pests and diseases were recorded from the control plots. The observations on weather elements were recorded daily. October sowing was significantly superior to others with regard to number of female flower production, number of fruits, fruit set, fruit length girth, weight and yield. The crop weather relationship studies showed that the temperature range during 45 to 65 DAS and sunshine hours during 40-60 DAS were positively correlated with both total yield and number of female flowers per plant while minimum temperature during 45-60 DAS and mean relative humidity during 45-70 DAS were negatively correlated with both total yield and number of female flowers per plant. Crop sown during September, October and November were free from the attack of Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coq.). While Eudioptes indica (Saund.) occurred throughout the year. Mosaic disease incidence was severe in crops sown during June. But September sown crop was free from diseases.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Validation of ceres model to calibrate the genetic coefficients of rice (Oryza sativa L.)
    (Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2015) Arjun, Vysakh; KAU; Ajithkumar, B
    Rice (Oryza saiva L.) is vulnerable to unfavourable weather events and climate conditions. Despite technological advances such as improved crop varieties and irrigation systems, weather and climate are important factors which play a significant role in rice production. The present investigation “Validation of CERES model to calibrate the genetic coefficients of rice (Oryza sativa L.)” was carried out in the Department of Agricultural Meteorology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 2013-15, to determine the crop weather relationship, to validate the CERES (Crop Environment Resource Synthesis) -Rice model and to calibrate the genetic coefficients for rice. The field experiment was conducted at Agricultural Research Station, Mannuthy during the kharif season of 2014. Split plot design was adopted with five dates of planting viz., 5th June, 20th June, 5th July, 20th July and 5th August as the main plot treatments and two varieties viz., Jyothi and Kanchana as the sub plot treatments. The number of replications for the experiment was four. Different growth and yield characters viz., plant height, dry matter accumulation, number of panicles, spikelets, filled grains, 1000 grain weight, grain yield, straw yield and duration of different crop growth phases were recorded. The daily weather parameters like maximum and minimum temperatures, forenoon and afternoon relative humidity, forenoon and afternoon vapour pressure deficits, bright sunshine hours, pan evaporation, wind speed, rainfall and rainy days were recorded during the entire crop growing period, to determine the crop weather relationship. The maximum temperature showed an increasing trend towards the late plantings. The minimum temperature, afternoon and forenoon relative humidity, rainfall and rainy days were found to be higher in early planting dates compared to late plantings. Plant height, dry matter accumulation, yield and yield attributes were highly variable among the different planting dates. Yield and yield attributes were influenced by various weather parameters experienced by the crop during different dates of planting. Days taken to complete maturity got reduced with delay in planting dates in both the varieties. Jyothi variety took more days to complete different phenophases, compared to Kanchana. The highest yield in Jyothi was recorded for June 5th planting, whereas June 20th planted crop recorded highest yield in Kanchana. The various growth indices such as leaf area index, leaf area ratio, leaf area duration, absolute growth rate, crop growth rate, net assimilation rate and relative growth rate were worked out to study the crop growth and development. During the early growth stages, these growth indices showed an increasing trend and decreasing trend was noticed in the later stages. To determine the critical weather elements affecting the crop growth, correlation analysis was performed. It was observed that crop duration decreased with increase in temperature and bright sunshine hours, whereas, the forenoon and afternoon relative humidity, rainfall and rainy days showed positive influence on crop duration. Multiple linear regression equations were fitted, to predict the grain yield based on weather variables. A crop model can simulate the actual system of field in the lab. CERES-Rice model has been widely used to understand the relationship between rice and its environment. Crop performance in terms of genetic coefficients used in the model can be used as a tool for strategic decision making. The crop genetic coefficients that influence the occurrence of developmental stages in the CERES-Rice models were derived and validated, to achieve the best possible agreement between the simulated and observed values. Calibration was done with independent data sets of two rice varieties viz., Jyothi and Kanchana for different genetic coefficients, which characterize the performance of the crop. The results of simulation studies in respect of phenophases and yield of rice were compared with the observed values. Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE) and D-stat (index of agreement) were used as model accuracy measures. Predicted yield and phenology of both rice varieties, Jyothi and Kanchana under different planting dates were reasonably close to the observed values, as indicated by the RMSE, MAPE and D-stat values.