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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluative perception of appropriateness of the recommended fertiliser management practices
    (Department of Agricultural extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Rasheed Sulaiman, V; KAU; Muraleedhara Prasad, R
    A study was undertaken to investigate into the extent of knowledge, extent of adoption and evaluative perception of appropriateness of the recommended fertilizer management practices among rice farmers (n=200) and Agricultural Demonstrators (n=54) in Palghat and Cannanore Districts of Kerala State. The study revealed that farmers of Palghat and Cannanore differed significantly with respect to their knowledge and adoption of fertiliser management practices with farmers of Palaghat having higher level of knowledge and adoption
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Influence of leaders in the development of rural areas
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1981) Shilaja, S; KAU; Tampi, A M
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Entrepreneurial behaviour of rural women in Thiruvananthapuram district
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1996) Jayalekshmi, G; KAU; Shilaja, S
    The present study under the title ''Entrepreneurial behaviour of rural women in Thiruvananthapuram district was undertaken to assess the entrepreneurial behaviour of rural women to study the personal and sociopsychological factors influencing entrepreneurial behaviour and the constraints experienced by the rural women in starting an enterprise. Rural women trained in mushroom cultivation and fruit and vegetable preservation were selected from College of Agriculture, Vellayani and Mitraniketan Vellanad. Thirty rural women each were selected from each centre for each enterprise. Thus 120 trained rural women were selected. Another 60 untrained rural women were also selected as control. Thus the total sample comprised of 180 with five groups of respondents. Data was collected using interview schedule and suitable statistical techniques were employed in the analysis of data. An entrepreneurial development index was developed and found that the factors such as economic motivation, risktaking ability, decision making ability, achievement motivation, management orientation, competition orientation and self confidence were the major dimensions of entrepreneurial behaviour. With regard to the profile of rural women, the rural women selected, both trained and untrained belonged to young age group and majority of them belonged to backward caste. Educational status and family educational status of the selected respondents were high school and above. More than 50 per cent of them have land holding ranging from 15-20 cents and annual income between Rs.15000-20000. More than 55 per cent of the rural women have taken up self employment. Above 50 per cent of the rural women have high information seeking behaviour, mass media contact, social participation, level of aspiration and attitude towards self employment. Majority of the rural women have low cosmopoliteness. Cent per cent of the trained rural women have high knowledge of the technology. Except rural women in group II & V all others have high entrepreneurial behaviour. Comparison of the five groups revealed that they were on par with respect to age, landholding, annual income and social participation. Majority of the trained rural women belonged to backward caste and untrained belonged to scheduled caste. The trained rural women differed significantly with the untrained in their educational status, family educational status, occupation, information seeking behavior and perceived knowledge of the technology. There was significant difference among the groups with respect to mass media contact, level of aspiration, cosmopoliteness and entrepreneurial behavior. Relationship of the personal and socio-psychological factors with the entrepreneurial behavior showed that in the case of group I, variables namely educational status of the family, information seeking behavior, mass media contact, level of aspiration, attitude towards self employment and perceived knowledge of the technology were positively and significantly correlated. In the case of group II, caste educational status of the respondents and family, information seeking behavior, mass media contact, social participation, level of aspiration, cosmopoliteness, attitude towards self employment and perceived knowledge of the technology were positively and significantly correlated with the entrepreneurial behavior. Only educational status of the family was found to have a positive and significant relationship with the entrepreneurial behavior of group III. In the case of group IV, caste, educational status of the respondent and family, annual income, information seeking behavior, mass media contact, cosmopoliteness, level of aspiration, attitude towards self employment and perceived knowledge of the technology were positively and significantly correlated with the entrepreneurial behaviour. In the case of group V a positive and significant relationship exists between entrepreneurial behavior and educational status of the respondent and family, annual income, information seeking behavior, mass media contact, social participation, cosmopoliteness, attitude towards self employment and perceived knowledge of the technology. With regard to the constraints experienced by the rural women, ‘Marketing problem and lack of financial assistance were the constraints in both the enterprises followed by non-availability of spawn in mushroom cultivation and high cost of fruits in fruit and vegetable preservation.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Study on the Perception and the Role Performance of the Convenors of Group Farming Committees of Rice Cultivation
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 1993) Jayasree Menon, KAU; Rajan Karippai, S
    The study on role perception and role performance of the convenors of Group Farming Committee was carried out using 150 respondents selected from Trichur and Palghat districts. The opinions of respondents towards the programme were collected by personally interviewing them Analysis of the data thus collected indicated that cosmopoliteness and training need were the most important independent variables positively influencing role perception. Training revceived by the convenors exerted a negative effect on the perception of their roles as convenors. Communication behaviour came first followed by knowledge and training need among the independent variables influencing role performance. In the case of role perception as well as role performance, constraints in implementing the programme exerted maximum indirect effect on other independent variables. It was also found that role perception was strongly correlated with role performance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Differential adoption of plant protection technology by farmers of Kerala - a critical analysis
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1995) Meera, B; KAU; Thyagarajan Nair, G
    Indian agriculture has undergone intensive farming with the introduction of high yielding varieties of crops. Adoption of improved technology and management practices for boosting up production of food grains have resulted in serious pest and disease complexes warranting intensive and extensive use of plant protection chemicals. A number of limitations and adverse side effects such as pest resistance to pesticides, pesticide residues, health hazards, environmental pollution and ecological imbalance have been identified recently. The components of plant protection technology were taken to study the differential adoption in important crops like paddy and vegetables by the farmers and explained the variations in their cognitive, affective and connative components of behaviour with a selected set of independent variables. The study analysed the indigenous practices of plant protection being followed by farmers and also their perception about the impact of pesticides on environmental aspects. The major constraints experienced by the farmers in the adoption of plant protection technology along with the suggestions to overcome the same were also studied. The study was undertaken in two districts of Kerala viz., Thiruvananthapuram and Alappuzha. A sample of 120 farmers each from the two districts was selected and the total sample size for the study was 240.The data were collected using an interview schedule and analysed using suitable statistical techniques. There was significant difference among the farmers of Thiruvananthapuram and Alappuzha districts with regard to their knowledge about chemical and cultural methods of plant protection. Majority of farmers of both the districts belonged to low knowledge group. The farmers of both the districts were ignorant about biological, physical and integrated methods of plant protection methods. Majority of the farmers of both the districts possessed favourable attitude towards chemical method of plant protection. The farmers of Alappuzha district were significantly higher adopters of plant protection methods than the farmers of Thiruvananthapuram district. Majority of the farmers of both the districts belonged to low perception category with regard to their perception about the utility and practicability of plant protection methods. Crops yield index and scientific orientation emerged as significant independent variables in the correlation and multiple regression analysis with regard to the farmers of both the districts. The practices, viz., controlled application of nutrients for reducing pest and disease attack in paddy and use of ‘thulsikeni’ in ‘pandals’ to trap and kill fruit flies in vegetables were judged as the most effective and scientifically rational practices adopted by farmers. The farmer’s perception about the impact of pesticides on environmental aspects was very low and majority of them belonged to low perception category. The constraint ‘untimely supply and high cost of imputs’ was the most important constraint experienced by the farmers of Thiruvananthapuram district, while ‘lack of proper drainage facilities’ was the most serious constraint experienced by the farmers of Alappuzha District. The most important suggestion given by the farmers to overcome the constraints was to ‘develop simple and more compatible plant protection technologies’ and the most important suggestion given by the experts to overcome the constraints experienced by the farmers was to ‘impart adequate training to farmers as well as extension workers on IPM practices’. The strategic model developed by integrating the salient findings of the present study, emphasized the importance of popularizing effective plant protection technology among the farmers in ecologically sensitive rice and vegetable production systems in Kerala.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Analysis of saelected development programmes for promoting coconut production in Kerala
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1993) Jinadevan, R; KAU; Prakash, R
    The present study under the title “An analysis of selected development programmes for promoting coconut production in Kerala” was undertaken to understand the level of awareness, attitude, knowledge and adoption behaviour of farmers in relation to selected coconut development programmes. The analysis covered the response pattern of both beneficiary and non – beneficiary farmers to different variables. The constraints faced by both the group of farmers in the adoption of recommended practices and by the Agricultural officers in the implementation of the programmes were also analyzed. The study was conducted in Alappuzha district and covered the following development programmes : i) Scheme for expansion of area under coconut. ii) Scheme for providing assistance for developing irrigation facilities. iii) Integrated farming in coconut small holdings for productivity improvement. The sample consisted of 120 randomly selected beneficiary farmers, 40 each under each programme and 60 non beneficiary farmers and 50 agricultural officers. Data were collected using interview schedule and questionnaire and suitable statistical techniques were employed in the analysis of data. The study revealed that beneficiary farmers awareness, attitude, knowledge and adoption of the recommended practices, though partial in some aspects, was significantly influenced by the coconut development programmes. Practice wise adoption by farmers revealed that use of hybrid varieties of seedlings for new planting was the least adopted practice. There was a tendency among the farmers to switch over to west cost tall and other varieties. Comparison of adoption behaviour of farmers under the three selected development programmes showed that the extent of adoption of recommended practices was higher in new planting area compared to other areas. It was also found that the level of awareness, attitude, knowledge and adoption was higher in the case of beneficiary farmers compared to non beneficiaries. The results of the constraint analysis revealed the need for more attention to timely supply of coconut seedings, adoption of the labour saving group management practice and training programme of coconut development Board for the unemployed youths in plant protection and palm climbing. The results pointed out the need for proper co-ordination and linkage between various agencies involved in implementing coconut development programmes, simplifying the procedure in availing assistance under the programmes, starting field level offices, by Coconut Development Board in the model of Rubber Board and for proper planning and improvement in the pattern of implementation of coconut development programmes for accomplishing the cherished goals.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Communication behaviour of women,heading farm families in Neyyattinkara taluk
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1993) Anitha Menon, K; KAU; Babu, B
    A study on the Communication Behaviour of women heading farm families was carried out in five Krishibhavan areas under Neyyanttinkara taluk of Thiruvananthapuram district. Fifty women engaged in paddy cultivation and fifty from coconut cultivation formed the total sample of hundred respondents. The study was aimed to measure Communication Behaviour including Inward Exposure and Outward Exposure and to compare between the women cultivating paddy and the women cultivating coconut with regard to the dependent and independent variables of the study. It was also aimed to find the characteristics of women which influence Communication Behaviour, the relationship and the direct and indirect effects of these characteristics on Communication Behaviour. The data were collected using pre- tested structured interview schedule. The study revealed that the farm women in paddy cultivation had a high level of Inward Exposure. Women cultivating paddy were equally distributed in the low and high level of Outward Exposure categories and low level of Inward and Outward Exposure was noticed in majority of women cultivating coconut. The farm women had a low level of Communication Behaviour. Irrespective of the difference in the crop cultivated, the women did not differ significantly with regard to Inward Exposure, Outward Exposure, Communication Behaviour, and other selected characteristics. The characteristic profile study revealed that the respondents were middle aged and had a medium level of education (ie., upto high school) with a marginal farm size below 0.4ha. The women cultivating paddy had high level of social participation, cosmopoliteness, management orientation, scientific orientation, adoption of improved agricultural practices in paddy and knowledge about improved agricultural practices in paddy. With regard to women cultivating coconut, a medium level of social participation, high level of cosmopoliteness, scientific orientation, adoption of improved agricultural practices in coconut and a low level of management orientation were noticed. The women in coconut cultivation were distributed equally in the low and high level of knowledge about improved agricultural practices in coconut. The correlation co-efficients revealed that the selected characteristics of women were significantly correlated with Communication Behaviour and the correlation was positive except with the variable ‘age’. Path analysis results revealed that the maximum positive direct effect on Communication Behaviour was exerted by ‘knowledge about improved agricultural practices’ and ‘social participation’ with regard to women cultivating paddy and coconut respectively. The maximum positive indirect effect was exerted by ‘Adoption of improved agricultural practice’ and ‘knowledge about improved agricultural practices’ with regard to women cultivating paddy and coconut respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Adoption of improved agricultural practices by pepper growers of Idukki district
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1993) Gangadharan, K K; KAU; Padmanabhan, V B
    The study on the adoption of improved agricultural practices in pepper was conducted in Idukki district of Kerala with the following objectives: 1) To study the extent of awareness of improved agricultural practices in pepper by pepper growers. 2) To study the extent of knowledge about improved agricultural practices in pepper by pepper growers. 3) To study the attitude of pepper growers towards improved agricultural practices in pepper. 4) To study the extent of adoption of improved agricultural practices in pepper. 5) To study the relationship between the extent of awareness, knowledge, attitude and adoption with the socio- psychological and economic characters of pepper growers; 6) To identify the constraints in adoption of improved agricultural practices in pepper and to suggest solutions to overcome the constraints. A total of 200 pepper growers were selected from 10 krishi bhavans for the study, using stratified two- stage sampling procedure. Data were collected by using a structured interview schedule during the months of June and July 1992. The important findings of the study were the following. A majority of pepper growers in the study area had medium level of awareness of improved agricultural practices in pepper. The independent variables, namely, education, scientific orientation, economic motivation, risk orientation, cosmopoliteness, information source used, social participation, innovativeness, contact with extension agency and market orientation were positively and significantly related with awareness. But age was found negatively and significantly correlated with awareness of improved agricultural practices in pepper. Majority of pepper growers had medium level of knowledge about the improved agricultural practices in pepper. The independent variables, namely, education, scientific orientation, economic motivation, risk orientation, cosmopoliteness, information source used, social participation, innovativeness, contact with extension agency and market orientation were positively and significantly related with knowledge of improved agricultural practices in pepper, whereas age was found negatively and significantly correlated with knowledge. In the case of attitude of pepper growers, majority of pepper growers had a medium level of attitude towards improved agricultural practices in pepper. Education, scientific orientation, economic motivation, risk orientation, cosmopoliteness, information source used, social participation, innovativeness, contact with extension agency and market orientation were positively and significantly related with attitude of pepper growers towards improved agricultural practices in pepper. Age was found negatively and significantly correlated with attitude. A majority of pepper growers in the study area had medium level of adoption of improved agricultural practices in pepper. The independent variables namely, education, scientific orientation, economic motivation, risk orientation, cosmopoliteness, information source used, social participation, innovativeness, contact with extension agency and market orientation were positively and significantly related with adoption of improved agricultural practices in pepper. Age was found negatively and significantly correlated with adoption. Step-wise regression analysis revealed that education was the most important variable in prediction of the extent of awareness, followed by scientific orientation, economic motivation, risk orientation, cosmopoliteness, information source used, innovativeness, contact with extension agency and market orientation. The seven variables jointly explained 65 per cent of variation in extent of awareness of improved agricultural practices in pepper. Education alone contributed 41 per cent of variation in prediction. In the case of knowledge about improved agricultural practices in pepper, education was found as the most important variable in prediction, which alone contributed 50 per cent of variation in the extent of knowledge. The independent variables, namely, education, contact with extension agency, innovativeness, social participation, scientific orientation, risk orientation, information source used and market orientation had jointly explained about 74 per cent of variation in the extent of knowledge about improved agricultural practices in pepper. Scientific orientation was found as the most important variable in prediction of attitude of pepper growers towards improved agricultural practices in pepper. The variables, namely, scientific orientation, market orientation, educational status, risk orientation, innovativeness, social participation and age had jointly explained 67 per cent variation in the attitude of pepper growers towards improved agricultural practices in pepper. Scientific orientation alone contributed 41 per cent of variation in prediction. Education was found as the most important variable in the prediction of adoption of improved agricultural practices in pepper. This variable alone contributed 42 per cent of variation in prediction. Fifty nine per cent of variation was explained by the seven variables, namely, education, contact with extension agency, social participation, information source used, innovativeness, scientific orientation and market orientation. The pepper growers perceived the following as the major constraints in adoption of improved agricultural practices in the descending order of magnitude, extensive prevalence of pests and diseases, high cost of production inputs, lack of awareness of improved agricultural practices in pepper, traditional systems of cultivation, inadequate extension support, lack of sufficient good quality planting materials, inadequate research support, long duration of rainless period, fluctuating prices of black pepper, non-availability of literature on improved agricultural practices, non-availability of input materials and small and marginal size of holdings. The following were the solutions suggested to overcome important constraints in adoption of improved agricultural practices by pepper growers: Develop low cost technologies for the control of pests and diseases. Develop disease and drought tolerant varieties. Production and distribution of good quality planting materials. Adequate training to farmers about improved agricultural practices. Implementation of soil and moisture conservation measures. Proper marketing network coupled with remunerative price of black pepper. Supply of newer high yielding varieties to farmers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Structural and functional linkages in the transfer of technology of improved rice varieties released by the Kerala agricultural university-a system analysis
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1989) Abdul rahiman Kunju, O; KAU; Tampi, A M
    The study aimed at analyzing the extent of existing structural and functional linkages between and among the Research Sub- system (RSS), the Extension Sub-system (ESS), the Client Sub- system (CSS) and the Input Sub- system (ISS) in the transfer of technology (TOT) of improved rice varieties released by the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). The study was conducted in the Alleppey, Ernakulam, Trichur and Palghat districts of Kerala. Respondents of the study consisted of 52 researchers, 134 extension personnel, 110 farmers and 32 representatives from the input agencies. To delineate the structural linkages between and among the four sub- systems involved in the TOT process, detailed analysis of the existing formal mechanics of linkage were analysed. Linkage activities that could be performed by each sub- system were identified and relevancy rated for measuring the extent of performance and perception of importance of these linkage activities by the respondents. A linkage index was developed to measure the perception of importance of linkage activities by the respondents. Data from the RSS, ESS, and ISS were collected using separate pre-tested structured questionnaires. Data from the CSS were collected using a pre- tested structured interview schedule. In structural linkage, it was found that there were appreciable linkage forums for the RSS and the ESS. But there was lack of organized linkage forums for the CSS and the ISS. Representation for the ESS in the linkage forums of the RSS was found to be restricted to higher officials. There was no representation for the ISS in the important linkage forums of the RSS. The regularity and periodicity of convening of the package of practices workshops, Extension Advisory Committee (EAC) and State Level Technical Committee (SLTC) were also found not being strictly adhered to. In functional linkages, the extent of linkage of the ESS with CSS and the ESS with the ISS were significantly better and reciprocal. Though the RSS viewed its linkage with the ESS and the CSS as good, the ESS and the CSS did not subscribe to this view. Similarly, the ISS viewed that its linkage with the RSS and the CSS was good but the RSS and the CSS did not corroborate this. Based on these results the hypotheses set for the study were either rejected or accepted. In order to segregate the factors associated with the functional linkages between and among the four sub- systems in the TOT of improved rice varieties, principal- factor analysis was done and the factors were extracted and labeled appropriately. The perception about the importance of linkage activities of the ESS with the CSS and the ISS was significantly better and reciprocal. But the perception about the importance of linkage activities of the RSS with the ISS, the ESS with the RSS and the CSS with the RSS and the ISS were significantly poor and hence the hypotheses set for the study were rejected. Lack of infra- structural facilities for research followed by insufficient staff strength and lack of facilities to multiply seeds were the most- important constraints in evolving and spreading the improved rice varieties as perceived by the RSS. Susceptibility to pests and diseases followed by the need for heavy dose of fertilizers and pesticides and poor cooking quality were the most important constraints in spreading and adopting the improved rice varieties as perceived by the ESS, the CSS and the ISS. Based on the results of the study, certain important implications have been spelt out.