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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluative perception of appropriateness of the recommended fertiliser management practices
    (Department of Agricultural extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Rasheed Sulaiman, V; KAU; Muraleedhara Prasad, R
    A study was undertaken to investigate into the extent of knowledge, extent of adoption and evaluative perception of appropriateness of the recommended fertilizer management practices among rice farmers (n=200) and Agricultural Demonstrators (n=54) in Palghat and Cannanore Districts of Kerala State. The study revealed that farmers of Palghat and Cannanore differed significantly with respect to their knowledge and adoption of fertiliser management practices with farmers of Palaghat having higher level of knowledge and adoption
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Structural and functional linkages in the transfer of technology of improved rice varieties released by the Kerala agricultural university-a system analysis
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1989) Abdul rahiman Kunju, O; KAU; Tampi, A M
    The study aimed at analyzing the extent of existing structural and functional linkages between and among the Research Sub- system (RSS), the Extension Sub-system (ESS), the Client Sub- system (CSS) and the Input Sub- system (ISS) in the transfer of technology (TOT) of improved rice varieties released by the Kerala Agricultural University (KAU). The study was conducted in the Alleppey, Ernakulam, Trichur and Palghat districts of Kerala. Respondents of the study consisted of 52 researchers, 134 extension personnel, 110 farmers and 32 representatives from the input agencies. To delineate the structural linkages between and among the four sub- systems involved in the TOT process, detailed analysis of the existing formal mechanics of linkage were analysed. Linkage activities that could be performed by each sub- system were identified and relevancy rated for measuring the extent of performance and perception of importance of these linkage activities by the respondents. A linkage index was developed to measure the perception of importance of linkage activities by the respondents. Data from the RSS, ESS, and ISS were collected using separate pre-tested structured questionnaires. Data from the CSS were collected using a pre- tested structured interview schedule. In structural linkage, it was found that there were appreciable linkage forums for the RSS and the ESS. But there was lack of organized linkage forums for the CSS and the ISS. Representation for the ESS in the linkage forums of the RSS was found to be restricted to higher officials. There was no representation for the ISS in the important linkage forums of the RSS. The regularity and periodicity of convening of the package of practices workshops, Extension Advisory Committee (EAC) and State Level Technical Committee (SLTC) were also found not being strictly adhered to. In functional linkages, the extent of linkage of the ESS with CSS and the ESS with the ISS were significantly better and reciprocal. Though the RSS viewed its linkage with the ESS and the CSS as good, the ESS and the CSS did not subscribe to this view. Similarly, the ISS viewed that its linkage with the RSS and the CSS was good but the RSS and the CSS did not corroborate this. Based on these results the hypotheses set for the study were either rejected or accepted. In order to segregate the factors associated with the functional linkages between and among the four sub- systems in the TOT of improved rice varieties, principal- factor analysis was done and the factors were extracted and labeled appropriately. The perception about the importance of linkage activities of the ESS with the CSS and the ISS was significantly better and reciprocal. But the perception about the importance of linkage activities of the RSS with the ISS, the ESS with the RSS and the CSS with the RSS and the ISS were significantly poor and hence the hypotheses set for the study were rejected. Lack of infra- structural facilities for research followed by insufficient staff strength and lack of facilities to multiply seeds were the most- important constraints in evolving and spreading the improved rice varieties as perceived by the RSS. Susceptibility to pests and diseases followed by the need for heavy dose of fertilizers and pesticides and poor cooking quality were the most important constraints in spreading and adopting the improved rice varieties as perceived by the ESS, the CSS and the ISS. Based on the results of the study, certain important implications have been spelt out.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Awareness and training needs of officers of the department of agriculture in watershed planning
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1989) Sheela, L; KAU; Balakrishna Pillai, G
    A study was undertaken to assess the awareness and training needs of officers of the department of Agriculture in watershed planning. The study was conducted in five districts of Kerala. The respondents were the Junior Soil Conservation Officers (JSCOs) Junior Soil Survey Officers (JSSOs) of the Soil Conservation Unit and Agricultural Officers (AOs) of the department of agriculture. Total sample size was 100 of which 21 were JSCOs, 19 were JSSOs and 60 were AOs. A knowledge test and aptitude scale were constructed for the study. Data were collected with the help of a well constructed interview schedule which was pretested. The data thus collected were subjected to correlation, path analysis, multiple regression etc. to derive the results. The study revealed that more than 47 per cent of the JSCOs possessed high level of awareness in watershed planning. Majority of the respondents among the JSSOs and AOs possessed only low level of awareness in watershed planning. Majority of the JSCOs had high level of knowledge in watershed planning. Only 21 per cent of the JSSOs had high level of knowledge in watershed planning. Same was the case with AOs. Only 33 percent of AOs possessed high level of knowledge in watershed planning. Only 33 per cent of the JSCOs were having a high attitude score regarding watershed planning. About 22 percent of the JSSOs were in the high attitude group and the same numbers of respondents were in the low attitude group. Majority of the AOs were having low attitude score regarding watershed planning. Educational status, information seeking behaviour, training undergone and self confidence were positively and significantly related to the knowledge of the officials in watershed planning. Age and experience was found to have negative and significant relationship with the knowledge of the JSCOs only. Educational status, information seeking behaviour, training undergone and self confidence were found to have positive and significant relationship with the attitude of the officers towards watershed planning. Age was found to have negative and significant relationship with the attitude of the JSCOs and JSSOs towards watershed planning. Experience was found to have negative and significant relationship with the attitude of the JSCOs towards watershed planning. Self confidence had the highest direct effect on knowledge of the JSCOs in watershed planning and age had the highest indirect effect. Information seeking behaviour had the highest direct effect on knowledge of the JSSOs and training undergone had the highest indirect effect. Self confidence had the highest direct effect on knowledge of the AOs in watershed planning and information seeking behaviour had the highest indirect effect. Information seeking behaviour had the highest direct effect on the attitude of the JSCOs towards watershed planning. Highest indirect effect was that of age. Self confidence had the highest direct effect on the attitude of the JSSOs towards watershed planning and educational status had the highest indirect effect. Self confidence had the highest direct effect and information seeking behaviour had the highest indirect effect on the attitude of the AOs towards watershed planning. Variables experience, information seeking behaviour and job satisfaction had significant contribution to the knowledge of the JSCOs in watershed planning. Independently, only information seeking behaviour had significant contribution towards knowledge of JSSOs. Training undergone and self confidence had significant contribution to the knowledge of the AOs in watershed planning. None of the independent variables had significant contribution to the attitude of the JSCOs and JSSOs towards watershed planning. Only self confidence had significant contribution to the attitude of AOs towards watershed planning. Majority of the JSCOs perceived training need in watershed planning. A considerable number of JSSOs also perceived high training needs in watershed planning. But majority of the AOs perceived only a low training need in watershed planning. No significant difference in knowledge, attitude and training needs was observed between the JSCOs, but for awareness there was significant difference between these two groups. There was significant difference in awareness, knowledge attitude and training needs between the JSSOs and AOs and also between the JSCOs and AOs. Non-availability of demonstration plots for seeing the benefits of watershed management was the most important constraint in watershed planning as perceived by the JSCOs. But according to the JSSOs lack of awareness of the policy makers on the advantages of watershed planning and management was the most important constraint, whereas the AOs perceived inadequate training of the officers in watershed planning and management as the most important constraint.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluative perception of appropriateness of the recommended fertiliser management practices
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Rasheed Sulaiman, V; KAU; Muraleedhara Prasad, R
    A study was undertaken to investigate into the extent of knowledge, extent of adoption and evaluative perception of appropriateness of the recommended fertilizer management practices among rice farmers (n=200) and Agricultural Demonstrators (n=54) in Palghat and Cannanore Districts of Kerala State. The study revealed that farmers of Palghat and Cannanore differed significantly with respect to their knowledge and adoption of fertiliser management practices with farmers of Palaghat having higher level of knowledge and adoption
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Adoption of technology for cultivation of banana var. Nendran in Trichur district
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Anitha Vijayan; KAU; Ramachandran Nair, K P
    It is commonly' observed that there is wide gap between the technology generated in Research Station and its actual use by the clientele. It is with this view in mind that the present study was undertaken to identify the gap in the adoption of technology in Banana Nendran cultivated in Trichur District. The relationship between personal, situational,psychological and i communication characteristics of Banana Nendran growers and their adoption was also studied. The constraints in the adoption process were also finally analysed. The study was conducted in Trichur District. The sample was 150 farmers selected randomly from the six wards of the two Panchayats selected for the study. Data was . collected using an interview schedule and suitable statistical techniques were employed in the analysis of the data. It was revealed from the study that the technological gapwith respect to 25.33 per cent of the respondents was low, 51.33 per cent of respondents was medium and 23.33 per cent of the respondents high. The study revealed that information source utilisation, innovation proneness and extension contact contribute significantly to the adoption of fertilizers in Banana var. Nendran. In the case of adoption of desuckering practice it was found that' information source utilisation, economic motivation and market orientation were significant in predicting the adoption of desuckering. Information source utilisation, extension contact, market orientation and farm size were found to contribute significantly to the adoption of mulching in Banana var. Nendran. It was revealed from the study that independent variables contributing significantly to the adoption of plant protection measures were information source utilisation, extension contact and market orientation. The important constraints perceived by the farmers were inadequacy of capital, high labour charge, low price for output, high prop cost, high cost of plant protection chemicals and fertlizers, inadequate market facilities, non-availability of equipment for plant protection, poor transport facilities, lack of knowledge about technology and uneconomic holding size. The results point out vivid ly to the prime need for strengthening the extension education efforts of the field functionaries to reduce the technological gap with respect to the cultivation of Banana Nendran variety in the District.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Constraints in the utilization of developmental schemes by the cardamom growers of Kerala
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1989) Kunchu, V; KAU; Kaleel, F M H
    A study was conducted in Idukki district of Kerala with the following objectives. 1. Awareness about the developmental schemes by the cardamom growers of Kerala. 2. Attitude of the cardamom growers towards 3. Extent of utilization of developmental schemes by the cardamom growers. 4. Constraints in the utilization of developmental schemes by the cardamom growers of Kerala One hundred and fifty cardamom growers were selected by using simple random sampling procedure.The study illumined that the majority of cardamom farmers had medium level of awareness towards the developmental schemes In the case of attitude of farmers towards the developmental schemes majority of the respondents were having medium level of attitude. Regarding the extent of utilization of developmental schemes 60.00 per cent of the respondents were under the medium level of utilization of developmental schemes
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Impact of development programmes in promoting pepper production in Kerala
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1989) Sajeev, Chandran A; KAU; Prakash, R
    To assess the impact of various development programmes in promoting pepper production, a study was carried out in Cannanore, Payyannore and Tellichery sub-divisions of Cannanore district in Kerala. The impact was studied, by finding out the level of awareness, attitude towards the extent of adoption under the pepper development programmes. The relationship between and among the selected dependent and independent variables was studied. The constraints in the adoption of various recommended practices for increasing pepper production as perceived by the farmers were also identified.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Sequential analysis of constraints in increasing production of rice and coconut in Kerala
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1989) Prakash, R; KAU; Thyagarajan Nair, G
    The study aimed at identifying the production constraints of rice and coconut and measuring the validity of identified constraints in selected production centres.The solutions to the identified constraints were also collected and their feasibility rated in order to formulate appropriate development strategies for increasing production of rice and coconut in Kerala. The study was conducted in all the NARP regions of the State, namely, Southern, Central, Northern, High Range and Problem Regions. The respondents of the study comprised of 160 farmers each for the identification and validation of constraints and 100 Research Workers, 100 Extension Workers and 57 Input Agencies for the indentification of constraints. To identify the production constraints of rice and coconut, Delphi technique – the methodology for elicitation of expert opinion – was used. Date from the farmers were collected using pre-tested structured interview schedules. Conversion of lands, drought and lack of irrigation were the major production constraints of rice ranked according to their importance in the Southern Region while nonavailability of FYM, low profitability and high cost of production were the constraints ranked high in the Central Region. High difficulty in cultivation, nonavailability of FYM and fragmentation were the production constraints of rice ranked high in the Northern Region. High wage rate of agricultural labour, indebtedness and high cost of production ranked high in the High Range Region. In the Problem Region, floods, low profitability and high cost of FYM were the high ranked production constraints of rice.In the case of coconut, lack of irrigation, drought and high wage rte of agricultural labour were the high ranking production constraints in the southern Region while low adoption of chemical fertilizers, high cost of fertilizers and lack of irrigation ranked high in the Central Region. In the Northern Region, the high ranking constraints were low adoption of plant protection chemicals, high cost of fertilizers and low labour productivity whereas high cost of seedings, high cost of fertilizers and pests and disease incidence ranked high in the High Range Region. Root (Wilt) diseases, high wage rate of agricultural labour and high cost of plant protection chemicals were the high ranking production constraints of coconut in the Problem Region. In the Southern Region, the production constraints of rice, namely, low adoption of chemical fertilizers, lack of knowledge about chemical fertilizers, negative attitude towards plant protection chemicals, absentee landlordism, negative attitude towards HYV, low adoption of HYV and small farm size were found to be individually significant in predicting the yield of rice. Negative attitude towards HYV, low adoption of HYV, low labour productivity and lack of irrigation were individually found to be significant in predicting the yield of rife in the Central Region. In the Northern Region, the constraints namely, high cost of chemical fertilizers, low adoption of chemical fertilizers, indebtedness, lack of credit facilities and high incidence of pests and disease were found to be individually significant in predicting the yield of rice. Low adoption of HYV, incidence of pests and diseases, high cost of chemical fertilizers, low adoption of plant progection chemicals were found to be individually significant in prediction the yield of rice in the High Range Region. In the Problem Region, the constraints, namely, low adoption of plant protection chemicals, low adoption of chemical fertilizers, floods and incidence of pests and diseases were found to be significant in predicting the yield. The production constraints of coconut individually significant in predicting the yield in the Southern Region were low adoption of chemical fertilizers, drought and lack of irrigation. In the Central Region, lack of irrigation, lack of knowledge about plant protection chemicals, low adoption of chemical fertilizers and incidence of pests and diseases were found to be individually significant in predicting the yield of coconut. In the High Range Region the constraints namely nonavailability of quality seedings, small farm size, incidence of pests and diseases were individually significant in predicting the yield while low adoption of chemical fertilizers, incidence of pests and diseases and incidence of root (wilt) disease were significant production constraints in the Problem Region. Evolving varieties suited to different agro-climatic regions, promoting group farming, popularising cultivation of green manure seeds, providing fertilizer subsidy, providing crop insurance, fixing support price for paddy were found to be the most feasible steps to be taken for increasing production of rice in Kerala. Adoption of moisture conservation practices, decentralised nursery for coconut, supply of seedlings through Krishibhavans, large scale production of hybrid coconut, scientific replanting and underplanting programme and subsidising chemical fertilizers are the steps to be undertaken to increase the production of coconut in the State. Based on the results of the study, certain important implications have been spelt out.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Job satisfaction of agricultural graduates engaged in selected avenues of employment in Alleppey District
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1989) Kalavathi, S; KAU; Tampi, A M
    The study was conducted in Alleppey District with a sample of 110 Agricultural graduates working in three avenues of employment viz., Department of Agriculture (60 respondents), Banks (30 respondents) and Agricultural University (30 respondents). The data were collected through interviews with the respondents. The data were analysed by applying percentage analysis, simple correlation, path analysis, Chi-square test, kruskal-wallis test and Friedman’s test. The results indicated that the agricultural graduates working in banks felt higher satisfaction on their job, followed by the agricultural graduates in the University and Department of Agriculture respectively in their order of satisfaction. Their personal factors (age, sex and the like) contributed very little to job satisfaction, whereas the job- related factors (Job Motivation, Job attitude and the like) were having significant contribution to job satisfaction. Job motivation expressed maximum direct as well as indirect effects within the three avenues of employment. Most negatively contributing factor was job esteem. Half of the agricultural graduates working in the three avenues of employment viz., Department of Agriculture, Banks and Kerala Agricultural University both perceived and performed their duties on the job at a higher order. The personal in the Banks and Agricultural University evidenced significant difference in the levels of their perception and performance in the areas of their job, namely, planning, Execution, Financing. Administration and supervision, Monitoring and Evaluation and Technical duties. Planning with Monitoring and Evaluation was considered most by the banking personnel. The Agricultural University personnel evidenced significant importance in Planning, Execution and supervisory process within their job. Departmental personnel perceived and performed all the areas of job duties on par. The results also indicated a positive relationship between job perception, job performance and job satisfaction amongst the agricultural graduates in all the three avenues of employment.