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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Technology assessment of plant protection practices of economically dominant crops in homegardens
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2015) Sujitha, P S; KAU; Seema, B
    The study entitled “Technology assessment of plant protection practices of economically dominant crops in homegardens’' conducted in the Thiruvanathapuram district of Kerala state covering 100 homegardens having an area more than 25 cents were selected from five Agroecological units (AEU) viz.. Southern coastal plains, Southern central laterites, Southern high hills, Southern central foothills and Southern laterites. Twenty operational homegardens from each of the five panchayats belonging to the selected AEUs were chosen making the total sample size to 100 respondents. Delineation of economically dominant crops in homegardens, levels of adoption of selected KALJ plant protection practices, technology need assessment, constraints in adoption of plant protection practices and suggestions as perceived by the farmers were the major objectives of the study. The independent variables selected through judges rating were age, education, occupation, effective homegarden area, family size, farming experience, information source utilization, rational orientation, extension participation, knowledge, evaluative perception on sustainability of plant protection practices and economic motivation. The independent variable selected was adoption of selected KAU plant protection practices. The economically dominant crops identified were coconut, banana, tapioca, pepper, vegetables, yams and colacasia and arecanut respectively in the homegardens. The overall level of adoption of selected plant protection practices showed that majority (70%) of the respondents had medium level of adoption followed by 16% having high level and 14% low level of adoption. The adopter category curve delineated for the overall adoption showed that 45% of the respondents fell under early majority followed late majority (21%), laggards (16%), early adopters (14%), with no innovators. Differences in adopter categories were observed for different crops. Age, information source utilization and extension participation were found to have significant positive relationship with the dependent variable adoption of selected plant protection practices of KAU. In coconut, banana, tapioca and arecanut ease in operation was perceived as the most preferred plant protection criteria in homegardens. The result showed that 45% of the farmers found the preferred KAU plant protection practices to be useful however only 40% of the respondents felt it effective. Of the 17 ITK plant protection practices, four were specific to vegetables and banana each. Two were specific to plant protection of coconut and six of general practices. Major constraints identified were, plant protection chemicals not effective in their recommended dosage, followed by climatic influence on pest and incidence and non availability of plant protection chemicals. Suggested refinement in plant protection technology as perceived by the homegarden farmers were in generating of ecofriendly and organic plant protection measures that are suitable for homegardens followed by timely availability of plant protection inputs and generation of more pest and disease resistant varieties.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Impact of the rice variety,Uma (Mo16) on farmers
    (Department of Agricultural Extension College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2015) Neshva; KAU; Sakeer, Husain
    Rice is the staple food of the people of Kerala, and traditionally, the cultivation of rice has occupied pride of place in the agrarian economy of the state. Palakkad and Alappuzha are the two major rice-producing districts of Kerala. About 600 varieties of rice were grown in the sprawling paddy fields of Kerala. One of the most popular rice varieties of Kerala is Uma (Mo.16) developed by the Rice Research Station, Moncompu of Kerala Agricultural University and it occupies more than 60 percent of the paddy cultivation area in Kuttanad region. The study intended to analyse the attributes of the rice variety, Uma (Mo16) vis-a-vis other rice varieties as perceived by farmers and to assess the socio economic impact of Uma on rice cultivating farmers. The study was confined to Kuttanad tract of Alappuzha. An ex-post facto research design was adopted for the study. Five padasekharams were selected through simple random sampling method, and from each padasekharam, 20 farmers cultivating the rice variety, Uma were selected, thus constituting a sample size of 100. A pretested structured interview schedule and PRA techniques were employed for data collection. The results revealed that tolerance to pests and diseases was ranked first with an index of 94.60 followed by non-lodging nature of plant (92.60), non-shattering nature of panicle (86.70), amenability to mechanisation (75.40), millers’ preference (49.60) and cooking quality (42.00). Varietal comparison of other rice varieties prevalent in Kuttanad area with ‘Uma’ using PRA technique revealed that ‘Uma’ was perceived as the superior variety with a score of 520.42 followed by Jyothi (443.95) and Prathyasa (418.72). Results of SWOC analysis done using PRA techniques, revealed that among the strengths, ‘high yield’ ranked first with an index of 98.80 followed by ‘tolerance against pest and disease incidence’ (96.00), ‘high grain weight’ (91.00), ‘high tillering capacity’ (89.00) and ‘high seed dormancy’ (85.2). However, low cooking quality (96.10) and less preference of the rice variety by millers (94.2) were emerged as the major weaknesses. It was, also found that all the respondents were continuously cultivating ‘Uma’ without any varietal shift. Majority (56 per cent) of the farmers had been continuously cultivating the rice variety, Uma for the past 15-17 years. With regard to the social impact on farmers, it was revealed that social participation has improved significantly. Similarly, information seeking behaviour has also increased positively, where as labour use has decreased significantly. However, there was no significant change in the communication behaviour of farmers. As regards economic impact, ‘annual income’, ‘family expenditure’, ‘savings’ and ‘asset creation’ of farmers have increased significantly after cultivation of the rice variety, Uma as compared to pre-Uma period. Indebtedness of farmers was also found to have decreased. Thus, the rice variety Uma could make a very promising impact on the socio- economic variables of farmers. Regarding comparative income advantage of Uma, it was found that this variety had an income advantage of Rs.38000/- per ha over the variety, Jyothi and Rs.95000/- per ha over local varieties. Thus, for a single puncha season, Uma had given an additional income of Rs.104.30 crores as compared to Jyothi and Rs.260.75 crores as compared to local varieties, in Kuttanad tract of Alappuzha alone. With regard to constraints faced by Kuttanad farmers, ‘non-availability of labour’ was ranked first with an index of 98.60 followed by ‘high cost of inputs’ like fertilizers and pesticides (89.60), ‘vagaries of weather and climatic conditions’ (81.20) and ‘non fixing of floor price on time’ (70.80
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Tools and services for m-extension: problems and prospects
    (Department of Agricultural extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2016) Nagam Kusuma, Kumari; KAU; Sakeer Husain, A
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has now become an integral part of the development process. Mobile phones added speed to the ICT revolution by converging the services to create, store, access and share information anytime and anywhere making them all-in-one magical device. It has become such an integral part of everyday life that it estimated 7 billion subscriptions (International Telecommunication Union, 2016) i.e. 95 per cent of the world’s population. Rapid growth of mobile telephony and the development of mobile phone applications offer services to users that extend well beyond voice and text communications, which can effectively be utilized by the extension personnel for information dissemination and transfer of technology. Utilizing such new applications and services on mobile phones helps the extension personnel for speedy, accurate and timely supply of information to the farmers in various aspects related to agriculture and allied sectors. The present study attempted to analyse the awareness, extent of knowledge, extent of utilization and satisfaction of extension personnel on m-tools. It also explored the constraints perceived by the agricultural extension personnel in using m-tools and formulated strategies for effective m-extension in Kerala. The study was conducted among 150 agricultural extension personnel selected randomly from five districts; which were selected from five agro-climatic zones of Kerala. Data were collected by using pre tested-structured interview schedule. Contemporary mobile apps in agriculture suited to Indian conditions were identified based on ratings, and after downloading them, they were analysed for its contents on the specific information provided by them. Accordingly they were catalogued. The personal profile of the agricultural extension personnel revealed that 53.3 per cent were under middle age category ranging from 35-45 years. It was found that a greater proportion (63.3%) of the respondents were female. With regards to their educational status, more than half (56%) of them possessed a degree as their basic education whereas with reference to agricultural education, 32 per cent had done a certificate course in agriculture followed by 31.3 per cent with B.Sc. (Ag/Horti) graduation. Exactly 31.4 per cent of them had more than 15 years of experience as extension personnel in the State Department of Agriculture. In case of adopting new technologies majority (40%) of the extension personnel were found as imitators, which revealed that they preferred to take their own time to adopt new technologies. Majority of the extension personnel showed medium level of attitude towards m-tools (77.4%) and medium level of occupational commitment (71.3%). The ICT profile of the extension personnel revealed that 64.7 per cent of them had not attended any e-literacy training programmes whereas cent per cent had not attended mliteracy trainings. Mobile phone was the most frequently used gadget as it was owned by cent per cent of the extension personnel. Internet connectivity was good and sufficient for accessing various m-tools which secured a mean score of 3.54. Most (84%) of the extension personnel were aware of Kisan Call Centre when compared to other m-tools. In case of extent of utilisation, most of the respondents were not making use of m-tools but those who were making use of them showed a good satisfaction level. Among the constraints perceived by the extension personnel in using m-tools, unavailability of user friendly m-apps in Malayalam language was identified as the major constraint followed by non-availability of mobile phone networks in rural areas, lack of exposure to m-education among extension personnel, low level of e-readiness by the extension personnel/organizations and so on. Majority (82%) of the extension personnel opined that m-apps were necessary for effective extension work and the information required by them through m-tools comprised of information on pest and disease identification and control measures, location specific weather and marketing aspects, availability of quality inputs and so on. In order to facilitate effective m-extension in Kerala, there is urgent necessity for organising e-literacy and m-literacy training programmes. Similarly there is a need to modify the G.O. No. 14409/R2/2011/P& ARD which stated a restriction on the use of mobile phone in work place. Mobile voice messages to language minorities focus on developing user friendly apps in Malayalam, providing official smart phones to extension personnel, exposure of extension personnel on m-education and policy level decisions to make the agricultural extension organisations e-ready are some of the strategies to be considered for effective mextension in Kerala.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effectiveness of instructor controlled interactive video (ICIV) in dissemination if farm technology
    (Department of Agricultural extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2000) Radhakrishnan, D; KAU; Ranjan Karippai, S
    The study was aimed at bringing out the effectiveness of Instructor Controlled Interactive Video (ICIV) in popularising agricultural technologies among the farming community. The impact of the different treatments of ICIV with different video formats was also experimented. The study was conducted among 150 vegetable growers from Nadathara grama panchayath of Thrissur district. The respondents were farm women cultivating vegetables. IPM in vegetables was chosen as the message to be disseminated. The dependent variables of the study were knowledge gain and symbolic adoption of IPM practices in vegetables. The set of 11 independent variables chosen covered the psychological and situational factors of the respondents. The distribution of. respondents based on knowledge gain and symbolic adoption showed that majority of respondents were in high category after participating in ICIV. Out of 11 independent variables studied six variables were correlated significantly with knowledge gain. Five variables showed non significant relationship. Multiple regression analysis showed that 62 per cent variation in knowledge gain was contributed by the independent variables. Correlation analysis of independent variables with symbolic adoption showed that five independent variables had a positively significant relationship with symbolic adoption. One variable was negatively significant with symbolic adoption. Remaining five varied showed non significant relationship. Multiple regression analysis concluded that 59.2 per cent variation in symbolic adoption was brought about by related independent variables as a whole. The significant 'F' value indicated that all the treatments were effective in terms of knowledge gain and symbolic adoption. Students 't' test was carried out to compare the treatments. ICIV with 'Feature' mode of video presentation and ICIV with 'Skill demonstration' mode of video presentation were the most effective modes in maximising knowledge gain and symbolic adoption.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Techno- socio- economic assessment of farmers practices in the cultivation of cowpea in Thiruvanathapuram district
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2000) Manjjusha, A R; KAU; Shilaja, S
    The study aimed at assessing the socio-economic and technical aspects of the farmers' prac- tices in the cultivation of cowpea as perceived by the researchers, extension personnel and the farmers. The study was conducted in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala State. On the basis of dis- cussion with experts, researchers, extension personnel and people's representatives in the district, Kalliyoor panchayat was selected as the locale of the study which is the prominent vegetable cultivat- ing area in the district. Two sets of respondents were selected for the study. Forty practising farmers cultivating cow pea was included as the respondents of the first category. Fifty extension officials and agricultural scientists working with sufficient experience in extension or research related to the culti- vation of cowpea was selected as the second category of respondents. The dependent variables of the study were knowledge of farmers about the recommended practices and extent of adoption of farmers' practices. These dependent variables were quantified us- ing measurement devices developed for the study. Fifteen independent variables were selected for the study which included age, education, main occupation, farming experience, annual income, area under cowpea, exposure to information sources, irrigation index, social participation, extension orientation, economic motivation, innovativeness, cosmopoliteness, credit orientation, risk orientation, participation in PTD and perception about PTD. All these independent variables were quantified with the help of available measurement procedures. For assessing scientifically the socio-economic and technical aspects of the farmers' practices identi- fied, matrix ranking was adopted. The data were collected using both non-participant observation technique and a pre-tested structured interview schedule prepared for the purpose. Different statistical tools like mean, percentage analysis, correlation analysis, multiple linear regression analysis and step- ) wise regression analysis were used to analyse the data. I'" The study revealed 57 farmers' practices in the cultivation of cowpea. The practices 'applica- tion of neemcake, groundnut cake and bonemeal twenty days after sowing', 'spraying neemoil ernul- sion against American Serpentine Leaf Miner' and 'ploughing the land after adding lime' registered the highest techno-socio-economic indices. The practices 'drying of pods for four to six days', 'application of neem cake, groundnut cake and bonemeal twenty days after sowing' and 'basal application of cattle -;- manure or poultry manure' were considered by the farmers as most efficient. But researchers and extension personnel considered the practices 'basal application of cattle manure or poultry manure', 'drying of pods for four to six days' and 'application of poultry manure ten days after sowing' as most efficient. About 48 per cent of farmers belonged to the low knowledge category and 40 per cent possessed high knowledge about the selected recommended practices. 'Sowing after first week of June is the most suitable time', 'ploughing the land thoroughly two to three times to remove weeds and stubbles' and 'hoeing at the time of application of second dose of nitrogen' were the most known practices to cent per- cent of the farmers selected for the study purpose. About 53 per cent of the farmers belonged to the low adoption category and 38 per cent of the farmers were in the high category with respect to adoption of efficient farmers' practices. 'Drying of pods for four to six days' was the practice adopted by majority of the farmers in this area. Twelve practices out of eighteen were adopted by more than 50 per cent of the farmers. With regard to relationship of knowledge with selected independent variables, variables viz., education, annual income, exposure to information sources, so- cial participation, extension orientation, cosmopoliteness and risk orientation were found to have sig- nificant and positve relationship with knowledge of recommended practices. Extent of adopion of efficient farmers' practices was related positively and significantly with five independent variables viz., education, exposure to information sources, social participation, extension orientation and knowl- edge about recommended practices. The results of multiple regression analysis revealed that about 71 per cent of the variation in knowledge and 61.77 per cent of the variation in extent of adoption were explained by the selected independent variables. Step-wise regression analysis revealed that of the 71 per cent of the variation in knowledge, 47 per cent was contributed by exposure to information sources alone, about 6.0 per cent by the variable age and remaining by all the other independent variables. Incidence of pests and diseases, labout scarcity and uneven production were the major production constraints experienced by majority of the respondents and high labour charges, high cost of material inputs and price fluctuation of the produce were the major economic constraints.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Rationalisation of indigenous technical knowledge on pest management in the farm production systems of Palakkad District
    (Department of Agricultural extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 2003) Swapna, T R; KAU; Ahamed, P
    The study on "Rationalisation of Indigenous Technical Knowledge on pest m.anagement in the farm production systems of Palakkad district" was conducted with the over-riding objective of compiling. and cataloguing the Indigenous Technical Knowledge (ITK) including contemporary farmers' innovations in pest management in the major production systems, and analysing the evaluative perception and rationality of ITK items. The respondents of the study comprised of 150 farmers, 84 extensionists (including agricultural and veterinary departments) and 60 scientists, from agricultural and veterinary faculties. The study was conducted as a phased programme. The analysis of data elicited through Key Informant Workshops (KIW's) and Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) sessions were subjected to various statistical analyses. The results of the study confirmed that farmers have rich knowledge on pest management developed by their ancestors and peers. The results established that the farmers did not perceive all the traditional practices as good or sound. They defended their opinions based on multi- faceted technology evaluation attributes and field realities. The ITK's screened through KIW's when subjected to the researchers and extensionists showed high difference of opinion, though some sort of similarity was also observed, when the ITK attributes were considered separately. On combined effect of perceived effect and scientific rationality of ITK items, similarity of opinion was observed in high potential and low potential ITK's as perceived by researchers and extensionists. The ITK's screened through Key Informant Workshops, when subjected to the researchers and extensionists, received differential perceptions in many cases and agreement on others. Besides these, there existed high correlation and significant relationship between the perceived effect and scientific rationality of each ITK as perceived by researchers and extensionists. Hence it could be concluded that majority of the ITK items with high perceived effect were perceived to have high scientific rationality also, though a few showed no relation at all. This indicated that perceived effect of an ITK is highly influenced by its scientific rationality and vice versa. While analysing the combined response of researchers and extensionists on the perceived effect and scientific rationality of ITK items, separately, majority of the items seemed to be non significant. This shows that both researchers and extensionists differed greatly in the perception of an ITK on its perceived utility. It could be further narrowed down that the attitude and viewpoints of researchers were different from the extensionists. The critical examination of the data analysed proved that there existed some sort of agreement in response pattern given by the farmers, researchers and extensionists. There were some ITK's which showed similarity in the response of high ranking and low ranking ones as given by all the three-respondents. At the same time a few ITK's clearly discriminated the perception of researchers and extensionists. This means that there were a few ITK's that discriminated the researchers and extensionists widely and a few others which exhibited agreement. Results of the study indicated the need for indepth assessment and validation of ITK's at laboratory and field levels through multidisciplinary approach, other than mere documentation and romanticization of all traditional knowledge without reasoning. While doing so, all the dimensions related to each specific technology must be worked out.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Micro credit and technology utilisation in vegetable production by self help groups in Thiruvananthapuram district
    (Department Of Agricultural Extension, College Of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2003) Priya Devi, S; KAU; Bhaskaran, C
    Kerala is depending upon other states for meeting its vegetable requirements though the soil types and climate are suitable for large scale and commercial cultivation. To meet the resource crunch among farmers a supplementing rural credit system to the existing ones is needed. This research study was an enquiry into the reported increase in area of vegetable cultivation and financial viability due to micro credit provision among beneficiaries of Self Help Groups of Vegetable and Fruit Promotion Council Keralam (YFPCK), Thiruvananthapuram project area. The respondents were 30 experts and 120 beneficiaries from twelve SHGs of five Panchayats of Thiruvananthapuram district. The data were collected using pre-tested and structured interview schedule and questionnaire prepared for the purpose. Micro credit utilisation and technology adoption levels in vegetable production by Self Help Groups were analysed. Also micro credit need and gap were ascertained and constraints and suggestions listed down. Based on group dynamics indicators it was inferred that the SHGs were functioning at medium level. Further inadequacies and future prospects are needed to be managed effectively. The SHGs had> 70 per cent attendance level in meetings, one meeting was arranged per month and had homogenous membership. The loan amount availed was between Rs.40,000 to Rs.80,000 with uniform interest rate. Group savings of Rs.SOO to Rs.ISOO was reported. Usually < 8 books of account are kept which are maintained by a group member. Members of group had trainings conducted based on their felt needs facilitated by field officers. XS Majority of the beneficiaries were in the 'high' category in respect or all vital profile characteristics like experience, innovativeness, social participation. training and increase in income after joining group activity. This is Cl positive effect of group formation. Also regarding technology adoption rate group characteristics were significantly related and individual characters were not significant. The credit need and credit gap was Rs.238 per cent of land. Regarding market behaviour, field centres were preferred to market the produce, bicycle or autorickshaws were mostly used for transport of produce. It was seen that 67 per cent of respondents got their money as ready cash at the time of sales and 80 per cent were satisfied with marketing support provided. Export potential must be more facilitated. Total cost of cultivation for one cent of panthal crop was reported as RS.S38 per cent. The credit utilisation was complete. All the respondents had repaid completely the loan amount and hence repayment was complete. Constraints faced in rmcro credit servicmg were absence of subsidy, indebtedness of beneficiaries and formal book keeping difficulties. The short term nature, allotment season and meeting time were reported as less relevant constraints. Constraints faced in timely repayment of micro credit were high labour cost, market glut leading to low cost of produce and wilful defaulters. Political influence was not rated as major constraint. Interest rates were low and overdues were not expected to be written off by beneficiaries. Perception of experts was high about regular field visits by experts, experience sharing and compulsion by group pressure in repayment and utilisation of loan amount. Also monitoring and recording of adopted technologies which were not perceived as risky was enabled by micro credit. Perception of beneficiaries about micro credit was high with respect to benefit of more renewal chances, easy repayment installments, absence of collateral security, reduction in cost of borrowing and ensuring participatory approach. Also reduction in time spent, making farming profitable, experts visiting fields, convenient interest levels and satisfactory amount supplied was enabled by micro credit. Suggestions of beneficiaries and experts for improving micro credit supply relates to role of banks, government support and sustained group action. In the case of defaulters, bank intervention must be more easily and strict to avoid possible revenue recovery and smooth group functioning. Regarding improvement in repayment and sustained group action, more incentives must be provided. Government support in the form of subsidy, insurance and reduction in lease amount are needed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Entrepreurial behaviour of coconut oil-based unit owners
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture,Vellayani, 2007) Gurubalan, M; KAU; Seema, B
    The study entitled “ Entrepreneurial behaviour of coconut oil based units owners” was undertaken with an objective to analyse the entrepreneurial behaviour of coconut oil based units, their profile characteristics and economic dimensions of enterprise. It was also aimed to identify the constraints as perceived by the entrepreneur so as to provide valuable suggestions for the development of the enterprise. The study was conducted in Pallichal, Pulimath, Parasala block Panchayats in Thiruvananthapuram district. A sample of 25 copra units and 10 coconut oil mills from each Panchayat were selected at random thus making a total of 105 respondents. The data collected were statistically analyzed using arithmetic mean, percentage and simple correlation. The study revealed that majority of the respondents from both categories had medium to high level of entrepreneurial behaviour. Relationship of the profile characteristics with entrepreneurial behaviour showed that in the case of copra unit owners, variables namely education, annual income, mass media exposure, attitude towards self employment, economic motivation and knowledge about value added products were positively and significantly correlated. In case of coconut oil mill owners, education, mass media exposure, level of aspiration, attitude towards self employment, economic motivation, self reliance and knowledge about value added products had positively significant correlation with the entrepreneurial behaviour. Economic analysis of enterprises showed that profitability and sound economic position in both the categories of respondents. Shortage of raw materials, instability of prices, high labour charges, and lack of infrastructure facilities were considered to be major hindrances encountered by copra unit owners. Whereas in coconut oil mill owners, shortage of raw materials, instability of prices, competition from low priced oils and lack of organized marketing were perceived as major constraints. Current information on prices coupled with ware housing facilities. Market literacy programme, vertical integration of coconut oil based units and initiation of new processing technologies were the major suggestions for the development of coconut oil based industry.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Forecasting technical manpower needs in agriculture in Kerala
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 2004) Suja, S L; KAU; Sherief, A K
    The study entitled "Forecasting technical manpower needs in agriculture in Kerala" was undertaken to forecast the technical manpower demand and supply in agriculture for a decade in Kerala. It was also aimed to study the characteristics of the existing employment pattern of technical manpower. Its aim also included to identify the constraints faced by the technical manpower in getting gainful employment in agriculture. The study was conducted in identified organizations in Kerala state. A sample of 150 agriculture graduates who were working in different sectors of agricultural development in the state were selected for studying the characteristics of existing employment pattern in the state. The study developed after having discussion with the officials and subject matter specialists. Well structured and pre-tested interview schedule was used for data collection. For forecasting the technical manpower demand in the next decade, data regarding the employment pattern during the last five years and at present were collected from the government sector, industrial and corporate sector, research and academic sector, banking sector, non- governmental organizations and others. Then the trend of variation in the employment pattern was analysed. Based on this trend future technical manpower requirement in different sectors was worked out by regression analysis, For technical manpower supply forecasting agricultural students enrolled in Kerala Agricultural University from 1995 - 2002 were collected. In this study based on the data it \\';\'S assumed that 25 per cent of the students were coming from outside Kerala. The study revealed that most of the respondents were working in identified organizations whose functional area IS' research and development. Most of the respondents were postgraduates and they receive monthly salary for the service or work rendered by them in the identified organizations. The study revealed that in the government sector there will be a decrease in the demand for the technical manpower in the next decade even though number of vacancies will rise due to retirement of the employees. The factors affecting future technical manpower demand in the identified organizations were emerging technological development, impact of GATT and WTO agreement and government policies related to agriculture, industry and economy, competition between different enterprises in the agricultural field, opening new areas of employment, higher salary expectation of employees and improved mechanisms for rural credit. As per the study the estimated annual outturn of agricultural graduates from 2004 to 2010 will be 177. As per the study the technical manpower demand - supply gap analysis revealed that the present level of potential unemployment in the state is about 53.33 per ce~t. The cumulative potential unemployment is 313. Among the constraints listed out, narrow focus on unemployment mismatching of education with jobs, delay in updating the curriculum and lack of adequate practical exposure in starting and running enterprises were considered to be the major constraints felt by the agricultural graduates in getting gainful employment in agriculture.