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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Promotional strategy for integrated pest management in rice in Thrissur district an experimental study
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 1999) Deepa, C B; KAU; Ranjan Karippai, S
    The study was aimed at popularising the Integrated Pest management practices among the rice growers of Thrissur district and to formulate a strategy to facilitate the idea using the best combination of extension method and audio visual aids. The effectiveness of different treatments in terms of gaining knowledge, attitude and symbolic adoption were arrived at. The study was conducted among 120 rice growers of Pananchery Grama Panchayat of Thrissur district. The respondents were divided into groups of 30 each The dependent variables of the study were the knowledge about IPM in rice, attitude towards IPM practices and symbolic adoption. The independent variables included the personal, socioeconomic and psychological characteristics of the farmers. The distribution of respondents based on dependent variables showed that majority of the respondents where in high category regarding knowledge and in low category regarding attitude and symbolic adoption regarding IPM rice. Out of 18 independent variable studied 11 of them were significantly and positively correlated with knowledge. Seven variables showed non significant relation. Multiple regression analysis showed 65% variation with the variables related to knowledge. Correlation analysis of attitude showed a significant and positive relation with 14 variables out of 18 variables studied. The most important being scientific orientation, progressiveness, extension participation, cosmopolitness, information seeking behavior, management orientation, status of pest in field and competitiveness. Multiple regression analysis results showed a significant R- square value of 0.648 which explained 65% of the variation. The most important variables status of pests, progressiveness Correlation analysis of symbolic adoption revealed that out of 18 variables studied 14 were positively correlated with symbolic adoption. The most important variables being scientific orientation, achievement motivation, economic motivation, extension participation, extension orientation, cosmopolitness and information seeking behavior. The multiple linear regression analysis showed that 76% of the variation was explained by the selected independent variables. The variables like economic motivation, management orientation, status of pest in field and training in IPM were positively significant. Student's t- test was carried out to compare the changing knowledge, attitude and symbolic adoption of farmers after being exposed to different treatments. Significant changes were noticed after each treatment. Maximum changes were observed after T 3. ie lecture+ slide show + discussion. The major constraint observed by the farmers was the lack of expert guidance regarding IPM practices.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Gaps In The Adoption Of Plant Protection Practices By Commercial Vegetables growers Of Thrissur District
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 1998) Manoj, M; KAU; Joy Mathew
    It is commonly observed that there is a wide gap between the technology generated in research stations and its actual use by the clientale. It is with this view in mind that the present study was undertaken to identify the gaps in the adoption of plant protection practices by commercial vegetable growers in Thrissur District. The relationship between personal, situational and psychological characteristics of commercial vegetable farmers and their adoption was also studied. The constraints in the adoption process were also subjected to analysis. The study was conducted in Thrissur district. The sample consisted of 150 farmers from the three selected panchayats for the study. Data were collected using pretested and well structured interview schedule and suitable statistical techniques were employed in the analysis of the data. A prime aspect observed during the course of this study was the non- availability of simple and more compatible plant protection technology thus forcing the farmers to accept the failures of applying complex plant protection technology. Lack of adequate and effective linkage between various extension o agencies and research institutions in transfer of technology has led to the confinement of the improved plant protection technology within the research institutions. This has resulted in the non-availability of many an improved technology to the farmers thereby resulted in an unwaranted gap in the adoption of improved plant protection practices by commercial vegetable farmers. The results of multiple regression analysis indicated that cosmopoliteness, information source utilisation and scientific orientation as the important variables tDJ explaining maximum variation in the extent of adoption and level of knowledge about improved plant protection practices by commercial vegetable farmers. The important constraints perceived by the farmers were increased cost of plant protection chemicals, difficulty in preparation/application of pp chemicals, difficulty in the selection of alternate chemicals, inadequacy of capital, non- availability of labour and lack of knowledge about technology. The results point vividly to the prime need for strengthening the extension education efforts of the field functionaries to reduce the gap with respect to the adoption of improved plant protection practices by commercial vegetable farmers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Endangered skills in the farming systems of Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur District
    (Department of Agricultural extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1999) Sulaja, O R; KAU; Geethakutty, P R
    A research study was conducted to identify and analyse the endangered skills in the farming systems of Mukundapuram Taluk, Thrissur District. The study also aimed at analysing the relationship of participation of farm youth in farming and their acquisition of indigenous skills with their behavioural characteristics. The factors associated with the endangered conditions of farm ski lis and the constraints in relation to the participation of farm youth in farming were analysed. The study was conducted in two phases - phase I and phase H. The sample selected for the study was of 100 farm youth which consisted of 50 each of young farmers and young farm labourers. The phase I of the study covered all the 27 panchayats of Mukundapuram Taluk, and the phase II was conducted in five selected panchayats of the Taluk. The research endeavour identified 73 indigenous farm skills of which 38 skills were endangered, 33 still popular and two extinct skills. The factors associated with the endangered conditions of farm skills were identified. The phase II revealed significant variaticn In the indigenous skill acquisition index (ISAI) of farmers. Majority (54%) of the farm youth were in the range of very Iow to Iow ISAI. Index of participation in farming (IPF) revealed that almost half of the farm youth had very low to Iow participation in farming. The physical participation of majority of young farmers were low to very Iow but they had high to moderately high participation as supervision, in farming. The young farm labourers had high to moderately high physical participation while they had low to very low supervision in farming. Statistical analysis revealed that 39.24 per cent of the variation in the participation of farm youth in farming was influenced by six variables namely self confidence, risk orientation, social participation, agricultural background, attitude towards self employment in agriculture and allied fields and econorrnc moti vation. About 19.7 per cent of variation in the acquisition of indigenous skill by farm youth was explained by five variables namely primary occupation, attitude towards self employment in agriculture and allied fields, self confidence, sense of responsibility in farming and farming experience. Among the constraints perceived by farm youth in relation to their participation in farming, risk and uncertainty involved, drudgery of labour and low profit from agriculture were perceived as important. These imply that farming should be viewed as an enterprise and strategies and programmes should be devised to inculcate the entrepreneurial skills in the farm youth. Concerted efforts for evolving appropriate, small machines and promotion of farm mechanisation are also needed in this context. Identification, documentation and utilisation of the extinct/endangered farm skills can form the starting point of such efforts of applied research.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dynamics of self help group formation a case study in Thrissur district
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture,Vellanikkara, 1999) Sherin, k J; KAU; Alexander, George
    A self help group (SHG) is a homogeneous gathering of usually not more than 20 persons who join on a voluntary basis in order to undertake some common activity through mutual thrust and mutual help. Sustainability of SHGs was conceptualized as the ultimate goal of the SHG formation process and thus the dependent variable. It was operationalized as the ability of an SHG to continue to meet regularly, resolve conflicts successfully, maintain a high degree of cohesiveness among its member without substantial external support, while still fulfilling the objectives for which it came into existence. Eighty one respondents from functional and non-functional SHGs promoted by non-government, government and quasi-government agencies in Thrissur district were interviewed and data subjected to non-parametric methods of statistical analysis. Stages in the formation process were identified and the primary motives for joining and remaining in SHGs delineated. Gender based difference in perception were observed. Comparison of SHGs promoted by non- government, government and quasi-government agencies was done and the sustainability index validated in that it was found to be significantly different for functional and non-functional SHGs. The association of member, group and change agent characteristics with the sustainability of SHGs was determined and a model for sustainable SHG formation proposed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Work environment in the krishi bhavans of Thrissur district
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1998) Meera, Nambiar; KAU; Kaleel, F M H
    The study was undertaken with the objective of analysing the work environment in the Krishi Bhavans in all the three subdivisions of Thrissur district and to find out the major components influencing work environment and in turn work efficiency. The respondents for the study included 60 Agricultural Officers, 106 Agricultural Assistants and 12 Assistant Directors of Agriculure of the State Department of Agriculture. Thirteen components of work environment were included for the study and their relative influences on work effectiveness were analysed. Majority of Agricultural officers perceived their work environment as moderately congenial, but in case of Agricultural Assistant majority was in the more congenial one. In case of work effectiveness 70 per cent of Krishi Bhavans belonged to the more effective group. Among the selected components of work environment clarity of task, managing problems, interpersonal trust, organisational belongingness, and span of control were found to be more significant and exhibited relatively higher influence in predicting the variation in the work effectiveness. The highest direct and indirect effect on work effectiveness was due to clarity of task and interpersonal trust respectively. Different constraints experienced by the officials affecting their performance were identified. Lack of communication of research findings was found to be the most important constraint. The study drew attention to the emergent need of effective measure to overcome the prevailing constraints in the work environment so as to enhance the work effectiveness.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Extension intervention for sustaining rice production
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1999) Syam Kumar, B G; KAU; Sobhana, G
    The present study 'EXTENSION INTERVENTION FOR SUSTAINING RICE PRODUCTION was undertook to study the extent of awareness and adoption of farmers regarding the selected recommended practices in rice cultivation, their attitude towards rice cultivation and to assess the impact of an extension intervention in the awareness, attitude and adoption levels and also on the yield and benefit -cost ratio of rice crop. For this study Neyyattinkara taluk ofThiruvananthapuram district was purposively selected. Forty farmers were selected using random sampling procedure from the selected padasekharam which was selected randomly. The data were collected using a well-structured interview schedule. The extension intervention was carried out in three stages viz., pre-sowing, pre-transplanting and post-transplanting extension intervention. The study revealed that majority of the farmers had low attitude towards rice cultivation and low adoption of the recommended practices. But majority possessed high awareness about the recommended practices. Regarding the personal characteristics majority had low social participation, extension orientation, innovativeness and risk orientation and high level of educational status, farming experience, cosmopoliteness, mass media participation, scientific orientation, economic motivation and self-confidence. Among the major hurdles inhibiting the adoption of the advocated practices lack of awareness stood first followed by high cost of inputs. The correlation analysis showed that the following variables viz., educational status, social participation, extension orientation, scientific orientation, innovativeness, risk orientation, cosmopoliteness, mass media participation, economic motivation and self-confidence were positively and significantly related to awareness and adoption of respondents with regard to selected recommended practices while age, occupational status, farming experience and annual income showed significant negative correlation with adoption. The variables age, occupational status, and furming experience were negatively correlated with awareness. As fur as attitude of farmers towards rice cultivation was concerned only the following variables namely, educational status, social participation, extension orientation, scientific orientation and self-confidence showed significant positive association. Among the selected recommended practices the following namely, varietal choice, seed rate, seed treatment, transplanting stage, planting depth, basal and top dress fertilizer dosages, urea-neem cake mixture application and pesticide dosage were fully adopted by more than 50 per cent of the respondents after the extension intervention. Maximum percentage increase in full adopters was seen with regard to urea-neern cake application followed by seed treatment and seed rate. Step-wise regression analysis showed that critical weed control followed by varietal choice, NPK fertilizer application, pesticide application, seed treatment and fungicideapplication showed significant contribution towards variation in the yield of paddy. As far as predictive efficiency of the variables was concerned varietal choice followed by seed treatment and critical weed control took the first three places. The results oft-test brought to light that the extension intervention could significantly bring about change in the extent of awareness of farmers about selected recommended practices in rice cultivation, extent of adoption of selected recommended practices in rice cultivation by farmers and yield of rice crop.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Burnout syndrome among agricultural officers in Kerala state
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1999) Anju Annie Cyriac; KAU; Kaleel, F M H
    The study was undertaken with the objective of analysing the extent of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and personal accomplishments of the Agricultural Officers of Kerala, in the context of their work environment and to suggest effecti ve measures for reducing their burnout feeling. The respondents for the study included 100 Agricultural Officers selected from three districts representing the Southern, Central and Northern zones of Kerala. Eleven personal and situational factors affecting burnout were included for the study and their relative influence on burnout were analysed. Majority of the Agricultural Officers perceived that they belong to 'very high' category of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishments. All the 11 independent variables selected, together accounted for 74.68 per cent variation in burnout syndrome of Agricultural Officers. Among the selected personal and situational factors affecting burnout, extent of external influence, clarity of task and self confidence were found to exhibit relatively higher influence in predicting the variation in burnout feeling of Agricultural Officers. The highest direct and indirect effect on burnout was due to job satisfaction and teamwork respectively. Suggestions to reduce the burnout syndrome as perceived by the Agricultural Officers were identified through the questionnaire. The most important suggestion identified was the need for adequate supporting staff in the Krishi Bhavan, for the effective functioning of the Agricultural Officers.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Techno-socio-economic assessment of farmers practices in the cultivation of bittergourd in Thiruvananthapuram district
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1999) Manjusha Jayapalan; KAU; Kumari Sushama, N P
    The study was carried out in Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala on the farmers' practices followed in bittergourd cultivation. The study aimed at identifying the farmers' practices, assessing the knowledge about recommended practices, extent of adoption offarmers' practices, techno-socio-economic aspects, efficiency and ecofriendliness of these practices and also constraints faced by farmers in bittergourd cultivation. The respondents consisted of 40 farmer respondents. selected from Kalliyoor panchayat of the district, 25 extension personnel and 25 research personnel working on bittergourd. The dependent variables for the study were, the knowledge about recommended practices and the extent of adoption of selected farmers' practices by farmers. The independent variables included the personal, socio-economic and psychological characteristics of farmers. In total, 40 farmers' practices were identified. Of which, the plant protection practices outnumbered the management practices. All the respondents were aware of most of the recommended practices in bittergourd cultivation. 'Soaking of seeds in water' , 'organic manuring'practices adopted by 100 per cent of the farmers. 'Education' was the single variable which showed a significant positive correlation with knowledge whereas, 'extension orientation' and 'participation in P. T.D.' were the two variables exhibiting a significant positive relationship with the extent of adoption of farmers' practices. The practices, 'burning of dry leaves and twigs', 'banana fruit trap' and green leaf manuring registered the highest techno-socio-economic indices. 'Banana fruit trap' , 'organic manuring' and 'soaking of seeds in water' were the most efficient practices as perceived by researchers, extension personnel and farmers. 'Soaking of seeds in water', 'burning of dry leaves and twigs' , 'spraying nattapoochedi leaf extract', 'oraganic manuring' and 'green leaf manuring' were the most ecofriendly practices as identified by the farmers. The most important production constraint experienced by the farmers was 'incidence of pests and diseases'. The common pests were fruit fly, epilachna beetle, pumpkin beetle and plant lice. Mosaic and leaf spot were the common diseases. 'High cost of material inputs' was the most important economic constraint.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Entrepreneurial behaviour of agri-business operators in Kerala
    (Department of Agricultural Extension, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1998) Senthil Vinayagam, S; KAU; Geethakutty, P S
    A study was conducted with the main objectives of developing index for measuring entrepreneurial behaviour and agri-business performance and identifying influence of behavioural and situational characteristics on entrepreneurial behaviour. The study was undertaken in Central NARP zone of Kerala, covering 240 agri-business operators. The agri-business operators were categorised into three groups viz., commercial farmers, on-farm and off-farm agri-business operators with 120, 60, 60 as sample size respectively. Entrepreneurial behaviour formed the dependent variable for the study. Agri-business performance was selected as criterion variable. Nineteen independent variables were selected in relation to the objectives based on review of literature and pilot study. Correlation analysis, principal component analysis and factor analysis were employed for data analysis and interpretation. Ten dimensions were identified and used to develop entrepreneurial behaviour index. Factor analysis revealed that innovation proneness, achievement motivation, risk orientation, economic motivation, management orientation and personal efficacy were the important dimensions to measure entrepreneurial behaviour which can be grouped into a single factor termed 'entrepreneurial behaviour efficiency' . Agri-business performance was measured usmg the indicators VIZ., capacity utilisation, hired labour, cost-benefit ratio, perceived profitability, labour relationship, extent of diversification and social contribution from enterprise. Majority of the respondents exhibited moderate to very high entrepreneurial behaviour, whereas they had high to very high agri-business performance. Comparison of the three categories of respondents revealed that there was no difference among them with respect to both entrepreneurial behaviour and agri-business performance. Age, age at entry, scientific orientation, vocational diversification, self confidence, self concept, orientation towards competition, rational orientation, self:' reliance and media utilisation emerged as most important variables in predicting the variation in entrepreneurial behaviour of agri-business operators. High rate of interest, seasonality of demand, high cost of raw material, scarcity of electric power, high labour cost, ineffective consultancy service provided by the government agencies were the major constraints perceived by agri-business operators in influencing the entrepreneurial behaviour. The study established the relationship between entrepreneurial behaviour and agri-business performance which brings out the need and importance for organising Entrepreneurship Development Programme for farmer entrepreneurs.