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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Bionomics of pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata rego barros (lepidoptera:arctiidae) and its interaction with the siam weed chromolaena odorata king and robinson (asteraceae)
    (Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1995) Lyla, K R; KAU; Abraham, C C
    Studies were undertaken on the biology, morphometrics, feeding habits, factors affecting fecundity and fertility of Pareuchaetes pseudoinsulata King and Robinson (Arctiidae : Lepidoptera) and also the plant response of the weed host Chromolaena odorata L. at the College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara during 1990 – 1993. The morphometrics and morphology of the various immature stages and adults have been described. The total life-cycle of P. pseudoinsulata took a total of 46.75 days and the various developmental stages lasted for 5.5 days in eggs, 21.30 days for larvae (seven instars) 1.5 days for pre-pupa and 10.15 days for pupae at a mean ambient temperature of 28.40 C. In feeding trials to assess the relative preference of tender, mature, semi yellow and yellow leaves of C. odorata, it was found that the I instar larvae showed district preference to tender leaves as compared to mature leaves. The I and II instar larvae did not feed on semi-yellow and yellow leaves and they died of starvation when these types of leaves were offered for feeding. Consumption indices decreased as the age of larvae advanced and thus early instars consuming all the types of leaves recorded high indices. The rate of increase in larval weight gain was higher in later instars (VI and VII). Caterpillars feeding on mature, semi-yellow and yellow leaves showed higher Relative Growth Rate during IV to V stage, but during I to II stage, a high RGR was seen on larvae which fed tender leaves. Yellow. leaf diet for late instar larvae adversely affected their development and adult emergence. Highest fecundity was recorded when the parental sex-ratio of moths was kept at 1:1 level followed by 1:2 ratio and 2:1 in that order. Egg production and viability were significantly higher at 250 C and 75 per cent RH as compared to 300 C and 60 per cent RH. Adult food did not show any influence on fecundity but in respect of improvement of egg viability the treatments were advantageous. Total nitrogen content in leaves was maximum on the sixth day of release of four larvae per cage. Leaf nitrogen showed a declining trend when the larval load per plant was increased from the eighth day of release onwards. Soluble nitrogen content in leaves showed an increasing trend with increase in larval load per plant, but this however failed to reach significant levels. Chlorophyll content in leaves got reduced significantly at increased larval population loads and with passage of time of confinement. The natural enemies of P. pseudoinsulata consisted of avian fauna, spiders and ants and parasitoids. Predatory species of ants recorded in association with the insect included Lioponera sp. Oecophylla smaragdina Fabr. Solenopsis sp.and Monomorium sp. Occasionally NPV infection occurred in the laboratory as well as in field cultures causing substantial mortality. The implications of the various findings in reorienting the biocontrol strategies involving P. pseudoinsulata against C. odorata have been discussed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Distribution and bio-ecology of phytophagous mites of vegetables,medicinal plants and ornamentals in Thiruvananthapuram District
    (Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1996) Sudharma, K; KAU; Madhavan Nair, G
    A detailed survey on phytophagous mites and their predators associated with vegetables, medicinal plants and ornamentals was conducted for the first time in Thiruvananthapuram District, Kerala during premonsoon, monsoon seasons of 1992 and 1993. The centres selected for the survey were the college of Agriculture, Vellayani; Ayurvedic research Centre, poojappura; University Centre, Kariavattom; Tropical Botanical Garden and Reserch Institute, Palode and the District Agricultural Farm, Peringammala. The survey revealed the presence of phytophagous and predatory mites belonging to six families each. The families under the former group were Tetranychidae, tarsonemidae, Tenuipalpidae, Eriophyidae, Galumnidae and Oribatidae and under the latter group were phytoseiidae, Ascidae, Bdellidae, Cheyelitidae Cunaxidae and Stigmaeidae. Phytophagous mites belonging to the families Tetranychidae, Tenuipalpidae, and Tarsonemidae were the most widespread and the dominant species of these families were commonly found on all the three groups of plants. The survey further helped to identify eighteen new host plants of phytophagous mites which are new reports. The phytophagous mites T.cinnabarinus, T.ludeni, T.neocaledonicus , B.phoenicis,T.pacificus R. indica, P. latus and a few species under the genera tetranychus, Brevipalpus and Tarsonemous were the important species infesting vegetables, medicinal plants and ornamentals in the District. Among the acarine predators of phytophagous mites , the species belonging to the family phytoseiidae in general and in the family phytoseiidae, species of the genus Amblyseius in particular were the most widespread .The mites belonging to the family Cunaxidae and the coccinellidae, Stethorus sp . were also found to be important predators of phytophagous mites. The mean percentage of mite infested leaves and the mean population counts were also assessed to study the distribution and abundance of different groups of mites on different host plants in different seasons. The species, T.ludeni, T cinnabarinus, T neocaledonicus and P.latus on vegetables, T.ludeni and B.phoenicies on ornamentals and B.phoenicis, T.cinnabarinus, T.ludeni, T.neocaledonicus and P.latus on medicinal plants were found to be numerically dominant species capable of causing serious damage to the crops. The mean percentage of mite infested leaves and the mean population counts of phytophagous mites were the least in the monsoon season as compared to the premonsoon and postmonsoon seasons in vegetables, medicinal plants and ornamentals. The mean population counts of predators in different seasons also showed trends similar to those of phytobhagous mites, the monsoon season having the least or no predatory populations. In the postmonsoon season also their numbers were negligible. The phytoseiids were numerically the most dominant predators on vegetables, ornamentals and medicinal plants. The coccinellid predator, Stethorus and acarine predator cunaxids were also found to be important to a lesser extent. The results of replicated field trials conducted in the College of Agriculture, vellayani on selected vegetables, medicinal plants and ornamentals also revealed that, in general, the mite population was the least in the monsoon season as compared to the premonsoon and postmonsoon season. In general, the population development was found to be positively correlated with maximum temperature and relative humidity. The nature and symptoms of damage of T.cinnabarinus on Adhatoda ;T.ludeni and T.neocaledonicus on rosea; T.pacificus on Dendrobium; R.indica on T.alata; B.phoenicis on the medicinal plants G.sylestre,S.ciliates O.sanctum, and on Caladium, Maranta and Dendrobium and P.latus on chilli, bittergourd , ridegorud and T. erecta were studied and described in detail. The biology and biometrics of T. cinnabarinus, T.ludeni, T neocaledonicus, T.pacificus and B.phoenicis were studied on selected host plants and described in detail. Crop loss studies conducted on bhindi and chilli by releasing different population levels of T.ludeni and P.latus revealed that , the stage of the crop at which infestation commenced was an important factor which determind the crop loss. It was also found that there was crop to crop variation on the levels of tolerance to different mite loads. No significant difference was noticed in the distribution of T.ludeni on the top, middle and bottom strata of bhindi plants while in chillies the mite P.latus preferred the top stratum indicating a preference for young growing tissues for feeding and oviposition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Composting efficency of indigenous and introduced earthworms
    (Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, 1997) Jiji, T; KAU; Dale, D
    Eight species of earthworm belonging to three families were identified from five different soil types of southern Kerala. The identified species were Megascolex cochinensis, M.konkanensis, M.trivandranus, M.trilobatus, Perionyx, sansibaricus, Pheretima heterochaeta (Megascolecidae), Pontoscolex corethrurus (Glossoscolecidae) and Drawida sp. (Moniligastridae). M.cochinenses and corethrurus were ubiquitous. P. sansibaricus was confined to forest soil and red soil. Forest soil with high water holding capacity, organic carbon content and acidic pH had the highest total count of worms and the highest species diversity. The exotic species Eudrilus eugeniae was more efficient for composting in terms of duration for composting and biomass production. However, the multiplication rate of the indigenous P. sansibaricus was more than that of E.eugeniae. In field conditions, when the same weight of worms was used, the time taken for composting was found equal for E. eugeniae and P. sansibaricus. However, the biomass recovery of earthworm was more in E. eugeniae. Both species performed well in the rainy season, compared to hot summer months. The breeding potential, time required for composting and decomposition rate were significantly superior from june to September. There was posititve correlation between juvenile count and rainfall and negative correlation with maximum temperature with respect to E.eugeniae. In P. sansibaricus adult and juvenile counts expressed positive correlation with rainfall and humidity and negative correlation with maximum temperature. Space was found to be a determining factor in the growth and multiplication earthworms. The cocoons of E.eugeniae required 29+ 1.10 days for hatching. The hatching rate was only 56.25 + 1.19 percent in laboratory condition. The mean number of juvenile hatched /cocoon was 2.88+0.35. The period required to attain reproductive stage was 43.38 + 0.56 days. Cocoons of P.. sansibaricus was elongate and slender. The time required for hatching of cocoon was 16+0.43 days. The hatching rate was 64.06+3.44 percent in laboratory conditions. The juveniles required 38.25 + 0.70 days to become adults. The number of cocoon laid / week was also significantly superior, as compared to E. eugeniae. Vermicompost along with full inorganic fertilizer increased the yield by 21.4 per cent and 19.0 percent in bittergourd and cowpea, respectively. In cowpea, application of vermicompost without inorganic fertilizer was equally effective as that of the recommended manorial schedule. There was significant yield increase when vermicompost was used as a potting mixture in bhindi. However, no significant difference in the biometric characters of plants was observed. Vermicompost along with full inorganic fertilizer increased the yield of bhindi by 15 percent. The effect of in situ vermiculture (250 worms of p. sansibaricus /plot) was on par with that of package of practices recommendations. Neemcake was found beneficial for supporting growth and multiplication of E.eugeniae. Neem cake recorded 102 percent increase in juvenile worm production. Neem leaves and thevetia leaves were equally effective. Mahua cake was not supportive for growth and multiplication. Neem cake was effective in supporting growth and multiplication of P.sansibaricus. Neem cake recorded 52 percent increase in juvenile worm production. Leaves of neem, clerodendron and glyricidia were equally effective in supporting juvenile worm production as that of the control. Calotropis leaves and mahua cake caused significant reduction in adult, juvenile and cocoon production. In a pot culture study, among the treatments, carbofuran, phorate and quinalphos, quinalphos(0.5 kg and 1.0kg ai/ha) was found the least toxic to earthworm and there was total survival after an interval of seven days. The treatments involving earthworms for composting evolved significantly higher Co2 during the period of composting, compared to the control treatment of banana: cowdung mixture without worms. The Co2 evolved by the treatments involving E.eugeniae and P.sansibaricus were on par. Maximum Co2 evolution was observed on the 21st day which was significantly superior to the Co2 evolution estimated at various other intervals. From the 21st day onwards a decline in the CO2 evolution was recorded. The treatment involving earthworms had a significantly higher bacterial, fungal and actinomycetes counts, as against the treatment without worms. The highest fungal count for E.eugeniae was found on the 28th day. Towards compost maturity the fungal counts were more or less steady; however, a slight increase in the count was observed on the 56th day. There was no definite trend with respect to actinomycetes count during the period of composting.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Host-specificity, patho-physiology and transmission of the baculovirus(Kerala isolate) infecting Oryctes rhinoceros Linn. (Scarabaeidae:Coleoptera)
    (Department of Agricultural Entomology, College of Horticulture, Vellanikkara, 1995) Suma Paulose; KAU; Abraham, C C
    The Baculovirus oryctes has been recognized as one of the most promising pathogens against oryctes rhinoceros. Laboratory studies were conducted to evaluate the virus in respect of its patho-physiology, histopathology, mode of transmission, cross-infectivity, effect of physical factors on the virulence of the virus and safety to non –target organisms. The oral inoculation technique has been found to be more effective than the swim method. For long term storage of the virus, the freeze drying method was found to be ideal as it retained viability for more than sixteen months. The viral particles have been found to be bacilliform , measuring 210 to 250nm in length and 75 to 105 nm in width. The main symptoms observed in grubs due to viral infection are loss of appetite, lethargy, pallor, migration to the top of the breeding medium, disintegration of the fat bodies and development of diarrhoea. Adults did not show any pronounced external symptoms. Infected adults refused to take food and they eventually developed diarrhea. All instars of grubs and adults were susceptible to the viral infection .The susceptibility to infection was maximum in the first instar followed by third instar, second instar and the adults in that order. The mean lethal concentration of the viru required to cause fifty per cent mortalities were 0.377 x10-4 , 14.417x10-4, 0.297x10-4 and 1.137x10-4 gut equivalent for the first, second and third instar grubs and adults respectively. The cytology of the midgut contents showed desquamated epithelial cells with nuclear and cytoplasmic vacuolation, nuclear hypertrophy and ring stages nucleus. The midgut and fat bodies have been identified as the major sites of viral multiplication. Transovum and transovarial transmission studies have shown that the virus was not transmitted by any of these method. The studies on transtadial transmission established that the disease was transmitted from first to second and from second to third instar, but not from the third instar to the pupae. The predator platymerus laevicollis did not transmit the disease. The reproductive potential of oryctes was found to be significantly impaired due to viral infection. When both the mating partners were infected, the number of eggs laid was only 19 to 20 as compared to the output of 209 to 219 in the healthy pairs. The cross-infectivity studies have clearly established that the virus was not infective to other important pests of coconut such as Rhyncophorus ferrugineus, Leucopholis coneophora, opisina arenosella and the predator’s p.laevicollis. In studies on the effect of temperature on the viability of the virus, it was found that above fifty per cent mortality took place on incubation of the virus for 21/2 hours at 370c and that the viability was totally lost as a result of exposure for 4 1/2 hours. The number of adults required for release in to the breeding pits of size of 30cmx30cmx30cm to kill fifty per cent of the Rhinoceros grubs at different time intervals were 4.440, 3.668, 3.016 and 2.889. Safety studies have revealed that the virus was absolutely safe to the silkworm Bombyx mori, chick embryo, white mice and white rat.