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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Investigations on soil crop and machine parameters towards the development of a root crop harvester
    (Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology,Tavanur, 2020) Basavaraj; KAU; Jayan, P R
    The tractor drawn root harvester was designed and developed by considering soil, crop and machine parameters and performance evaluation of the machine was carried out in the experimental area at KCAET, Tavanur and different farmers’ fields at Palakkad and Thrissur districts. The developed machine mainly consists of main frame, power transmission system, digging and soil separator units. The effect of three blade geometries viz., straight edge, V-type and crescent blades at three rake angles of 15, 20 and 25 deg. and at three forward speeds of 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 km h-1 for the digging unit of the harvester were evaluated in terms of draft, digging efficiency, per cent damage of tuber/rhizome and fuel consumption of tractor mounted harvester for harvesting coleus, ginger and turmeric. The best optimal condition was observed at a forward speed of 2.0 km h-1 with 20 deg. rake angle for V-type blade. The soil separator unit of the harvester was evaluated along the digging operation. The soil separator unit was tested with different operational parameters viz., diameter of crank 40, 60 and 80 mm and spring tension 800, 1200 and 1600 N m-1. The best optimal operational conditions were observed at a spring tension of 1600 N m-1 with 80 mm diameter of crank. The maximum draft of 2009.52 N was recorded in straight blade while the minimum of 1418.66 N was observed in V-type blade. The maximum digging efficiency of 99.89 per cent was noticed in V-type blade, whereas the lowest of 84.15 per cent in straight edge blade. The least damage coleus of 0.59 per cent was observed in V-type blade whereas highest of 5.5 per cent was obtained in crescent blade. Among the different type of blades tested, the less fuel consumption of 3.80 l h-1 was noticed for V-type blade, whereas the maximum of 4.98 l h-1 for straight edge blade. In the case of harvesting ginger, the maximum draft of 2176.33 N was recorded in straight edge blade while the minimum of 1374.31 N was observed in V- type blade. The maximum digging efficiency of 99.57 per cent was noticed in V-type blade, whereas the lowest of 80.40 per cent in straight edge blade. The least damage coleus of 0.86 per cent was observed in V-type blade whereas highest of 6.05 per cent was obtained in crescent blade. Among the different type of blades, the less fuel consumption of 3.74 l h-1 was noticed for V-type blade, whereas the maximum of 5.19 l h-1 for straight edge blade. In the case of harvesting of turmeric, the maximum draft of 2192.08 N was recorded in straight edge blade while the minimum of 1390.06 N was observed in V-type blade. The maximum digging efficiency of 99.50 per cent was noticed in V-type blade, whereas the lowest of 81.91 per cent was recorded with the straight edge blade. The least per cent damage coleus of 0.74 per cent was observed in V-type blade whereas highest of 7.3 per cent was obtained in crescent blade. Among the different type of blades, the less fuel consumption of 4.0 l h-1 was noticed for V- type blade, whereas the maximum of 5.57 l h-1 for straight edge blade. The field capacity of the machine for coleus, ginger and turmeric were 0.15, 0.16 and 0.16 ha h-1 respectively and the field efficiencies were 86.11, 88.89 and 88.89 per cent respectively. The soil separation indices of root crop harvester for coleus, ginger and turmeric were found out as 82.71, 73.22 and 68.82 per cent respectively where as the conveying efficiencies were 90.70, 87.55 and 89.71 per cent respectively. The estimated cost of the prototype tractor drawn root crop harvester was as Rs. 60,000. The cost of operation was found out as Rs. 767.57 per hour. The saving in cost over root crop harvester for three root crops was 89 per cent. The machine has BEP of 40 h, PBP as 1.5 years and BCR as 10.7.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development of a bund strengthening implement for paddy wetland based on soil - machine parameters
    (Department of Farm Machinery and Power Engineering Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2018) Suma Nair; KAU; Ramachandran, V R
    Three models (BF1, BF2 and BF3) of a low cost, tractor drawn bund strengthening implement were developed and their performance was evaluated at three test locations, viz., Pullazhi kolepadavu in Thrissur kole lands, Kolothumpadam kolepadavu in Ponnani kole lands and Athalur, Tavanur (non-kole). The forming board type design was chosen. The major dimensions of the developed models, viz., top width, bottom width and rear height are 150, 250 and 150 mm for BF1, 200, 350 and 150 mm for BF2 and 250, 400 and 250 mm respectively. The main parts of the implement were the MS angle bar tool frame and hitch assembly of size 1150 mm x 500 mm, implement frame made of MS angle bars to connect the forming board assembly to the tool frame, modified forming boards with gathering boards attached in the front, and a 400 mm long, three sided forming case at the rear which provided a plastered finish to the formed bund. All the elements, including the forming boards and the forming case, acted like a single unit. Analyses of the various soil properties at the three test sites were also performed. The soils at Pullazhi kolepadavu and Kolothumpadam kolepadavu were silty clay while the soil at Tavanur was sandy loam in texture. The dimensions of the bunds drawn by the implements were suited to the prevalent farmers’ practice at Pullazhi and Ponnani. At Tavanur, new bunds could be drawn using the implements. At Pullazhi kole fields, models BF1 and BF2 showed a better performance in terms of strength measured as cone index. The performance of BF3 and BF4 gave the best results at Ponnani. BF2 or BF4, operated by NH 3230, were suitable to the Tavanur fields, in terms of strength of bund as assessed by cone index. Shear strength values exhibited by the manual bunds were always lesser than that by mechanically formed bunds at Pullazhi. Bunds formed by BF2 showed the highest value of 46.02 kPa at 0.2 m depth which went upto 40.81 kPa on the seventh day. The same trend was seen in Ponnani also but the bunds formed by BF3 and BF4 had the highest shear strength values.The average speed of operation ranged from minimum of 1.24 km h -1 when BF1 was operated by KTT at Tavanur, in sandy loam soils to 2.98 km h -1 when BF2 was operated by JD 5042 at Ponnani. Draft was least for BF1 operated by KTT and highest for BF3 and BF4 operated in Ponnani silt-clay. The minimum fuel consumption was noted as 2.53 L h -1 for BF1-NH 3230 combination at Tavanur while the maximum was 3.76 L h -1 for BF3-JD 5042 at Ponnani. The BF4 trials had higher consumption of 7.71 L h -1 in silty clay at Ponnani and 5.62 L h -1 in sandy loam at Tavanur. The maximum capacity of 2984.24 m h -1 was observed for BF2 operated by JD 5042 at Ponnani kole. BF4 had lower capacities as two passes of the tractor were required to complete the operation. The minimum capacity of mechanical bund strengthening implement is 906.86 m h -1 . The manual operation has a capacity of 62.5 m h -1 . Thus there is a 14 times increase in capacity of bund formation by mechanical implements. Wheel slip is within the acceptable range of 5 to 15 per cent. The cost of mechanical formation of bunds ranges from Rs. 18/- to Rs. 30/- per 100 m. while it ranges from Rs. 178/- to Rs. 227/- for manual operation. The developed implement had a FOS of 2.17. Hence, taking all observations into account, it can be summarised that the bund strengthening implement model BF2 was found suitable to Pullazhi kolepadavu in terms of size, strength, lower moisture content and higher bulk density. At Ponnani, the models BF3 and BF4 performed well. However, as BF4 operation involved a higher fuel consumption and lower capacity of bund formation, the model BF3 can be recommended. At Tavanur fields, the prevalent manual bunds showed better performance parameters. However, new bunds can be formed in the fields using the developed implements. Trial BF4 and BF3 gave better performance in these soils.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Development and evaluation of a vacuum frying system for banana chips (Musa spp.)
    (Department of Food and Agricultural Process Engineering, Kelappaji College of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Tavanur, 2017) Ranasalva, N; KAU; Sudheer, K P
    Frying is an indigenous cooking method. The deep fat frying produces crispy textured and tasty fruits and vegetable products with increased fat content. The property of oil and fried product gets degraded during deep fat frying. The vacuum frying could be an alternative technology that involves low frying temperature and pressure aids in reduced oil absorption in fried product and preserves the quality of frying oil. Accordingly an advanced vacuum frying system with dual chambers, oil storage and a frying chamber with de-oiling system was developed to produce vacuum fried raw and ripened banana chips. The developed vacuum frying system was batch type with product capacity of 12 kgh-1 and frying oil tank capacity of 30 l. The properties of the product and oil were evaluated and standardisation of process parameters was done with the developed vacuum frying system. The oil blend (Rice bran and Palm oil) at 80:20 was identified as suitable frying oil with high oxidation and thermal stability among coconut, rice bran, palm, corn and blended oils. Effective de-oiling was attained with removal of 74.1 and 71.4% oil, respectively, in VF-raw and VF-ripe centrifuged at 1000 rpm for 5 min. The vacuum frying with de-oiling nullified the effect of pre-treatments like blanching cum drying, freezing and gum coating for the production of VF-raw and VF-ripe. The quality parameters like oil content, moisture content, energy, texture, bulk density, true density, colour values, thickness expansion and sensory acceptability of vacuum fried raw and ripened banana chips were evaluated at different processing conditions. The processing conditions of vacuum frying at 105°C and 18 kPa for 13 min produced improved quality of VF-ripe with low oil content (13.35%), acrylamide content (122.8 μgkg-1), moisture content (0.869%), water activity (0.21), L* (57.28) a* (12.23), b* (56.4), yellowness index (131.3) bulk density (0.453 gcm-3), true density (1.38 gcm-3), thickness expansion (-74%) and good organoleptic properties with high sensory score of 8.6. The process protocol for the production of VF-raw has to be improved to attain consumer acceptability. The vacuum fried ripened banana chips processed at 105°C for 13 min, packed in 400 gauge LDPE with nitrogen flushed packaging showed good consumer acceptability upto 90 days of storage. After 90 days of storage, the products exhibited poor consumer acceptability due to reduced degree of crispness. The FFA value of the blended oil was within the acceptable limit upto 52 batches of frying at 105°C and 18 kPa for 13 min. The total polar compound of the blended oil increased from 9.5 to 15.7% after sixty batches which was within the safe level. The production cost formulated based on fixed and variable cost for per kg of vacuum fried raw and ripened banana chips was Rs.342/- and Rs.363/- respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation and refinement of low cost automation system for naturally ventilated greenhouse
    (Department of Soil and Water Conservation Engineering, Tavanur, 2019) Jinu, A; KAU; Abdul Hakkim, V M
    Greenhouses are structures used for offseason cultivation of crops and also for obtaining maximum production from unit area. In greenhouses, crop growing environment as well as growing medium can be modified by adopting suitable technologies for microclimate control and water and fertilizer application. Manual controls of microclimate and water and fertilizer application are time and labour consuming and hence automation is required for the better greenhouse management. The study entitled “Evaluation and refinement of low cost automation system for naturally ventilated greenhouses” was conducted during the period July 2015 to February 2017 to modify the existing low cost automation system at ARS Anakkayam and also for its performance evaluation. Existing automation system has limitations such as it cannot manage temperature and relative humidity separately and also it cannot manage irrigation and fertigation. These problems were rectified in refined automation system. The refinement of the system was done by changing the microcontroller used in the automation system and also using a timer for the timely management of irrigation and fertigation. The refined system was capable of managing temperature and relative humidity separately and performing irrigation and fertigation operations inside the greenhouse. The refined automation system was tested without crop and with crop during three crop seasons with salad cucumber crop (variety Saniya) inside the greenhouse. The experiment was conducted inside a naturally ventilated greenhouse situated at the ARS, Anakkayam, under Kerala Agricultural University. For comparison, salad cucumber was cultivated inside another greenhouse which is manually controlled. Microclimate as well as crop data were collected from outside the greenhouse and both these greenhouses and compared. The temperature inside the AGH was less compared to NAGH and the relative humidity inside the automated greenhouse never exceeded above 70%. The yield and all other crop parameters were better in AGH compared to NAGH.