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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different time and methods of budding on bud take success of Nectarine on Peach (Prunus persica L.) seedling rootstocks
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2016-10) Awasthi, Manuj; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.); Manju (Dr.) (Co-advisor)
    The present investigation entitled “Effect of different time and methods of budding on the bud take success of Nectarine on Peach (Prunus persica L.) seedling rootstocks” was conducted at Fruit Nursery, department of Fruit science. VCSG Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar, Pauri Garhwal, Uttarakhand, India. The combinations of different budding time i.e. 20th August, 5th September and 20th September with three different methods i.e. shield, chip and patch budding were tried to investigate their effects on the bud take success of Nectarine on Peach seedling rootstocks. In this study peach seedling were used as rootstock in the field conditions. The Nectarine cv. Red June was used for bud take success. Days taken to bud sprouting, sprout length (cm), sprout diameter (cm), number of branch, number of leaves, leaf area (cm2), percent dead budded plants without sprouting, percent dead budded plants after sprouting, survival percentage and percent total saleable plants were determined as experimental parameters after budding, All budding time and methods were found suitable for nectarine propagation. However, the maximum sprout length (84.64 cm), diameter (0.93 cm), number of branches (34.18) number of leaves per budded plant (134), leaf area (24.20 cm2), survival (62.50%), and total saleable plants (91.97%) and minimum days taken to bud sprout (161.12 days), dead budded plants without sprouting (16.67%) were obtained with shield budding performed on 20th August. Minimum dead budded plants after sprouting (16.67%) was obtained from shield budding practiced on 5th September.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Effect of Fertilizers and Pesticide on Growth, Yield and Quality of Strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) cv. Shimla Delicious
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2016-10) Singh, Kulveer; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.); Mishra, R.C (Dr.) (Co-advisor)
    Strawberry runners were transplanted in Fruit nursery at VCSG College of horticulture Bharsar, during the rainy seasons 2014-2015, to investigate the effect of different fertilizers and pesticide and their interactions on the vegetative growth, yield and quality of strawberry plants cv. Shimla Delicious. The experiment included 12 treatments resulted from the combination between four fertilizer doses and three pesticides application methods. Results show that using 100:80:60 kg/ha NPK + vermicompost + runners dip with imidacloprid was significantly found most effective in respect to plant growth characters viz., plant height (cm), number of leaves per plant, fruit length (mm), fruit breadth (mm), days to fruit maturity, number of runners per plant, yield characters viz., number of fruit, berry weight (g), yield per plant (g), quality parameters viz., total soluble solids (0B), total soluble solid to titratable acidity ratio, total sugar (%), reducing sugar (%), non reducing sugar (%), incidence of pest viz., leaf damage (%), fruit damage (%), pest population. Higher content of vitamin C and anthocyanin were observed in 100:80:60 kg/ha + vermicompost + foliar application of imidacloprid. The least values were recorded in the control. After harvest strawberry fruits were treated with four concentration of CaCl2 namely (0.0%), (0.5 %), (1.0 %), (1.5 %). Among the treatments 1 % CaCl2 concentration found most effective followed by (0.0 %), (0.5 %) and (1.5 %) in stored at refrigerator condition. 1% CaCl2 under refrigerator condition increases the shelf life of strawberry till 9 days, viz., fruit length (mm), fruit breadth (mm) total soluble solids (0B), titratable acidity (%), total soluble solid to titratable acidity ratio, vitamin C (mg/100 g) content.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of different combinations of rootstock and scion on the success and growth of apple grafts (Malus x domestica Borkh.)
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2016-07) Malasi, Priyanka; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.); Thakur, Nidhika (Dr.) (Co-advisor)
    The present investigations entitled “Response of different combination of rootstock and scion on the success and growth of apple grafts (Malus x domestica Borkh.)” was carried out in Fruit Nursery, College of Horticulture, VCSG, Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar during 2015-2016. In this study, three rootstocks namely M-793, M-7 and MM-111 and three scion wood viz. Vance Delicious, Gold Spur and Oregan Spur selected and nine combinations of these rootstock and scion wood were made and grafted with three replications. The different parameters for this rootstock and scion combinations were recorded to evaluate the best combination. The treatment T1 ( M-793 + Vance Delicious) had maximum graft height, number of branches, number of leaves , rootstock diameter, scion diameter, root length and root diameter (i.e., 92.40, 15.33, 105.07, 10.12 mm, 9.96 mm, 25.27 cm and 12.03 mm respectively). The minimum days taken to bud sprout (10.58 days), and maximum percent survival (93.33 %) were recorded with T9 (MM-111 + Oregan Spur). The maximum leaf area (15.58 cm2) was recorded with T6 (MM- 111 + Gold Spur). Hence, the different combinations of rootstock and scion varied in their growth characteristics. The treatment T1 (M793 + Vance Delicious) was the best combination of rootstock and scion where healthy apple plants with good root and shoot growth were observed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of different combinations of rootstock and scion on the success and growth of apple grafts (Malus x domestica Borkh.)
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2016-07) Malasi, Priyanka; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.) (Advisor); Thakur, Nidhika (Co-advisor)
    The present investigations entitled “Response of different combination of rootstock and scion on the success and growth of apple grafts (Malus x domestica Borkh.)” was carried out in Fruit Nursery, College of Horticulture, VCSG, Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar during 2015-2016. In this study, three rootstocks namely M-793, M-7 and MM-111 and three scion wood viz. Vance Delicious, Gold Spur and Oregan Spur selected and nine combinations of these rootstock and scion wood were made and grafted with three replications. The different parameters for this rootstock and scion combinations were recorded to evaluate the best combination. The treatment T1 ( M-793 + Vance Delicious) had maximum graft height, number of branches, number of leaves , rootstock diameter, scion diameter, root length and root diameter (i.e., 92.40, 15.33, 105.07, 10.12 mm, 9.96 mm, 25.27 cm and 12.03 mm respectively). The minimum days taken to bud sprout (10.58 days), and maximum percent survival (93.33 %) were recorded with T9 (MM-111 + Oregan Spur). The maximum leaf area (15.58 cm2) was recorded with T6 (MM- 111 + Gold Spur). Hence, the different combinations of rootstock and scion varied in their growth characteristics. The treatment T1 (M793 + Vance Delicious) was the best combination of rootstock and scion where healthy apple plants with good root and shoot growth were observed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of different pre sowing treatments on germination and seedling growth of walnut (Juglans regia L.)
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2016-07) Negi, Priya; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.) (Advisor); Thakur, Nidhika (Co-advisor)
    The present investigations entitled “Effect of different pre sowing treatments on seed germination and seedling growth of walnut (Juglans regia L.)” was carried out in the poly house of Fruit Nursery, College of Horticulture, VCSG, UUHF, Bharsar (Uttarakhand) during the year 2015-16. In this study walnut seeds were treated with different pre sowing treatments and planted in Randomized Complete Block Design with three replications and were assessed to know the effect of different pre sowing treatments on seed germination and seedling growth. The results obtained in the present studies showed that among different pre sowing treatments, the best results in terms of shoot height, shoot diameter, number of leaves per plant, root length, root area, shoot fresh weight, root fresh weight, total fresh weight and survival percentage were obtained with T14 (Hot water + gibberellic acid @ 500 ppm + stratification for 30 days). The maximum germination percentage was recorded with T11 (Cracking + gibberellic acid @ 500 ppm + stratification for 30 days) while the minimum days taken for germination were recorded with T12 (Cracking + gibberellic acid @ 750 ppm + stratification for 30 days). Thus, the combination of different pre sowing treatments was found effective in improving the germination and growth of walnut seedlings and the best treatment was T14 (hot water + gibberellic acid @ 500 ppm + stratification for 30 days) which was highly effective in improving the overall growth of walnut seedlings.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on effect of Gibberellic acid and Naphthalene acetic acid on fruit quality and yield of apricot (Prunus armeniaca L.) under hilly conditions
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2016-10) Devrari, Neelam; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.); Negi, Manju
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on effect of Gibberellic acid and Naphthalene acetic acid on fruit quality and yield of apricot ( Prunus armeniaca L . ) under hilly conditions ”was carried out in Fruit orchard, College of Horticulture, V. C. S. G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar, during 2015- 2016. In this study the different concentration of GA3 and NAA at different time with Randomized Complete Block Design and three replications.The different parameters for this concentration, at different time of spray were recorded to evaluate the best concentration of GA3 and NAA at different time of spray. Concentration of GA3 10 ppm + NAA 10 at full bloom stage ppm had maximum fruit set, fruit yield, size, weight and days taken to ripening (60.59 %, 26.33 kg, 2.14 cm x 2.61 cm, 22.33 g and 75 days) was recorded. While in pea stage the concentration of GA3 15 ppm + NAA 10 ppm had maximum fruit set, yield, size, weight, volume and days taken to ripening (66.64 %, 25.66 kg/tree, 2.85 cm x 2.99 cm, 28.1g, 31.36 cm3/fruit and 79 days) was recorded. And in chemical parameters highest titrable acidity (1.18%) content was recorded in control. The highest total sugar and non reducing sugar (21.11 % and15.69%) and ascorbic acid content (12.11 %) was recorded in GA3 15 ppm + NAA 10 ppm at pea stage. Hence, the different concentrations of GA3 and NAA at different time of spray varied in their quality and yield characteristics. The treatment GA3 10 ppm + NAA 10 ppm at full bloom stage and treatment GA3 15 ppm + NAA 10 ppm was the best concentrations of GA3 and NAA at pea stage where good quality fruit and good yield of apricot were observed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on Floral Biology, Pollination and Fruit Set in Strawberry (Fragaria × ananasa L.) Under Hilly Conditions of Uttarakhand
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2016-07) Kandwal, Madhuri; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.); Negi, Manju
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on different methods and time of grafting in walnut (Juglans regia L.) under different growing conditions” was carried out in Fruit Nursery, College of Horticulture, V. C. S. G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar, during 2015- 2016. In this study the scion of Govind variety were grafted on walnut seedling with different methods and time of grafting under different growing conditions with Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design and three replications. The different parameters for this methods, conditions and time were recorded to evaluated the best methods of grafting under different growing conditions at different time. In the present study cleft grafting under polyhouse conditions during February (G2P1T2) with minimum days taken to sprouting, maximum number of leaves per graft, total number of branch per grafted plants, minimum dead graft, maximum saleable plants, maximum survival plants, maximum shoot length, maximum shoot diameter and maximum leaf area (i.e., 40.38 days, 114.47, 16.60, 40.38%, 91.40%, 38.87%, 68.49cm and 31.75cm2 respectively) show the best performance. The minimum dead graft after sprout 15.46% was recorded in veneer grafting under polyhouse during February (G3P1T2). Hence, the different methods of grafting under different growing conditions at different time varied in their growth characteristics. The cleft grafting under polyhouse conditions during February (G2P1T2) was the best combination of methods, condition and time where healthy walnut plants with good growth were observed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies on different method and times of grafting in Walnut (Juglans regia L.) under different growing condition
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2016-10) Upadhyay, Kaushal; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.); Negi, Manju
    The present investigation entitled “Studies on different methods and time of grafting in walnut (Juglans regia L.) under different growing conditions” was carried out in Fruit Nursery, College of Horticulture, V. C. S. G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, Bharsar, during 2015- 2016. In this study the scion of Govind variety were grafted on walnut seedling with different methods and time of grafting under different growing conditions with Factorial Randomized Complete Block Design and three replications. The different parameters for this methods, conditions and time were recorded to evaluated the best methods of grafting under different growing conditions at different time. In the present study cleft grafting under polyhouse conditions during February (G2P1T2) with minimum days taken to sprouting, maximum number of leaves per graft, total number of branch per grafted plants, minimum dead graft, maximum saleable plants, maximum survival plants, maximum shoot length, maximum shoot diameter and maximum leaf area (i.e., 40.38 days, 114.47, 16.60, 40.38%, 91.40%, 38.87%, 68.49cm and 31.75cm2 respectively) show the best performance. The minimum dead graft after sprout 15.46% was recorded in veneer grafting under polyhouse during February (G3P1T2). Hence, the different methods of grafting under different growing conditions at different time varied in their growth characteristics. The cleft grafting under polyhouse conditions during February (G2P1T2) was the best combination of methods, condition and time where healthy walnut plants with good growth were observed.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on growth, yield, fruit quality and orchard soil nutrient status of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis L.) cv. Mosambi
    (College of Horticulture, Bharsar Campus, V.C.S.G. Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry, 2017-05) Kumar, Gaurav; Nautiyal, B.P. (Dr.); Thakur, Nidhika