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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Grain storage is a site or physical structure regularly used to store grain for producers or to store grain acquired from producers for resale. Storage is method of storing grain for human consumption. Food is the symbol of life and prosperity. Food grain comprising of cereals, millets and pulses is the primary and staple food of majority of the population in India. For fetching higher prices to the food grains in the market not only production of grains is important but storage of grains is very important. But farmer’s multiple roles especially in storage are generally underestimated and undervalued and they are kept away from the reach of advanced improved grain storage technologies. Therefore, it was worthwhile to study entitled “Knowledge and Adoption of Farmers about Grain Storage Practices in Junagadh District of Gujarat State”. This study was carried out with specific objectives: to study the personal, socio-economic, communicational, psychological characteristics of farmers as well as to study the extent of knowledge and adoption of them about grain storage practices; to study the association between farmers’ knowledge and adoption about grain storage practices with their selected characteristics, to find out constraints and seek suggestion from the respondents to overcome constraints faced by them. A study was conducted in Junagadh district of Gujarat state. In order to realize the objectives of the study, 4 talukas were selected randomly for the study where generally farmers store grain as well as familiar area for researcher. 3 villages from each taluka were selected randomly and 10 respondents from each selected village were selected randomly as sample. Hence, total 120 farmers were studied. The data were collected by personal interview method. The data so collected were coded, classified and tabulated analyzed in order to make meaning conclusions. The results of the study revealed that more than half (56.67 per cent) of the farmers were in middle aged, (51.66 per cent) were educated up to middle school or secondary school level, (35.00 per cent) were five to six member in family; whereas majority of the respondents had medium experience in grain storage (60.00 per cent), medium size of land holding (63.33 per cent), medium annual income (51.67 per cent), medium social participation (55.83 per cent), medium level quantity of grain stored (70.83 per cent), medium extension participation (63.33 per cent), medium mass media exposure (66.67 per cent), medium scientific orientation (70.83 per cent),medium risk orientation (63.33 per cent). Majority (73.33 per cent) of the respondents had medium knowledge level, followed by 17.50 per cent and 9.17 per cent of the respondents had high and low knowledge level, respectively. Majority (65.83 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of adoption, followed by 20.00 and 14.17 per cent of respondents had low and high level of adoption about grain storage practices, respectively. The data on practice wise adoption revealed that the level of adoption was found highest in practice like appropriate method of sun drying for grains and it secured rank 1st, followed by use of castor oil (rank II), fumigation (rank III), use of different structure of grain storage (rank IV), use of galvanized iron bin and RCC structure (rank V), use of custard apple seed powder (rank VI), use of wood ash (rank VII), use of cow dung slurry or mud for plug of the earthen pot (rank VIII), use of gunny bag (rank IX), use of stand and ventilator (rank X). Out of twelfth independent variables, education, size of family and mass media exposure had positive and highly significant association with knowledge as well as adoption of farmers, whereas experience in grain storage, annual income, social participation, quantity of grain storage, extension participation, scientific orientation and risk orientation had positive and significant association, while age had negative and significant association, and size of land holding had positive and non significant with knowledge as well as adoption of farmers about grain storage practices. Major constraints faced by respondents were; non availability of modern storage structures for grain storage, lack of information about chemical control of stored grain pest, lack of knowledge about improved technology of stored grains. Major suggestions offered by respondents were; subsidy should be provided by government to construct new storage structure, storage facilities should be created by government, guidance should be made available by extension agency regarding management of stored grains.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) is an autonomous organization registered under the society’s registration act of 1860 with considerable operational flexibility. It is registered society of stakeholders involved in agricultural activities for sustainable agricultural development in the district. It is focal point for integrating research and extension activities and decentralized day to day management of the Public Agricultural Technology System (ATS). As a society, it receives and expands project funds, entering into contracts, agreements and maintaining revolving accounts that can be used to collect fees and thereby recovering operating cost. Hence, the present investigation entitled “Perception of FIG farmers towards usefulness of ATMA project in Saurashtra region” was envisaged with objectives viz., profile of respondents, perception level of FIG farmers towards usefulness of ATMA project, relationship between attributes of respondents and their level of perception, problems faced by FIG farmers in availing advantages of ATMA and suggestions of FIG farmers to get maximum advantages of ATMA. In order to realize the objectives of the study, 120 FIG farmers were selected from 12 different villages of 6 talukas of Amreli, Junagadh and Jamnagar districts by applying multistage simple purposive sampling technique. In respect to personal characteristics, slightly more than three- fifth (62.50 per cent) of respondents belonged to middle age group, 35.83 per cent of respondents belonged to primary school level of education, 58.33 per cent of the respondents had more training received, slightly less than two-fifth (39.17 per cent) had 3-4 family members and 53.33 per cent of the respondents had occupation as farming with allied occupation. As regards to socio-economic characteristics, majority (60.83 per cent) of the respondents were under the category of medium level of annual income, followed by 65.00 per cent of the respondents were with medium size of land holding and 64.17 per cent of respondents had medium level of social participation. In respect to communicational characteristics, 55.83 per cent of the respondents belonged to medium extension participation and 65.00 per cent of respondents had medium mass media exposure. The respondents with relation to psychological aspects, 57.50 per cent of the respondents were from medium level of risk orientation and 65.00 per cent of the respondents had medium level of innovativeness. More than half (53.33 per cent) of FIG farmers had medium level of perception towards usefulness of ATMA Project followed by 27.50 per cent and 19.17 per cent of respondents had high and low level of perception towards usefulness of ATMA Project, respectively. The characteristics of FIG farmers i.e. education, training and extension participation had positive and highly significant relationship with their perception towards usefulness of ATMA project. The characteristics of the respondents like occupation, annual income, social participation, mass media exposure, risk orientation and innovativeness were positively and significantly related with their perception towards usefulness of ATMA project. There was non-significant relationship between perception towards usefulness of ATMA project and size of family and size of land holding of FIG farmers. While age was positively and significantly related with their perception about usefulness of ATMA project. Out of 12 problems identified in availing advantages of ATMA, the most important constraints faced by the FIG farmers were: Non-availability of production inputs at the farmer’s doorstep, Lack of training on improved technologies, Exposure visits to research stations of Gujarat are not organized for all members, The knowledge and information gain during the exposure visit to other states are not applicable in local situation, Political hindrance affecting the selection of beneficiaries Out of 12 suggestions given by FIG farmers to get the maximum advantages of ATMA, the most important suggestions expressed by respondents were: Make the required inputs available at the farmers convenience, Offer training on improved technologies, Need more number of exposure visits, Training on ICT tools should be given for farmers, Focused on need based trainings should be arranged, The number of training programs should be increased.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (JAU, JUNAGADH, 2019-06) JYOTHI P; B. N. Kalsariya
    Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is global term that incorporates all advancements that provide access to the information through telecommunications. ICT tools and services have been considered as powerful services that enable the educational change and reform. They are being not only used in administrative duties in education but also in the instruction of students. Within the classroom, ICT services are used for creative, communicative, collaborative and task based activities during instruction and also in evaluating the students. Use of ICT services in education management is becoming compelling necessity throughout the world. Considering this, the present study was taken out for the measure of knowledge and utilization pattern of ICT services including their association with different selected characteristics of the respondents. The study was conducted in the six different colleges of JAU, Junagadh and JAU, Veraval. A total of 170 postgraduate students studying in Junagadh Agricultural University were selected for the investigation. The data was collected by the personnel interview method through the developed and pre-tested schedule. The data collected was further classified, tabulated, analyzed and interpreted in order to make findings meaningful. Statistical tools such as frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and correlation co-efficient were used for the study. The results of the research indicated that 74.12 per cent of the postgraduate students were in the age group of 23 to 24 years, about 56.47 per cent were male respondents, 51.76 per cent had Gujarati as their medium education, 28.24 per cent of the student’s parents had education up to middle school and 38.82 per cent of had 8.1 to 8.5 of OGPA in respect to personnel characteristics. Regarding socio-economic characteristics, 40.59 per cent of the students had low family income, 55.29 per cent had monthly expenditure of ₹ 2501 to ₹ 5000, 79.41 per cent belonged to medium sized family and 50.00 per cent were from rural background. Corresponding to the communicational characteristics, ICT services such as Wikipedia and YouTube were known to the students by ‘themselves’. While, Email, MOOCs, WhatsApp, Facebook and Janvani FM were known through friends, parents and relatives. Online thesis repositories, CeRA, MS–software, Google, statistical packages, Kiosk and agricultural web portals were known through teaching and learning process. ICT services such as Email, MOOCs, Wikipedia, WhatsApp, Facebook, YouTube, MS– software, Google, Janvani FM, statistical packages and agricultural web portals were accessible through the self owned facility. Online thesis repositories, CeRA and Kiosk were accessible through the facility provided by the departmental or college or university. In relation to psychological characteristics, the preferred job by the students is academic teaching. The 58.24 per cent of the postgraduate students were found in the category of medium level of knowledge regarding ICT services and 57.06 per cent of them belonged to the category of medium utilization of ICT services. Out of 12 variables, 7 variables namely age, parent’s education, academic performance, family annual income, monthly expenditure pattern, source of information regarding ICT and accessibility to the selected ICT services had a positive and significant relation with their knowledge level and utilization pattern of ICT services and the rest 5 variables had non-significant relationship. The major constraints faced by the postgraduate students in utilization of ICT services were limited accessibility and network connection, hardship in finding the relevant content and cannot download full articles in time. The important suggestions offered by the respondents to overcome the constraints were workshops and specialised training on statistical packages should be organised, full length research paper should be made accessible to students and internet facility should be ensured in the hostel (Wi-Fi) with adequate strength.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The area under the cultivation of chickpea is increasing every year as it is one of the most important pulse crops of India due to its qualitative as well as quantitative importance. However, its average yield on farmer’s field is low than its potential yield on research station. The main reason for low production is lack of knowledge and adoption of improved or recommended chickpea production technology. Therefore, it was worthwhile to study entitled “Knowledge and Adoption of Farmers about Chickpea Production Technology in Junagadh District”. This study was carried out with specific objectives: to study the personal, socio-economic, communicational, psychological and situational characteristics of chickpea growers as well as to study the extent of knowledge and adoption of them about recommended chickpea production technology, to study the association between chickpea growers’ knowledge and adoption about chickpea production technology with their selected characteristics, to find out constraints and seek suggestion from the respondents to overcome constraints faced by them. A study was conducted in Junagadh district of Gujarat state. In order to realize the objectives of the study, 4 talukas were selected purposively for the study where areas of cultivation of chickpea were higher as well as familiar area for researcher. 3 villages from each talukas were selected randomly and 10 respondents from each selected villages were selected randomly as sample. Hence, total 120 chickpea growers were studied. The data were collected by personal interview method. The data so collected were coded, classified and tabulated analyzed in order to make meaning conclusions. The result of the study revealed that more than half (53.33 per cent) of the chickpea growers were in middle aged, 43.33 per cent were educated up to middle school or secondary school level; whereas majority of the respondents had medium farm experience (60.00 per cent), medium social participation (70.00 per cent), medium size of land holding (46.67 per cent), medium annual income (38.33 per cent), medium extension participation (61.67 per cent), medium mass media exposure (62.50 per cent), medium innovativeness (65.84 per cent), medium scientific ii orientation (54.17 per cent), medium risk orientation (57.50 per cent), medium irrigation potentiality (47.50 per cent), medium cropping intensity (50.83 per cent) and medium yield index (54.17 per cent). Majority (71.67 per cent) of the respondents had medium knowledge level, followed by 15.83 per cent and 12.50 per cent of the respondents had high and low knowledge level, respectively. Majority (64.14 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of adoption, followed by 21.67 and 14.16 per cent of respondents had low and high level of adoption about recommended chickpea production technology. The data on practice wise adoption revealed that the level of adoption was found highest in practice like preparation of land and it secured rank 1st, followed by spacing (rank II), time of sowing (rank III), weeding and inter culturing (rank IV), seed rate (rank V), harvesting (rank VI), storage (rank VII), seed treatment (rank VIII), chemical fertilizer application (rank IX), irrigation (rank X), improved variety (rank XI), disease control (rank XII), pest control (rank XIII), bio fertilizers (rank XIV) and micronutrients and plant growth regulators (rank XV). Out of fourteen independent variables, extension participation and yield index had positive and highly significant association, whereas education, farm experience, social participation, annual income, mass media exposure, innovativeness, scientific orientation, risk orientation, irrigation potentiality and cropping intensity had positive and significant association, while age and size of land holding had positive and non significant association with knowledge as well as adoption of farmers about chickpea production technology. Major constraints faced by respondents were; high cost of farm inputs, non availability of appropriate market price on farm produce, low production due to pest and disease infection, high cost of labor ,lack of appropriate knowledge about improved varieties and destruction of seedbed by hazardous animals. Major suggestions offered by respondents were; production inputs should be supplied at subsidize rate, produced should be purchased by government at reasonable price, provide technical knowledge about insecticide, fungicide and weedicide, water harvesting projects should be developed and more numbers of training program should be arranged at village level.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The specialists of information and communication technologies have appreciated that mobile is the most suitable device for improving the knowledge, creating general awareness and speedy learning amongst the farmers because it reaches a large number of people at a very low charge and become a requirement in the present-day society irrespective of age, status, profession, income groups or place of residence. With this consideration, the problem entitled “Assessment of Mobile Communication Technologies in Adoption of Information and Farmers Decision Making Process” was undertaken. Ex-post facto research design was followed. The present investigation covered three districts of the Saurashtra Region of Gujarat. A multistage sampling method was used with a sample size of 240 respondents. In this study, a scale was developed, which can scientifically measure perception of the farmers about role of mobile in decision making process in agriculture. The statistical measures such as frequency, percentage, arbitrary method, one sample test of kurtosis & skewness, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis were used. In respect to profile characteristics, nearly half (49.58 per cent) of the respondents were from middle age category, majority (65.00 per cent) of the respondents were having high school level education, highest per cent (36.26 per cent) amongst the respondents had small land holding, 60.83 per cent of the respondents were from income group of Rs. up to 1,00,000/-, about fifty per cent (48.75 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of social participation, more than fifty (56.25 per cent) of the respondents were in above 15 years category of farming experience, majority (61.25 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of attitude towards social media use, 51.67 per cent respondents received short duration training, majority (77.08 per cent) of the respondents had every day exposure of internet facility, majority (79.59 per cent) of the respondents were in medium to high information needs category, nearly half (47.92 per cent) of the respondents were from middle innovativeness category, more than fifty per cent (52.50 per cent) of respondent were in medium category of scientific orientation, majority (65.42 per cent) of the respondents were from medium risk orientation category and majority (62.91 per cent) of the respondents were from high to very high knowledge about mobile features.ii Regarding perception of the farmers about role of mobile in decision making process in agriculture, it was found that more than fifty per cent (51.67 per cent) of the respondents were from high perception of the farmers about role of mobile in decision making process in agriculture category followed by 30.00 per cent, 14.58 per cent, 2.50 per cent and 1.25 per cent respondents falling under very high, medium, low and very low perception of the farmers about role of mobile in decision making process in agriculture category respectively. The data on adoption of information revealed that, exactly forty per cent (40.00 per cent) of the respondents were from high adoption category followed by 38.33 per cent, 11.25 per cent, 5.42 per cent and 5.00 per cent respondents falling under medium, very high, low and very low adoption category respectively. Out of twenty three independent variables; annual income, occupation, extension agency contact, achievement motivation, attitude towards social media use, frequency of internet use, mass media participation, cosmopoliteness, attitude towards ICTs, information needs, innovativeness, scientific orientation, risk orientation, economic motivation and knowledge were found having highly significant and positive relationships with perception of the farmers about role of mobile in decision making process in agriculture at 0.01 level of significance. Twelve independent variables viz., annual income, occupation, social participation, extension agency contact, achievement motivation, frequency of internet use, availability of ICT tools, cosmopoliteness, innovativeness, scientific orientation, risk orientation and economic motivation were found having highly significant and positive relationships with adoption of information at 0.01 level of significance. The important constraints given by respondents were poor network coverage/poor connectivity, non - availability of updated contents in local language and language barrier to operate/use the mobile services & applications; In case of suggestions, continuous accessible network services should be made available in rural areas, information should be offered in understandable local language and mobile call from service providers should be done according to suitable timing of farmers in short & simple form.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (JAU, JUNAGADH, 2019-07) ROSE MATHEWS; N. B. Jadav
    India is an agro based developing country with about 68.84 per cent population living in rural area. Agricultural extension is a service or system which assists farmers through educational procedures in improving farming methods and techniques, increasing production efficiency and income, bettering their levels of living and lifting the social and educational standards of rural life. In recent times however, there has been revolution with regards to ICT in agriculture particularly in extension service delivery. ICT has potential to respond to a number of challenges that confront public extension systems. With this consideration, the problem entitled ‘ICT exposure of extension personnel in Saurashtra region’ was undertaken. The study was conducted in Saurashtra region of Gujarat. Six districts were selected randomly out of eleven districts and a total of 120 respondents were selected proportionately from each six districts. In respect to characteristics majority (53.33 per cent) of the extension personnel were middle aged, more than three-fourth (80.00 per cent) were males, majority (60.83 per cent) had M.Sc. degree as educational status, more than half (64.17 per cent) had medium work experience, exactly three-fourth (75.00 per cent) belonged to rural area, majority (62.50 per cent) had medium achievement motivation, majority (65.84 per cent) had medium level of innovation proneness, majority (60.84 per cent) had medium job commitment, more than half (59.17 per cent) had medium attitude, slightly more than half (55.00 per cent) had medium level of knowledge about ICT, 53.34 per cent had medium level of mass media liveliness, majority (43.34 per cent) had low level of professional zeal, majority (61.67 per cent) had not undergone any training on ICT and 63.33 per cent had medium level of infrastructure facilities. Majority (65.00 per cent) of the extension personnel had medium level of ICT utilization followed by 20.00 per cent and 15.00 per cent with high and low level of utilization respectively. Out of fifteen independent variables; social participation, mass media liveliness, training undergone and infrastructure facilities had positive and significant relationship with ICT utilization of extension personnel. Educational status, innovation proneness, attitude, knowledge about ICTs had positive and highly significant relationship with ICT utilization of extension personnel. Age had highly significant and negative association with ICT utilization of extension personnel. The characteristics viz., gender, work experience, native place, achievement motivation, job commitment and professional zeal had non-significant association with ICT utilization of extension personnel. The important constraints faced by the extension personnel were lack of training on ICT, high cost and lack of fund for equipments, lack of farmers interest in ICT based transfer of technology, poor infrastructure facilities, poor technical know-how, lack of motivation to use ICT based extension, difficulty in developing content in local language, slow internet connectivity, adverse effect on eyesight and back ache/headache/ hand pain. The suggestions offered by extension personnel to overcome the constraints were adequate and timely training on ICT, maintenance of already installed equipments should be regular, awareness about the uses and effectiveness of ICT among various stakeholders, enough fund should be provided for ICT facilities and services, uninterrupted power and internet facilities should be ensured and selection of ICT tools should be proper, location specific and need based.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Grain storage is a site or physical structure regularly used to store grain for producers or to store grain acquired from producers for resale. Storage is method of storing grain for human consumption. Food is the symbol of life and prosperity. Food grain comprising of cereals, millets and pulses is the primary and staple food of majority of the population in India. For fetching higher prices to the food grains in the market not only production of grains is important but storage of grains is very important. But farmer’s multiple roles especially in storage are generally underestimated and undervalued and they are kept away from the reach of advanced improved grain storage technologies. Therefore, it was worthwhile to study entitled “Knowledge and Adoption of Farmers about Grain Storage Practices in Junagadh District of Gujarat State”. This study was carried out with specific objectives: to study the personal, socio-economic, communicational, psychological characteristics of farmers as well as to study the extent of knowledge and adoption of them about grain storage practices; to study the association between farmers’ knowledge and adoption about grain storage practices with their selected characteristics, to find out constraints and seek suggestion from the respondents to overcome constraints faced by them. A study was conducted in Junagadh district of Gujarat state. In order to realize the objectives of the study, 4 talukas were selected randomly for the study where generally farmers store grain as well as familiar area for researcher. 3 villages from each taluka were selected randomly and 10 respondents from each selected village were selected randomly as sample. Hence, total 120 farmers were studied. The data were collected by personal interview method. The data so collected were coded, classified and tabulated analyzed in order to make meaning conclusions. The results of the study revealed that more than half (56.67 per cent) of the farmers were in middle aged, (51.66 per cent) were educated up to middle school or secondary school level, (35.00 per cent) were five to six member in family; whereas majority of the respondents had medium experience in grain storage (60.00 per cent), medium size of land holding (63.33 per cent), medium annual income (51.67 per cent), medium social participation (55.83 per cent), medium level quantity of grain stored (70.83 per cent), medium extension participation (63.33 per cent), medium mass media exposure (66.67 per cent), medium scientific orientation (70.83 per cent),medium risk orientation (63.33 per cent). Majority (73.33 per cent) of the respondents had medium knowledge level, followed by 17.50 per cent and 9.17 per cent of the respondents had high and low knowledge level, respectively. Majority (65.83 per cent) of the respondents had medium level of adoption, followed by 20.00 and 14.17 per cent of respondents had low and high level of adoption about grain storage practices, respectively. The data on practice wise adoption revealed that the level of adoption was found highest in practice like appropriate method of sun drying for grains and it secured rank 1st, followed by use of castor oil (rank II), fumigation (rank III), use of different structure of grain storage (rank IV), use of galvanized iron bin and RCC structure (rank V), use of custard apple seed powder (rank VI), use of wood ash (rank VII), use of cow dung slurry or mud for plug of the earthen pot (rank VIII), use of gunny bag (rank IX), use of stand and ventilator (rank X). Out of twelfth independent variables, education, size of family and mass media exposure had positive and highly significant association with knowledge as well as adoption of farmers, whereas experience in grain storage, annual income, social participation, quantity of grain storage, extension participation, scientific orientation and risk orientation had positive and significant association, while age had negative and significant association, and size of land holding had positive and non significant with knowledge as well as adoption of farmers about grain storage practices. Major constraints faced by respondents were; non availability of modern storage structures for grain storage, lack of information about chemical control of stored grain pest, lack of knowledge about improved technology of stored grains. Major suggestions offered by respondents were; subsidy should be provided by government to construct new storage structure, storage facilities should be created by government, guidance should be made available by extension agency regarding management of stored grains.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The Agricultural Technology Management Agency (ATMA) is an autonomous organization registered under the society’s registration act of 1860 with considerable operational flexibility. It is registered society of stakeholders involved in agricultural activities for sustainable agricultural development in the district. It is focal point for integrating research and extension activities and decentralized day to day management of the Public Agricultural Technology System (ATS). As a society, it receives and expands project funds, entering into contracts, agreements and maintaining revolving accounts that can be used to collect fees and thereby recovering operating cost. Hence, the present investigation entitled “Perception of FIG farmers towards usefulness of ATMA project in Saurashtra region” was envisaged with objectives viz., profile of respondents, perception level of FIG farmers towards usefulness of ATMA project, relationship between attributes of respondents and their level of perception, problems faced by FIG farmers in availing advantages of ATMA and suggestions of FIG farmers to get maximum advantages of ATMA. In order to realize the objectives of the study, 120 FIG farmers were selected from 12 different villages of 6 talukas of Amreli, Junagadh and Jamnagar districts by applying multistage simple purposive sampling technique. In respect to personal characteristics, slightly more than three- fifth (62.50 per cent) of respondents belonged to middle age group, 35.83 per cent of respondents belonged to primary school level of education, 58.33 per cent of the respondents had more training received, slightly less than two-fifth (39.17 per cent) had 3-4 family members and 53.33 per cent of the respondents had occupation as farming with allied occupation. As regards to socio-economic characteristics, majority (60.83 per cent) of the respondents were under the category of medium level of annual income, followed by 65.00 per cent of the respondents were with medium size of land holding and 64.17 per cent of respondents had medium level of social participation. In respect to communicational characteristics, 55.83 per cent of the respondents belonged to medium extension participation and 65.00 per cent of respondents had medium mass media exposure. The respondents with relation to psychological aspects, 57.50 per cent of the respondents were from medium level of risk orientation and 65.00 per cent of the respondents had medium level of innovativeness. More than half (53.33 per cent) of FIG farmers had medium level of perception towards usefulness of ATMA Project followed by 27.50 per cent and 19.17 per cent of respondents had high and low level of perception towards usefulness of ATMA Project, respectively. The characteristics of FIG farmers i.e. education, training and extension participation had positive and highly significant relationship with their perception towards usefulness of ATMA project. The characteristics of the respondents like occupation, annual income, social participation, mass media exposure, risk orientation and innovativeness were positively and significantly related with their perception towards usefulness of ATMA project. There was non-significant relationship between perception towards usefulness of ATMA project and size of family and size of land holding of FIG farmers. While age was positively and significantly related with their perception about usefulness of ATMA project. Out of 12 problems identified in availing advantages of ATMA, the most important constraints faced by the FIG farmers were: Non-availability of production inputs at the farmer’s doorstep, Lack of training on improved technologies, Exposure visits to research stations of Gujarat are not organized for all members, The knowledge and information gain during the exposure visit to other states are not applicable in local situation, Political hindrance affecting the selection of beneficiaries Out of 12 suggestions given by FIG farmers to get the maximum advantages of ATMA, the most important suggestions expressed by respondents were: Make the required inputs available at the farmers convenience, Offer training on improved technologies, Need more number of exposure visits, Training on ICT tools should be given for farmers, Focused on need based trainings should be arranged, The number of training programs should be increased.