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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Department of Arts and Social Sciences for Women Section B Psychology Chitamber School of Humanities & Social Sciences Sam Higginbottom University of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences, Allahabad, 2018) VARGHESE, VIGIN; THRIPATHI, Dr. NISHI
    Young adults' romantic relationships are often unstable, commonly including breakup-reconcile patterns. From the developmental perspective of emerging adulthood exploration, such relationship "churning" is expected; however, minor conflicts are more common in churning relationships. We build on the emerging adulthood literature to examine two forms of relationship instability, reconciliations and breakup; we term these as forms of relationship churning. Analyzing recent data on emerging adult daters and cohabiters, we find that nearly half report a reconciliation (a breakup followed by reunion) and over half of those who break up continue a steady relationship. We analyze individual demographic, social psychological, and relationship factors associated with reconciliations and breakups. These findings showcase that emerging adult relationships are characterized by considerable uncertainty and add to our theoretical and empirical understanding of stability in romantic relationships in emerging adulthood. Using demographic details and CD-risk data (N = 40), we test whether relationship churning is associated with more serious conflicts like physical violence, verbal abuse etc and their resilience. Those who are stably broken up (breakup only - no reconciliation) are similar to those who are stably together in their relationship. In contrast, churners (i.e., those involved in on-off relationships) are twice as likely as those who are stably together or stably broken up to report physical violence and half again as likely to report the presence of verbal abuse in their relationships; this association between churning and conflict holds net of a host of demographic, personal, and relationship characteristics. These findings have implications for better understanding unhealthy relationship behaviors. Study was conducted in a college and 40 participants volunteered this program. And from the study this can be concluded that people who are currently in a relationship have more resilience than the churners This study helps to know the ability to move on in a relationship also what all reason one face at the time of break ups, and the reason to move on
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (THE DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY SAM HIGGINBOTTOM UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURE, TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCES (SHUATS) (U.P State Act No. 35 of 2016, as passed by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature) Allahabad, 211007, U.P, India, 2017) A. V., JOYCY; Tripathi, Nishi
    Why humans do the things that they do so specifically and what creates the drive for success, has been a subject of scientific investigation for decades. The consensus is that everyone is motivated to achieve, although for different reasons. These reasons are collectively called achievement motivation and directly influence everyday actions such as doing work, practising a sport or hobby, studying for an exam, attending college etc. Psychologists believe that motivation is a necessary ingredient for learning (Biehler & Snowman, 1986). Satisfactory school learning is unlikely to take place in the absence of sufficient motivation to learn. Hence the present study was undertaken to learn the relationship between Achievement motivation and academic performance of secondary school students with special reference to family factors such as Socio Economic Status of Parents, education and occupation of parents etc. It is the participation of parents in every facet of children‟s education and development from birth to adulthood will affect a marked impact in their children‟s achievement. Parental involvement has a sound research base attesting to the many potential benefits it can offer in education, it generally benefits children‟s and adolescents learning and academic success. For years Parental Involvement has been touted as a very important predictor of student‟s achievement in schools. Recent surveys also show, teachers focus on the need to increase parental involvement, strengthening parents‟ role in learning of their children. It has been identified by teachers as an issue that should receive the highest public priority in education policy (Louis Harries, 1994). Moreover, a 1993 Metropolitan like survey of teachers found that large majority believed that the schools could be improved by federal government if it encourages parents to be more involved in their children‟s education (Richardson, 1993). The CCE scheme of CBSE is a good curricular initiative, attempting to shift emphasis from merely testing to holistic learning. It aims at creating good citizens possessing sound health, appropriate skills and desirable qualities besides academic excellence. The goal is to equip the learners to meet the challenges of life with confidence and success. Therefore the investigator selected CBSE schools of Uttar Pradesh, as the population for the study. The Sample for the investigation comprises 1101 students of 13 C B S E Schools of 6 districts of Uttar Pradesh, with in the age range of 14 to 17 (Mean=15.5).They belong to the group of Adolescence. iii Adolescence describes the age between 13 and 19 years and can be considered the transitional stage from childhood to adulthood... The period of adolescence is mostly closely associated with the teenage years although its physical, psychological and cultural expression can begin even earlier or later. Psychological development during adolescence is often accompanied by new stresses, behavioral changes and relationship problems. Parental involvement in the lives of their adolescent children can help young people to learn how to cope with stresses and maintain physical and mental health. Adolescent‟s achievement motivation has direct influence on their academic performance. Parental involvement has positive influence on students‟ achievements motivation which is so intuitively appealing that society in general and education in particular have considered parental involvement as important ingredient for the remedy of many problems in education of adolescents. This study has proved this aspect beyond any doubt. Achievement Motivation test constructed by Dr. V P Bhargava (1984) was administered to the selected sample to assess their academic achievement motivation. Descriptive statistic tools were used to analyze collected data. For criterion measure of the students‟ academic performance the Final Examination Grades of class IX or X were considered. Various comparisons were made to analyze significant effect of factors effecting students achievement motivation and academic performance by applying ANOVA and Karl Pearson‟s correlation co-efficient using SPSS. The results revealed that there is positive co-relation between achievement motivation and academic performance of secondary school students. There is significant effect of parents‟ socio- economic status and educational qualifications on the achievement motivation of secondary school students which will ultimately result on better academic performance. However it has been observed that there is no significant difference between male and female students with respect to achievement motivation. Results also show that parents‟ caste and occupations have no significant effect on achievement motivation. This study confirms the importance of Achievement Motivation and the positive impact of parent‟s educational qualifications and Economic status and concluded by making insightful suggestions and recommendations to stakeholders in Education in helping students to enhance their motivation and to improve on their performance.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The aim of present study “PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE AND WELLBEING OF INDIVIDUALS WITH DEPRESSION IN CLINICAL SETUPS OF ALLAHABAD CITY” is to identify the individuals with Depression in clinical setups. Present study is a descriptive research which is used to obtain information concerning about depression, what was the effect of well-being and personality pattern concerned with level of depression in clinical set-ups. How candepression affect personality pattern and well-being? The well-being of an individual is avery important component in individual‟s personal and professional life and to survive or make existence in future. Many components have affected the individual‟s life and their state of mind. It was our best tried to include all the demographic details gathered. A psychological profile is the build of individuals‟ personality by assessing their behavior with the help of psychology. World mental health raised public awareness about mental health issues. The day promotes open discussion of mental disorder, and investment in prevention, promotion and treatment services. Depression is a stigma in our society. Stigma surrounding mental illness is a major barrier that prevents people from seeking the mental health treatment that they need. The present study was designed to increase awareness regarding prevalence of depression in our society and how it can affect well-being of individuals with depression. It will provide guidelines to help prevent depression in Allahabad city. Depression is a common mental health problem leading to significant morbidity and mortality and high medical and social prices.Depressed people feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt, or restless. Individuals may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable, experience loss of appetite or overeating, have problems concentrating, remembering details, or making decisions, and may contemplate, attempt, or commit suicide. Insomnia, excessive sleeping, fatigue, loss of energy, or aches, pains, or digestive problems that are resistant to treatment may also be present. Clinical depression is one of the most common mental illnesses, affecting more than 19 million Americans each year(The Numbers Count: Mental Illness in America, National Institute of Mental Health, 1999). Depression causes people to lose pleasure from daily life, can complicate other medical conditions, and can even be serious enough to lead to suicide. Unfortunately, although about 70% of individuals with depression have a full remission of the disorder with effective treatment, fewer than half of those suffering from this illness seek treatment. Rupp A, Gause E, Regier D (1998).The positive aspect of health is well-being. We could not explain depression without the knowledge of healthy personality because every coin has two parts. Well-being is most commonly used in philosophy to describe what is non-instrumentally or ultimately good for a person. Well-being is defined that every individual realizes his or her own potential, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to her or his community. Early adolescence through childhood, women are twice as likely as men to experience depression. The study was conducted in two clinical set ups (Private Clinics & Hospitals) in Allahabad city. The sample consists of 60 subjects in four groups according to Samuel Beck‟s classification for depression.The diagnosis of clinical condition were arrived at by psychiatrist on the basis of DSM-IV (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorder) APA (American Psychological Association) diagnostic criteria. The patient with bipolar affective disorder, with symptoms of mania and major physical illness were not included. The patients who were cooperative and communicative were included in the sample. The sample was drowns through purposive sampling. All individuals with depression were selected from adult group age between 18 to 40 years. The samples were categorized in three categories on developmental stages as later adolescent, early adulthood and middle adulthood. Based on the objectives of the study the purposive type of sampling method was adopted. 60 individuals were selected from approximately 200 cases of deferent clinical diagnosis. The data collection took near about 18 month. The data was drowns from Ravideep Clinic Raambag and JeevanJyoti Hospital Raambag in Allahabad city. The five tools were used for psychological profile although three out of five included in quantitative analysis. The result derived from the present study was analyzed statistically. In addition it investigated whether the severity of depression and well-being the effect of personality pattern. This study was analyzed in two sub-parts of analysis, first (part-A) was quantitative and second part (part-B) based on qualitative. In first part frequency, correlation, mean, standard deviation and one way analysis of variances ANOVA were used. This chapter presents mean frequency of demographic detail (age, gender, education, domicile and socio-economic status). The three variables correlation presents between demographic details with depression, well-being with depression and personality pattern with depression groups. The result of quantitative analysis was analyzed on the basis of severity groups. On the basis of result from demographic variable it was found that most of individuals with depression (36.7%) were in age range of early adulthood followed by middle adulthood (35.0%) and later adolescents (28.3). Frequencies of females were high as compared to males. On the basis of education, domicile and socio economic status the result found to be above intermediate, urban and moderate socio economic status were high as compared with other comparing variables. The finding indicated that relationship between well-being and level of depression, as the depression scores increase the well-being decreased. Another finding between depression and dimensions of personality pattern further indicated that as the depression scores increase the productivity (R total number of responses) decreases the result further indicated that as the depression scores increased the coping strategy (M) decreased, the result further indicated as the depression scores increased the intellectual function (A) decreased, the result further indicated that as the depression scores increased the interpersonal relationship (H) decreased.In qualitative analysis on the assessment of 60 psychological profile, assessment out-come found high level of depression according to BDI-II (Beck‟s Depression Inventory) scores, individuals with high level depression had higher numbers of chief complaints, low scores on span of attention test. Individuals with high level of depression were unable to maintain eye contact as compared to mild and minimal level of depression groups. The outcome assessment of presented profiles indicates psychomotor activity of individual with severe level depression within slow range as compared to mild and minimal level groups. MMSC (Mini Mental Status Examination) indicates individuals with severe level depression had found mild or moderate cognitive impairment as compared to mild and minimal level groups the minimal level group were not found any cognitive impairment. On Subjective Well-being Scale (SWBS)individual with severe level depression produced fewer score as compared to minimal level groups. Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), which is one of the most wildly, used instrument.The findings were negatively correlated with subjective well-being and other happiness- related variables. These findings suggest that depression had the same meaning at individual and country level and that depression is an adequate measure of (a lack of) subjective well-being at country level(Dianne A. & Van Henert, 2002)s. The index study justify that individuals with severe level depression were found low score on SWBS and also scored high on BDI-II by same group. On Rorschach Diagnosis Test was found less number of total responses R of individuals with severe level of depression as compared to minimal level depression group. Index study indicates minimal group did not show card rejection while individuals with severe level of depression. Severe level group rejected cards more frequently than minimal level of depression. The initial reaction time indicates that individuals with minimal level of depression show decreased initial reaction time as compared to high level group. Popular responses P indicate that individuals with severe level of depression produced high number of P as compared to minimal level depression group. Content wise analysis, cloud responses indicates that individuals with minimal level depression produced less number of cloud responses as compared to severe level group. Affective ratio Afr indicates that both group moderate and severe level depression produced low Afr as compared to mild and minimal level groups. The result concluded with some conclusions. The present study found that depressions were found high in females as compared to males. It has been concludedfrom above finding that depression were found high in individuals who have low level of wellbeing.When depression was high, low level well-being was found. So there was some little tips were given to reduce depression.On the basis of their scores and socio-demographic detail, some suitable tips were given to maintain their well-being and coming out of depression, it was also useful for individual to reach out state of depression and their care givers gave them more support and help on follow up or after those sessions, it was also worked for them. The study was terminated with the lots of wishes for individuals with depression and their care givers they got pathway of their own life and get a successful healthy wealthy life style.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Head, Department of Psychology Sam Higgginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology& Sciences (Formerly Allahabad Agriculture Institute) (Deemed to be University) Allahabad -211007, 2015) Singhal, Kamini; Tripathi, Nishi
    Anxiety is an important construct today, especially in the lives of students, as it affects their mental, physical and social wellbeing. Studies have focussed on anxiety disorders of university students, some areas of their manifest anxiety, like academic anxiety, job anxiety, death anxiety and so on. Currently, no Indian scale has been developed to measure the level of anxiety, of this population except Sinha’s Anxiety Scale, constructed in the sixties. The present study outlines the development and validation of an Anxiety Scale for Undergraduate Students (ASUS) to measure their level of anxiety. The ASUS consists of 50 items and is on a 5 – point Likert scale. Results of data have demonstrated that the scale has internal reliability and construct validity.