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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Dormancy studies in in-situ germination in mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2022-11-25) Kadam, Sandeep Raosaheb; Jahagirdar, J.E.
    The present investigation was undertaken to assess the Dormancy in Mungbean having entitled “Dormancy studies in in-situ Germination in Mungbean (Vigna radiata L.)” at Department of Agricultural Botany, VNMKV, Parbhani during kharif 2020 and kharif 2021. The experiment arranged in Randomized Block Design with two replications and every treatment has four rows of 4.5 meter long with 45 cm distance in between rows. The package of practices was carried out as per recommendation for raising the good crop. The experimental materials included in the present study were 34 entries containing 25 genotypes and 9 standard checks which were collected from the Agriculture Research Station, Badnapur, VNMKV, Parbhani and Pulses Research Unit, Dr. PDKV, Akola. The observations were recorded on twenty three traits of yield contributing and seed quality characters. The yield contributing characters were days to 50 % flowering, days to maturity, days to shattering, plant height(cm), number of primary branches, number of cluster per plant, length of pods (cm), number of seed per pod, 100 seed wt. (g), seed yield per plant (g), biological yield per plant (g) and harvest index % whereas, seed quality parameters were recorded on germination (%), hard seed (%), time to opening pod (hrs), seedling length (cm), vigour index I, vigour index II, seedling dry wt. (g), seed hardness(Kg/cm2), α-amylase (mg/g) and dehydrogenase(µg/g).The observations on field level were taken of five randomly plants of all the yield contributing characters except days to 50% flowering, days to maturity and days to shattering. Laboratory work has completed in the laboratory of Seed Technology, Department of Agricultural Botany, VNMKV, Parbhani and laboratory of Soil Science and Agriculture Chemistry, College of Agriculture, VNMKV, Parbhani. The statistical analysis of data was carried out as per the standard method by Panse and Sukhatme. The genotypes BM-2019-1, AKM-1609, Phule M 818-8, AKM-1606 and check PKV Green Gold showed earliness and genotype TBM-6 showed late for day to 50 % flowering in kharif 2020 whereas in kharif 2021 and in pooled mean a genotype AKM-1609 recorded early and TBM-6 late in this trait. In days to plant maturity character earliness of maturity showed in the genotypes AKM-12-14, AKM-1609, AKM-1602 and Phule M 818-8 while genotype Phule M 817-13 observed late in kharif 2020. In second season i.e. in kharif 2021 and in pooled mean of both seasons genotype Phule M 818-8 showed early and TBM-4 for late maturity whereas genotype AKM-12-14 observed earliness while Vaibhav Ch. found late. The observations responsible for yield showed in the trait of plant height in cm, on the basis of pooled mean data, genotype Phule M 402-2-1 recorded tallest plant height, followed by check varieties PKVM-4 and Utkarsh whereas genotype Phule M 707-5 recorded dwarf plant height. In number of primary branches per plant which is directly contribute to yield and showed the range values of from 2.5 to 7.0. The next one number of pods per cluster is also an important factor which has effect on seed yield showed the range from 2.9 to 5.5. The number of pods per plant and length of pod also the important factors, which are also yield contributing traits and showed the positive correlation with seed yield. Among the genotypes Phule M 816-10 recorded highest and AKM-1606 lowest number of seeds per pod and range values were found from 9.4 to 15.1 in this trait. In the observation of 100 seed weight (test wt.) data revealed the genotypes TBM-4 recorded highest and AKM-1608 lowest test wt. The traits of seed yield per plant (g) and biological yield were observed range values from 5.4 to 11.7 g of seed yield per plant and 14.4 to 31.6 g of biological yield per plant in both seasons. These two traits showed significant relation to harvest index % and genotype Phule M 818-8 recorded high harvest index % followed by PKVM-8802, Phule M 817-13 and PKV-Green Gold while PKVM-4 exhibited low harvest index percentage. The main important seed quality parameter is germination percentage which has direct influence on seed yield by maintaining plant population in field. The germination percentage of different genotypes in this study measured the range from 72.8 to 93.8 %. Among the genotypes germination percentage values were recorded more than the Minimum Seed Certification Standard (MSCS) excepting only one genotype i.e. TBM-6. MSCS for mungbean is 75 % minimum. The seedling dry weight (g) showed a direct relation to the seedling length. Analyzed data showed highly positive significant relationship between seedling length (cm) and seedling dry weight (g). Seed vigour is a complex physiological trait that is necessary to ensure the rapid and uniform emergence of plants in the field. In this study vigour index I and vigour index II recorded positive significant with germination percentage. The genotypes Phule M 818-8, AKM-1605, Phule M 817-13 and Phule M 504-20-2 showed significant in germination %, vigour index I and II. The Fresh Seed Dormancy (FSD) of mungbean has assessed in this study by observing the time of opening of pods (hrs) in in-situ germination. The range values were observed from 0.8 to 80.8 hrs. Analyzed data revealed the result regarding different genotypes and checks, six were showed less, 18 were moderate and remaining ten were categorized in high fresh seed dormancy (FSD). The enzymatic activity of the enzymes α-amylase and dehydrogenase showed highly positive correlation with the character germination percentage, vigour index I and II in mungbean. It means increase in enzyme activity of α-amylase and dehydrogenase with increased germination percentage, vigour index I, vigour index II and vice-versa. However, it noticed negligible range of correlation with α-amylase and negligible non-significant negative correlation with time to opening of pods.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of alpha amylase on seed germination in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2022-11-30) Shete, Pruthiviraj Sanjay; Kalyankar, S.V.
    The present investigation entitled “Effect of alpha amylase on seed germination in mung bean (Vigna radiata L.)” comprised of 12 genotypes including 5 checks viz; BM-4, BPMR-145, BM-2003-2, Vaibhav & Utkarsh was evaluated during kharif 2021 at VNMKV, Parbhani. Observations were recorded on the characters viz; days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height, days required for shattering, number of primary branches per plant, number of pods per cluster, number of pods per plant, length of pod, number of seeds per pod, 100 seed weight, seed yield / plant (g), harvest index, germination percentage, root and shoot length, vigor index I, seed hardness (kg/cm2), alpha amylase (mg/g), seedling dry wt (g), vigor index II, pod opening time collected and analyzed for analysis of variance, correlation and enzyme activity. The most of the cases, the genotypic correlation coefficients were found to be higher magnitude than the corresponding phenotypic one. The mean values of observation recorded were subjected to analysis of variances for Randomized Block Design in individual season and pooled (Table 4.1) It was revealed that mean squares due to genotypes found significant for all the characters in all environments over a pooled analysis. The variation due to genotypes were significant for all the characters under study both at 5% and 1% probability levels in both season. The significant differences in characters indicate the presence of variability in experimental material. In genotypic correlation, the seed yield character of the study recorded significant positive correlation with primary branches per plant, days to maturity, days required for shattering, number of pods per cluster, number of pods per plant and 100 seed weight while, it was non-significantly positive correlated to the number of seeds per pod, root and shoot length. It also reported non-significant negative correlation with days to 50% flowering, plant height, length of pod and harvest index. The number of primary branches might be developed into more number of pod clusters which resulted in high seed yield per plant. The enzyme α-amylase showed significant positive correlation with germination percentage, time to opening of pods, vigour index I and vigour index II. Enzyme α-amylase estimated high range of positive correlation with germination percentage, time to opening of pods, vigour index I & II. This indicates the strong association of enzyme α-amylase with germination percentage, time to opening of pods, vigour index I & II. It means increase in enzyme activity of α-amylase with increased germination percentage, time to opening of pods, vigour index I, vigour index II and vice-versa. In phenotypic correlation, the seed yield character of the study recorded significant positive correlation with primary branches per plant, days to maturity, days required for shattering, number of pods per cluster, number of pods per plant, 100 seed weight, root and shoot length while it was non-significantly positive correlated to the number of seeds per pod. It also reported significant negative correlation with length of pod and seed hardness. However, it also reported non-significant negative correlation with days to 50% flowering and plant height. The number of primary branches might be developed into more number of pod clusters which resulted in high seed yield per plant. The enzyme α-amylase showed significant positive correlation with germination percentage, time to opening of pods, vigour index I and vigour index II. Enzyme α-amylase estimated high range of positive correlation with germination percentage, time to opening of pods, vigour index I & II. This indicates the strong association of enzyme α-amylase with germination percentage, time to opening of pods, vigour index I & II. It mean increase in enzyme activity of α-amylase with increased germination percentage, time to opening of pods, vigour index I, vigour index II and vice-versa.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Changes in soybean seed quality as affected by accelerated and natural ageing
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2022-10-11) Devkule, Sanjay Namdevrao; Mahajan, R.C.
    The present investigation entitled “Changes in soybean seed quality as affected by accelerated and natural ageing” was undertaken at the Experimental Farm, Department of Agricultural Botany, VNMKV, Parbhani, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, VNMKV, Parbhani, Quality Control Laboratory, MSSC Ltd., Parbhani and Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, College of Agriculture, Golegaon, Hingoli during the year-2017-18. The seed of soybean varieties viz., MAUS-71 and MAUS-158, JS335 and MAUS-162 having two maturity group early MAUS-71, MAUS-158- 93-95 (Days to maturity) early and JS-335, MAUS-162- 95-103 (Days to Maturity) late. The Seeds of soybean varieties, MAUS-71, MAUS-158, JS-335 and MAUS-162 were subjected to two different ageing conditions. I) Accelerated ageing where seeds were subjected to accelerated ageing (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 Hs.) by placed in a BOD at varying temperature ranging from 410c to 450c and relative humidity of 90 to 100 per cent. II) Natural ageing where seeds were stored under conventional storage condition (uncontrolled) and evaluated at the time interval of 0, 60, 120, 180 and 240 Days for seed quality and biochemical parameters. The observations on different seed quality and biochemical parameters were recorded at regular intervals. Observations on moisture content, germination percentage, seedling length, and seedling vigour index, electrical conductivity for seed quality parameters and malondialdehyde, super oxide dismutase, peroxide activity, protein, oil and dehydrogenase activity for biochemical parameters were recorded. The studies revealed that, the seeds of all varieties (MAUS-71, MAUS-158, JS-335 and MAUS-162) were aged artificially at various time (24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 Hs.) and temperature (410c, 420c, 430c, 440c and 450c) variables. Soybean variety MAUS-162 was found to be better in respect of moisture percentage, germination, germination index, seedling length, seed vigour index and electrical conductivity as compared to MAUS-71, MAUS-158 and JS-335 at the end of 120 hrs. and 240 days of storage period. The soybean variety MAUS-162 was found to be better in respect of biochemical parameters i.e, malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, peroxide activity, protein, oil and dehydrogenase activity. The temperature and hours have a significant effect on all the seed quality and biochemical parameters i.e, enzymatic activities of soybean seed during 240 days of storage period. All the seed quality parameters and enzymatic activities maintained in MAUS-162 variety as compare to MAUS-71, MAUS-158 and JS-335 during 240 days of storage period. It was observed that germination, germination index, seedling length, seedling vigour index decreased, as where electrical conductivity of seed latchets increased after accelerated ageing as well as during natural ageing. The activities of various antioxidant enzyme, super oxide dismutase, peroxide activity, protein, oil and dehydrogenase activity decrease, where as, malondialdehyde content increased after artificial ageing and also during natural ageing.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of gibberellic acid on seed yield, yield contributing characters and oil content of safflower (carthamus tinctorius L.)
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2021-10-29) Jadhav, Vaibhav Baburao; Ghuge, S.B.
    The present experiment was undertaken during rabi season of 2020-21 at the experimental farm of All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Safflower, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani. (M.S.) and laboratory work for estimation of oil content was carried out at IIOR Hyderabad to evaluate “Effect of gibberellic acid on seed yield, yield contributing characters and oil content of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.)” using varieties PBNS-12, PBNS-40, PBNS-86 and hybrid DSH-185. The experiment was laid out in factorial randomized block design with three treatments and two replications. The different treatments were foliar application of gibberellic acid of various concentrations viz., 100, 200, 300 ppm along with one control. Spraying was done at branching, flowering and seed filling stages of crop growth stages. Results revealed that, varieties PBNS-12 and PBNS-86 showed significant effect on yield and yield contributing characters i.e. days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, number of effective capitula per plant, number of seeds per primary capitula, capitula diameter, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, test weight, volume weight, hull content, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant, seed yield per plot, harvest index. Similarly, foliar spray of 200 ppm GA3 significantly enhanced yield and yield contributing characters i.e. days to maturity, number of effective capitula per plant, number of seeds per primary capitula, capitula diameter, number of primary branches per plant, number of secondary branches per plant, test weight, volume weight, seed yield per plant, biological yield per plant, seed yield per plot, harvest index except days to 50% flowering and hull content showed non-significant effect. The differences amongst interaction effect were found significant for the test weight of seeds except other seed yield contributing characters. Similarly, PBNS-86 was significantly superior for oil content and oil yield (kg/ha) than other varieties however, foliar application of 200 ppm gibberellic acid concentration showed significantly highest oil content with positive interaction. The variety PBNS-86 was significantly superior for oil yield but it was found at par with PBNS-12. GA3 200 ppm concentration was significantly superior for oil yield than all other concentrations.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of foliar spray of naa [Naphthalene acetic acid] on yield, flower drop & seed quality in pigeonpea [Cajanus cajan (L.) millsp.]
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2021-07-28) Kanna Sharvani; Kalyankar, S.V.
    A field experiment was conducted at Experimental farm, Department of Agricultural Botany, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agriculture University, Parbhani, during kharif 2020-21 to evaluate “Effect of foliar spray of NAA (Naphthalene acetic acid) on yield, flower drop & seed quality of pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan(L.) Millsp.)”using variety BSMR-736. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with eight treatments and three replications. The different treatments were foliar application of NAA of various concentrations viz., 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80 ppm along with one control. Spraying was done at flower initiation and 30 days after first spray. Results revealed that foliar spray ofT8 (80 ppm NAA) followed by foliar spray of T7 (70 ppm NAA) significantly enhanced yield and yield contributing parameters i.e. number of branches per plant, leaf area, number of buds per plot, number of pods per plot, number of seeds per pod, plant total dry weight, length of pod (5 seeded, 4 seeded, 3 seeded), biological yield and harvest index, while there is decrease in number offlower drop per plant which was favourable to have an increasing effect on the seed yield when compared with control and rest of the treatments. Similarly foliar spray of T8 (80 ppm NAA) followed by foliar spray of T7(70 ppm NAA) significantly enhanced seed quality parameters viz., germination percentage,root length, shoot length, vigour index and seed size when compared with control and rest of the treatments. Correlation studies revealed that character, seed yield had high significant and positive correlation with number of branches per plant, leaf area, number of buds per plot, number of pods per plot, number of seeds per pod, plant total dry weight, length of pod (5 seeded, 4 seeded, 3 seeded), biological yield and harvest index. Seed yield had negative correlation with number of flower drop per plant where decrease in number of flower drop per plant was favourable for increasing seed yield. This indicates there was strong association between number of branches per plant, leaf area, number of buds per plot, number of flower drop per plant, number of pods per plot, number of seeds per pod, total dry weight, length of pod (5 seeded, 4 seeded, 3 seeded), biological yield and harvest index and seed yield. Studies on correlation revealed that seed quality trait, seed germination exhibited significant and positive correlation with root length, shoot length, vigour index and seed size.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of bioagent and seed coating on yield and seed quality parameters in soybean
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2020-09-30) Dalvi, Aboli Ashok; Kalyankar, S.V.
    A field experiment entitled “Effect of Bioagent and Seed coating treatment on Yield and Seed Quality parameters in soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)” was conducted during kharif 2019 at Instructional Farm, Department of Agriculture Botany, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agriculture University, Parbhani. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications and seven treatments. Viz. T1 :Untreated seed, T2:Polymer coating@ 3ml/kg T3: T2+Tricoderma viride @ 5 ml ,T4 : T2+ Rhizobium japonicum @6ml, T5 : T2+ Phosphorus solubilizing bacteria@6ml, T6:T2+ Potash Solubilizing bacteria@6ml, T7 : T2+ Biomix@6ml.The research was conducted to study the effect of different bioagent and seed coating treatment on yield and various quality parameters of soybean. From the present study it was observed that treatment T7 : T2+ Biomix@6ml followed by T4 T2+ Rhizobium japonicum @6ml recorded higher seed quality and yield contributing characters. Yield and yield contributing characters viz ., plant height number of branches per plant ,leaf area ,leaf area index ,plant total dry weight, chlorophyll content ,number of pods per plant, number of seed per pod ,seed yield per plot , seed yield per ha and harvest index were significantly superior in treatment T7 : T2+ Biomix@6ml followed by T4 T2+ Rhizobium japonicum @6ml than all other seed coating treatments over the control. Number of pods per plant, number of seed per pod, seed yield per plot, seed yield per ha and harvest index were significantly superior in treatment T7 : T2+ Biomix@6ml followed by T4:T2+ Rhizobium japonicum @6ml than all other seed coating treatments over the control . From the present study it was observed that treatment T7 : T2+ Biomix@6ml followed by T4 T2+ Rhizobium japonicum @6ml recorded higher seed oil content and seed protein content. Data on days to 50% flowering was recorded to be non-significant. Seed quality characters i.e. seed germination, seedling length, vigour index was significantly in treatment T7 : T2+ Biomix@6ml followed by treatments T4:T2+ Rhizobium japonicum @6ml and that all other seed coating treatments over the control. Correlation coefficient is an important statistical constant, which indicates the degree of association among the various characters. In present research yield and yield contributing character of seed yield was positive and significant correlated with plant height ,number of branches ,leaf area, plant total dry weight, number of pods per plant, number of seed per pod, test weight, oil content ,protein content, germination (%), seedling length and harvest index .The result also obtained from this study that days to 50 % flowering has negative significance association with to other yield and yield parameters . In present research study, seed quality parameter germination shows positive and Significant correlation with seedling length, vigour index, oil content and protein content.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of seed priming on yield and germination of soybean [glycine max (L.) Merrill.]
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2017-05-29) Shete, Digvijay Chandrashekhar; Deosarkar, D.B.
    An investigation entitled "Effect of seed priming on yield and germination of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill.]" was conducted during kharif 20 L 6 at Instructional Farm, Department of Agriculture Botany, Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agriculture University, Parbhani. The experiment was laid out in Randomized Block Design with three replications ,. and seven treatments viz., T 1- hydro priming for 30 minutes, T2 - hydro priming for L hour,T3 - 0.5% KN03 for 30 minutes (Osmo prirning),T4 - 1% KN03 for 1 hour (Osmo priming),T5 - 0.1 % NaCl for 30, minutes (halo priming), T 6 - 0.2% NaCl for 1 hour (halo priming), T7 - Control. The experiment was conducted to study effect of different seed priming treatments on yield, germination and storability of soybean. From the present investigation it was observed that T 2 - hydro priming for 1 hour recorded higher yield and yield contributing traits, biochemical studies and storage studies over rest of treatments and control followed by T 4 - 1% KN03 for 1 hour. Treatment T2 - hydro priming for 1 hour recorded minimum days to field emergence, minimum days for 50% flowering, higher in plant height, higher number of branches per plant, higher final plant stand, higher Leaf area, higher number of pods per plant, higher number of seeds per pod, higher seed yield per plant and per hectare, higher test weight, higher biological yield and higher harvest index over rest of treatments followed by treatment T4 - 1% KN03 for 1 hour. Biochemical studies revealed that chlorophyll content was higher in Tr hydro priming for 1 hour over rest of treatments followed by treatment T4 - 1% KN03 for 1 hour. Data for oil content, and protein content is non significant Storage studies observation revealed that germination %, root length, shoot length, seedling fresh weight, seedling dry weight, vigour index, seed size, moisture percentage, a amylase activity and dehydrogenase activity higher in T 2 - hydro priming for 1 hour over rest of treatments followed by treatment T4 - 1% KN03
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Standardization of seed production technology for pigeonpea (cajanus cajan (l.) Millsp.) Hybrid
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2009-06-02) Kandle, Yogesh Bhushan; Madrap, I.A.
    The present investigation on "STANDARDIZATION OF SEED PRODUCTION TECHNOLOGY FOR PIGEONPEA (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) HYBRIDS" involved the assessment of synchronization of newly developed pigeonpea hybrid, standardization of safe isolation distance for hybrid seed production, study of pollengrain in pigeonpea and determination of the stigma receptivity of 'A' line ofpigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millisp). The experiment on four different objective studies were conducted separately. For standardization study the experiment was laidout in a randomized block design with four replication and six treatment. Male parent i.e. ICPR-2671 was sown earlier than female parent ICPA- 2043 by 20 days, 15 days, 10 days, 5 days, on same date and 5 days late than female of hybrid ICPH-2671. There were significant differences for all the characters except flower initiation in male parent. The female parent was early in maturity than male parent by five days. Seed yield (kg/ha) in female line of this treatment was 1728.8 kg/ha which comparatively good as that of other treatments. For standardization of safe isolation distance, experiment was conducted on separate field. The male parent i.e. ICPR-2671 was sown centrally and female parent i.e. ICPA-2043 was sown at a distance of 100 rn, 150m, 200m, 250m, 300m and 350m along with four sides i.e. North, west, south and east directions of male parent ICPR-2671. I)ue to easy insect movement and sunlight toward East outcrossing was more as compared to west direction and minimum outcrossing was observed at 350m distance i.e. 1.53 per cent. The pollegrain studies were carried out of four female line ICPA-2043, ICPA-2047, ICPA-2048 and ICPA-2092. Out ofthese ICPA-2043 line showed maximum sterility i.e. 77.10 per cent and ICPA-2043 showed only 37.43 sterility which was very unstable and ICP A 2092 x ICPR 10650 · gives maximum fertility restoration that is 81.30 per cent. The experiment conducted for stigma receptivity of line ICP A-2043 showed that as starvation period to stigma went on increasing, number of pods formed went to decreasing. Number of pods formed upto 10 hours of starvation period of stigma gives good result and upto 34 hour of starvation period, nearly 15 pods are formed out of 20 pollinating buds which was also gives good results.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Seed quality studies in soybean [glycine max (l.) Merrill]
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2009-08-24) Garud, Garud, Chatrapati Babarao; Khapre, P.R.
    The present investigation on " Seed Quality Studies In Soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill )" was carried out with an aim to identify proper stage of seed harvest to obtain high seed quality in relation to seed germination and seedling vigour components and correlation & path analysis for seed quality characters in soybean. To identify the proper stage of ~arvest the seed of five genotypes viz. JS 335, JS 93-05, MAUS 71, MAUS 81 and MAUS I 58 were grown in Factorial Randomized Block Design (FRBD) with three replications and eleven characters viz., moisture content, seed index, processing recovery, oil content, protein content, seed germination, vigour index, shoot length, root length, seedling fresh weight and seedling dry weight were studied. The genotypes MAUS 158 performed better than all genotypes in respect of protein content, oil content and germination percentage. Most of the characters I ike seed moisture, seed germination, vigour index and oil content decreased after physiological maturity stage. l-Ienee it is advisable to harvest the soybean crop at physiological maturity for better seed quality. The correlation study revealed that moisture content showed a significant and negati vely correlated with germination whi le the seed index , processing I·ecovery and oil content were significant and positively correlated. protein content showed positive correlation with germination and oil & protein content were positively correlated. The moisture content recorded highest negative direct effect on seed germination while seed index, processing recovery and oil content showed significant positive indirect eff'ect.