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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Analyse market potential of vegetable seed consumption in latur district
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2010-03-31) Borade, Sachin Gopalrao; Degaonkar, A.M.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Performance of state bank of hyderabad in beed district at state bank of hyderabad, main branch
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 2010-06-29) Ghorpade, Varsharani Shankar; Shelke, R.D.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Optimization of spacing and fertilizer levels in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.)
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 42154) Unde, Govardhan Bharatrao; Suryavanshi, V. P.
    A field experiment was conducted during kharif season of 2014- 15 at Oilseeds Research Station, Latur, to study the response of sesame to different spacings and fertilizer levels. The soil was clayey in texture, low in available nitrogen (141 kg ha'1), medium in phosphorus (17.1 kg ha'1), high in potassium (576 kg ha'1) and slightly alkaline in reaction (7.8 pH). The experiment was laid out in a split plot design consisting six spacings viz. 45 cm x 10 can (Si), 30 cm x 15 cm (S2), 45 cm x 15 cm (S3), 30 cm x 22.5 cm (S4), 60 cm x 10 cm (Sg) and 60 cm x 15 cm (Sg) as main plot treatment and three fertilizer levels viz. 75 % RDF (Fi), 100 % RDF (F2) and 125 % RDF (F3) as sub plot treatment replicated twice. The recommended dose of fertiliser (RDF) was 50:25 :00 NPK kg ha'1. The results indicated that growth and yield attributing characters . of sesame viz. plant height, number of functional leaves, leaf area, number of capsule, number of branches, total dry matter, capsule yield per plant and test weight were appreciably improved with the spacing of 60 cm x 15 (Sg) cm. the spacing of 45 cm x 10 cm (Si) was found to be significantly effective in producing higher seed yield (kg ha'1), oil yield (kg ha'1), gross monetary returns, net monetary returns and B: C ratio which was at a par with the spacing of 30 cm x 15 cm (S2) and significantly superior over rest of the spacings. Among different fertilizer levels, the application of 125 % RDF (F3) produced significantly higher growth and yield attributing characters, higher seed yield (kg ha'1), oil yield (kg ha'1), gross monetary returns, net monetary returns and B: C ratio as compared to 75 % RDF (Fi) and it was at par with 100% RDF (F2).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Integrated weed management in rainfed pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan L. Millsp.)
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 42154) Khedekar, Milind Arjun; Pawar, S. B.
    The Field investigation entitled ‘Integrated Weed Management in Rainfed Pieonpea ( Cajanus cajan L Milli sp.)” was conducted at Agriculture Research Station Badnapur during kharif 2014-15. The experiemntal field was levelled and well drained. The soil was clayey in texture, moderate in available nitrogen, low in available phosphorus, high in available potassium and moderately alkaline in reaction. The environmental conditions prevailed during experimental period was favourable for normal growth and maturity of pigeonpea crop. The field experiments was laid as in randomized block design with nine treatments which treatments includes one pre emergence herbicides Pendamethalin (30%E.C.) @ 0.75 kg ai ha'1, two post emergence herbicides Quizalofop ethyl (5%E.C.) @ 0.60 g ai ha'1, Imazethapyr (10%S.L.) @ 100 g ai ha'1 with solely application and applied with combination of each other, one cultural treatment (HW: 30, 50, 60DAS as per treatment) and one controlled treatment are replicated thrice. The gross and net plot size of each experimental unit was 5.4 m x 3.6 m and 3.6 m x 2.8 m, respectively. Sowing was done on date on Jully 19,2014 by dibbling method at 90 x 20 cm spacing. Seed treatment, pest and disease management, irrigation and fertilizer management is as per recommendation to all treatments. Highest weed control efficiency was recorded in weed free (T2) followed by (T9) Pendimethalin (30% E.C.) @ 0.75 kg ai. ha'1 on IDAS + Imazethapyr @ 100 g ai. ha'1 on 25DAS + 1HW SODAS at 60 DAS. Among the weed free treatment (T2) significantly recorded higher grain yield (1733 kg ha'1) over weedy check (Ti) (955 kg ha'1) but at par with (T9) Pendimethalin (30%E.C.) @ 0.75 kg ha'1 on IDAS + Imazethapyr @ 100 g ai. ha'1 on 25 DAS + HW 50 DAS (1534 kg ha'1) and (T7) Pendimethalin @ 0.75kg ai. ha'1 + Quizalofop ethyl @ 60g ai ha'1 on 25 DAS + 1 HW 50 DAS (post emergence application) recorded (1517 kg ha'1).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation of agro-techniques for yield maximization in pigeonpea (Cajanus Cajan L. Millsp.)
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 42154) Jadhav, Samadhan Digambar; Patil, C. B.
    The Field investigation entitled ‘Evaluation of agro-techniques for yield maximization in pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan L.Millsp.)”was conducted at section of Agronomy, Agricultural research station, Badnapur during kharif season of 2014-15. The experimental field was levelled and well drained. The soil was clayey in texture, low in avalaible nitrogen, moderate in available phosphorus, high in available potassium and slightly alkaline in reaction. The environnemental conditions prevailed during experimental period was favourable for normal growth and maturity of pigeonpea crop. The field experiments was laid out in randomized block design with eight treatments which includes INM;IWM; EPM; INM + IWM ; INM + IPM ;IWM + IPM ; INM + IWM +EPM and control (farmers practice) and replicated thrice. The gross and net plot sizes of each experimental unit was 5.4 m x 4.5 m and 3.6 m x 3.9m, respectively. Significantly highest seed yield (kg ha'1) of pigeonpea was recorded by treatment receiving INM +IWM + IPM (1565 kg ha'1) .The nett best treatment was INM. + IWM (1216 kg ha'1) which was on par with IWM; INM + IPM; IWM +IPM and control. Significantly lower seed yield (kg ha'1) was recorded by application of EPM only which was on par with application of INM. Gross monetary returns and net monetary returns followed the similar trend
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Production procedures of milk and milk products at Katraj dairy and comparative study of Katraj products
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 12-06-12) Paul, Deepali Digambar; Patil
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effect of fertilizer and micronutrient levels on productivity of soybean
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 41135) Shinde, Ravikumar Nanasaheb; Karanjikar, P. N.
    The field investigation entitled “Effect of Fertilizer and Micronutrient levels On productivity of Soybean” was conducted at Department of Agronomy, College of Agriculture, Latur. The experimental field was leveled and well drain. The soil was clayey in texture, moderate in nitrogen, moderate in phosphorous, high in potash, moderate in sulphur and alkaline in reaction. The environmental condition prevailed during experimental period were favorable for normal growth and development of soybean crop. The experiment was laid out in a Split Plot Design with 9 treatment combinations, which includes the treatments 50 per cent RDF (Fj), 75 per cent RDF (F2), 100 per cent RDF (F3), Borax (Mi), FeS04 (M2) and ZnS04 (M3). Each experimental unit was replicated three times. The gross and net plot size of each experimental unit was 5.0 m x 4.5 m and 4.0 m x 3.6 m respectively. Sowing was done by dibbling method on 9* July 2011 at spacing of 45 cm x 5 cm. The recommended cultural practices and plant protection measure were undertaken. The recommended dose of fertilizer (30:60:30 kg NPK ha"1) was applied at the time of sowing through Urea, SSP and MOP. The crop was harvested on 9th October 2011. Application of 100 per cent RDF (F3) recorded significantly higher growth, yield and quality contributing characters followed by application of 75 per cent RDF (F2) and 50 per cent RDF (Fi). Application of ZnS04 (M3) recorded significantly growth contributing characters, higher yield, and quality contributing characters followed by Borax (Mi) and FeS04 (M2). But FeS04 (M2) recorded significantly higher number of nodule plant"1 followed by Borax (Mi) and ZnS04 (M3).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Response of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor L.) genotypes to different fertility levels
    (Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Krishi Vidyapeeth, Parbhani, 42604) Munagilwar, Vijay Audumbar; Kurhade, N. G.
    Sorghum genotypes are known to vary in their response to fertilizers. Therefore, a field study was conducted during Kharif 2015 with four sorghum genotypes (Hybrid SPH-1641, CSH 27, CSH 20 and Variety SPY 2250) and four fertilizer levels 50% RDF (40:20:20 NPK Kg ha'1), 75% RDF (60:30:30 NPK Kg ha' 1), 100% RDF (80:40:40 NPK Kg ha4) and 125% RDF (100:50:50 NPK Kg ha4). Effect of these treatments was observed on crop growth, yield attributes, yield and economics. Among the genotypes the higher grain (1681 kg ha4) and straw yield (4304 kg ha4), gross returns (56751 ^ ha4), net returns (20576 ^ ha4) and benefit cost ratio (1,56) was recorded with SPH-1641 which was on par with CSH 27. In respect of fertilizer levels, application of 125% RDF (100:50:50 NPK Kg ha4) recorded higher grain (1908 kg ha4) and straw (4603 kg ha4) yields, gross returns (62719 T ha4), net returns (24988 ^ ha4) and benefit cost ratio (1.66) compared to 100% RDF (80:40:40 NPK Kg ha4). Yield of sorghum cultivar was recorded less as compared to coordinated sorghum hybrid series genetic potential due to continuous drought condition occurred last two year in Marathwada region, so crop not meet their need of water at critical growth stages ( Panicle initiation and grain filling