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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Variability And Correlation Studies of Some Important Yield Componenets And Protein Content In Maize
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1990) Verma Rajesh; Y. K. Singh
    The allogamous crop maize (Zea mays L.) is the third important cereal crop grown for human consumption and animal feed in the world. The present investigation were undertaken with thirty two diverse maize varieties collected mostly from the different regions of Northern India to assess the genetic variability for most of the yield contributing characters. The field experiment was conducted in a randomized block design with three replications during kharif 1988, under rainfed situations in the maize experimental area of Faculty of Agriculture, Birsa Agricultural University. Ranchi. Seven quantitative plant characters including grain yield (q/ha) and total protein content were studied for their phenotypic and genotypic variability. Different genotypic parameters viz., genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation, heritability estimates and genetic advance and the genotypic and phenotypic correlations between characters were also studied. Highly significant differences were observed in these varieties for all the characters except cob length. The variety Navjot (43.59 q/ha), Ageti-76 (43.55 q/ha), D-743 (42.99 q/ha) and BAU-82/SW (42.60 q/ha) were recorded high grain yield. Variety M-44 was found with highest total protein content of 10.39 per cent. A wide range of phenotypic and genotypic variability was observed for plant height, grain yield and 100-grain weight, and low variability for protein content and cob-length. The highest estimate of heritability percentage was observed for 100-grain weight, followed by days to silk. The grain yield and cob-length were in the low heritability group. Protein content had medium heritability estimate. The phenotypic and genotypic correlation studies exhibited highly positive and significant genotypic cor relations between plant height, days to tassel, days to silk and 100-grain weight with grain yield. Protein con tent had negative associations with grain yield.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies On Some Useful Gamma Irradiated Mutant In Rice
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1990) Das, Saradindu; M. P. Singh
    Rice (Oryza sativa, L.) is the world's most versatile crop. It is also a staple food of India with a production of 71 m. tonnes and productivity of 2.1 t/ha. Eastern region constitutes a large bulk of countries total rice area. Bihar has the largest rice acreage (5.4 m.hactaro) in the country. In the plateau region of Bihar rice is grown in about 1.8 m. hectares with an average yield of 923 kg/hactare. Thus the percentage of area under rice in this region is much greater when compared to other parts of the state but the productivity is very low. Most of the varieties used in this region are traditional, photosensitive , susceptible to lodging and therefore fail to give high yield under high input, management. Under such circumstances this region continues to stagnate at low production and productivity level for long. Efforts were, therefore made in the present study to improve the native rice prevalent to this region through induced mutagenesis. Day and dormant seeds of three rice varieties, viz, BR4 BR and BR, were treated with different doses of gamma rays of co source at F.C.I., Sindri and studies were made in M1 M₂ M3 and 4 generations during Summer and kharif season of 1988 and during Rabi and Kharif seasons of 1989 at Rice Section of B.A.U. and CRRI, Cuttack. Studies in My generation of different irradiated populations of all the three cultivars indicated that there was gradual reduction in the germination rate, seedling height and survival rate, filled percentages, plant survival at maturity and average shoot and root length with the increase in doses of mutagen used. However, very few seedling survived in 60 kr treatment indicating that this dose was lethal to all the three genotypes. In the generation chlorophyll mutation frequency increased with increase in radiation doses. The frequency was higher when calculated on My plant basis than in My panicle basis. The most frequently occurring chlorophyll mutants were albina followed by xantha and striata. Variation in quantitative characters was studied in ₂ generation which showed that there was both increase and decrease in the mean values and co-efficient of variation for all such characters. Besides, a number of morphological viable mutants were obtained. Altogether fifty beneficial mutants were selected and advanced to M3 generation. In a generation the selected fifty mutants were studied for their breeding behavior and confirmed. Finally two promising early maturing mutants of intermediate plant stature and non-lodging habit were obtained from one pedigree of BR8 in 50 kr dose and designated as BR-44-4-3 and BR-44-4-8. Both the selected mutants also possessed medium grain quality with white kernel. Field trial in a generation under medium land situation indicated that though both the mutants yielded slightly lower than the parent but they showed superiority for the traits like maturity period and plant height. They also showed superiority over parent for their resistance to leaf blast and stem borer while retaining the resistance for bacterial leaf blight, brown spot and gall midge when studied under field condition in the same trial. It may be concluded that the gamma-ray, as physical mutagen pro
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Heterosis, Inbreeding Depression And Heritability Estimates Of Some Yield Components In Wheat
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1990) Kumar, Shreekant; D. K. Ganguli
    Five inter-varietal crosses of wheat (Triticu aestivua), along with their parents (P and P₂), 2 and two back cross generations (BC, and BC) of each cross wore grown in a compact family block design during 1988 to estimate relative heterosis, heteroboltiosis, inbreeding depressions and heritability for grain yield and yield contributing characters. The heritability estimate in the narrow-gense was calculated by the method of variance components from the total variance of F2 and variance of two back cross generations, after Warner (1952) separately for each cross. Among the parents variety HD-2315 (11.83 cm) for ear length, Box-7 (33.13 cm) for peduncle length and 1000 grain weight (45.67 g), CPAN-1962 (55.87) for number of grains/ear and harvest index (56.44%) and HU-220 (10.85 g) for grain yield/plant were the best parents. None of the crosses showed positive heteroboltiosis for ear length. The cross HD-2315 x CPAN-1962 was identified as the best hoterotic cross for peduncle length, 1000-grain weight and grain yield/plant. The range of heterobeltiosis for harvest index was from-11.53 to 11.12 per cent and the best cross HU-220 x HD-2315 for this character gave the highly significant positive heterosis over mid-parent (19.59%) and over better parent (11.12%). The cross showing high hetero sis was found with maximum inbreeding depressions. The average estimate of heritability was low for 1000-grain weight (33.34%); moderate for ear length (51.54%), number of grains/ear (53.735), harvest index (45.67%) and grain yield/ plant (55.54%) and high for peduncle length (78.39%).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Stability Analysis For Yield And Quality Characters In Groundnut
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1989) Singh Prasad Jagdamba; P. K. Sinha
    Fifty-one Spanish and Virginia bunch groundnut genotypes were evaluated in the present studies at two locations (Kanke and Chiyanki) during 1986 and 1987, for twelve characters namely, initial- plant population, days to first and 50 per cent flowering, leaf index (length/ breadth ratio), height of central axis, number and length of primary branches, number of pegs and pods per plant, pod weight per plant, shelling percentage and all per cent in the kernel. Analysis of variance revealed the presence of genotype- environment interaction for initial plant population, height of central axis, length of primary branch and pod weight per plant. The non-linear component of G x E interaction was highly significant for initial plant population, height of central axis and length of primary branch; was significant for pod weight per plant and non-significant for other characters.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies On Variability In Gram Under Late Sown Condition
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1989) Mukherjee, Ajit Kumar; Fazlul Haque
    The phenotypic and genotypic variability, the phenotypic and genotypic correlations and path coefficient studies were made in a collection of forty two varieties of gram (Cicer arietinum L.) of diverse origin in nine quantitative plant characters under late sown condition in typical medium paddy fallows. Highly significant differences were observed in those varieties for all the plant characters studied, except for one character i.e. harvest index. Days to 50% flowering. plant height, number of pods per plant, 100-sead weight, seed yield par plant, days to maturity and harvest index showed a wide range in their phenotypic variability. Number of seeds par pod and number of branches per plant expressed very narrow range of phenotypic variability. The estimate of phenotypic as well as genotypic coefficient of variation were maximum for seed yield per plant, followed by number of pods par plant, 100-seed weight and plant height. Low level of genetic coefficient of variation was observed in days to maturity, harvest index and days to 50% flowering. Days to 50% flowering and days to maturity gave the highest value of heritability expressed in broad sense, while harvest index had the lowest estimate. The three parameters i.e. genetic coefficient of variation, heritability estimates and genetic advance in percentage of mean, considering together revealed that seed yield per plant, number of pods par plant and 100-seed weight might be under control of additive gene effect. Seed yield per plant exhibited highly significant genotypic and phenotypic association with number of poda per plant, days to maturity and harvest index. Plant height and 100-seed weight showed negative association with seed yield per plant, both phenotypically and genotypically. The harvest index had the maximum direct effect on seed yield per plant. For the grain yield improvement in these varieties of gram number of pods per plant, days to maturity and harvest index are the three important yield contributing characters for selection under late sown rainfed condition.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Evaluation Of Different Wheat Genotypes On Physiological Parameters For Higher Yield
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Ranchi, 1989) Baidhya Nath Sahu; P.C. Agrawal
    Twenty varieties of bread wheat ( T. aestivum L.) were grown during Rabi season 1986-87 in the randomized block design under three replication and medium fertility levels. One meter row lengths of plants were randomly selected for recording observations on germination count, leaf area, dry matter accumulation, relative growth rate, net assimilation rate and leaf area ratio. Ten mother shoots were randomly selected for recording observations on plant height, length of ear, and number of grains per ear and grain weight per ear. Observations on number of ear, ear weight and grain yield were recorded from one square meter randomly selected units. Leaf area increased markedly in all the varieties up to 40 DAS when the observations were terminated. In general, the early maturing varieties like BW 11, HUW 234, HP 1209, etc. had a larger leaf area to start with and this difference persisted up to 40 DAS, though with a decreasing magnitude. The yield was found positively and significantly correlated with leaf area. A similar trend was observed with dry matter accumulation. The varieties with larger leaf area showed higher dry matter accumulation and was also found positively correlated with yield. The variety BW 11 proved the best with regard to these two characters. It was on par with HUW 234 and HD 2402 d th regard to leaf area (40 DAS) HUM 234, HD 2402 HD 2385. DL 233-7 HP 1209 HDR 43. HI 1114 and Sonalika for dry matter accumulation (40 DAS).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, 1988) RAI, Rama Shankar; GANGULI, D.K.
    Six open pollinated early maize varieties from diffe rent regions of our country comprised the base materials for the present investigation. The six varieties and their 15 's in a diallel set (excluding reciprocals) with an early check variety were grown in randomized block design under rainfed situation. The mean performance of parents and crosses and the expression of heterosis over mid-parent and better parent for nine characters were evaluated against the check variety through simple analysis of variance. The only variety A-76 (46.80 q/ha) significantly out yielded the check variety BALL-8041 (36.47 q/ha). Out of many significantly superior cross combinations over chock variety, J-2030 x BAU-7917(52.30 q/ha) was the best. Heterosis was studied in 15 F cross combinations. For most of the characters the average heterosis was positive. The range and extent of heterosis for important characters were substantive. Heterosis for grain yield was quite high. A diallel analysis of combining ability revealed pre dominant role of additive gene effects for days to silk and kernel rows/ear while other characters were predominantly controlled by non-additive gene action. The variety J-2030 was found to be best combiner for grain yield, ear length, kernel rows/ear and number of kornels/ear. Diara was good combiner for reduced maturity duration. The cross M-43 x Navin had the highest positive s.c.a. effect and was the best heterotic cross (37.9%) over better parent for grain yield.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, 1988) MAHTO, JAY LAL; HAIDER, Z.A.
    Forty soybean genotypes collected from different eco logical regions of the country were taken for the present investigation. Thirteen yield attributing parameters were considered for variability studies, correlation and path co-efficient analysis. Study on analysis of variance revealed significant differences for all the characters, except the leaf area. Plant height, leaf area, member of leaflets per plant, days to maturity, seed yield, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant and number of clusters per plant showed wide range of phenotypic variability. Leaf area, member of seeds per plant and number of pods per plant exhibited high genotypic and phenotypic co-efficient of variation. Though heritability in broad sense was high for all the parameters except the leaf area, the genetic advance in per cent of mean was high for member of pods per plant, plant height, and number of leaflets per plant, number of seeds per plant, number of clusters per plant, seed yield and primary branches. Correlation studies revealed that seed yield had strong positive association with member of seeds per plant, miner of clusters per plant, plant height, days to 50 per cent flowering and days to maturity both at genotypic and phenotypic levels. There was, however, weak positive association with member of pods per cluster at phenotypic level but it was strong at genotypic level, whereas 100 seed weight had weak positive correlation with seed yield at both the levels. Path co-efficient analysis revealed that number of pods per cluster, number of clusters per plant, number of seeds per plant, days to maturity and plant height had positive direct effect on seed yield. 100 seed weight, though, had highest direct positive effect but the indirect effect via mimber of seeds per pod and days to maturity was highly negative. Indi rect positive effects on seed yield via days to maturity, plant height, number of clusters per plant, number of seeds per plant and number of prosper cluster were also considerable. Present investigation, thus, indicates that number of clusters per plant, plant height and days to maturity may be considered in selection for increasing seed yield in soybean.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, 1988) Bhattacharyya, RUPASRI; Haque, Fazlaul
    The success of breeding programme in a crop in dependent upon sufficient genetic variability for the characters under selection. Sufficient variability in a species can be created through induction of mutations. Backgram (imamunce L. Hepper is one of the most important pulse crops in India. Lack of sufficient genetic variability has been one of the major bottlenecks in the improvement of this crop. In the present investigation, dry and healthy seeds from M₂ generation of two varieties vin.. T-9 and No.55 of blackgram which were treated with 0.1% DIS (4 hrs), 0.2% EMS (4 hrs), 0.1% des (4 hrs), 0.2% dzs (4 hrs) and 0.1% 5S (2 hrs) + 0.2% des (2 hrs) respectively were used to study the induced genetic variability in blackgram. In order to study the induced genetic variability on various quantitative traits, mean, phenotypic variance, standard error of mean, genotypic variance, heritability in broad sense and co-efficient of variability were measured. In general there was increase variability for different quantitative traits in the treated populations of both the varieties as compared to control. Increase genetic variability and heritability were observed in different doses of mutagen for different quantitative characters. There was increase in co-efficient of variability for almost all the characters as compared to their respective controls. Different doses of these two chemical mutagens were required to increase variability for different quantitative characters in both the varieties. This suggests the need to study variability in different quantitative characters in a variety with different doses of chemical mutagens and their combined effect. It may, therefore, be suggested that in case of variety T-9, plant height in 0.1% dEs treatment, number of secondary branches per plant in 0.2% is treatment, number of pods per cluster in 0.1% dEs treatment, pod length in 0.1% MS treatment, number of seeds per pod in 0.2% 4Es treatment, 100-seed weight in 0.1% des treatment and seed yield in combined treatment are suit able for selection, whereas in case of No.55 only two characters vis. days to maturity in 0.2% dEs treatment and number of clusters per plant in 0.1% EMS treatment are suitable for selection.