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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2006) KANSHI, SHIVANAND; Singh, M.P.
    In neat semen significant (P<0.01) effect of breeds on the extracellular activity of AST and ALT was recorded which was lower in T&D boar. The effect of breed on LDH and AKP activity was found to be nonsignificant. The mean extracellular level of AST, ALT & LDH did not vary significantly in any dilutors and breeds at any hour of preservation. However the level of AKP varied Significantly (P<0.01) between dilutors and breeds at 72 and 96 hours of preservation. Irrespective of breeds the extracellular levels of AST, ALT and LDH were significantly lower in Lactose egg yolk followed by Kiev and Modena dilutors at 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours of preservation. The level of AKP was significantly higher in Lactose egg yolk. Irrespective of dilutors the extracellular levels of AST, ALT and LDH were higher in Large White Yorkshire at 0 hour and at rest of the hours of preservation the difference was nonsignificant. The level of AKP was significantly higher in T & D at 48 and 96 hours and at rest of the hours of preservation the difference was nonsignificant.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2006) Singh, Mritunjai Prasad; Sinha, A.K.
    Cow urine (gomutra) has many beneficial properties particularly in the areas of agriculture and therapeutics. It has also been observed during the scientific research that the urine of Indian cows is highly effective and interestingly almost nil or few medicinal properties are present in the urine of crossbred, exotic cows, buffaloes etc. Recent researches have shown that cow urine enhances the immune status of an individual through activating the macrophages and augmenting their engulfment power as well as bactericidal activity. Its major implications are in agriculture biopesticides, electricity and kitchen fuels and as therapy for many diseases. The urine of cow contains all beneficial elements in it. Hence it is natural and universal medicine that fulfills the deficiency of elements and reduces the increased elements in the body and it is the quality of urine which helps in curing even the most incurable diseases. Cow urine contains 24 types of salts and the medicines made from cow urine are used to cure several diseases. Cow urine constitutes water 95%, urea 2.5%, minerals, salts, hormones and enzymes 2.5%. It contains iron, calcium, phosphorus, salts, carbonic acid, potash, nitrogen, ammonia, manganese, sulphur, phosphates, potassium, urea, uric acids, amino acids, enzymes, cytokines and lactose etc. (Bhadauria; 2002). Scientists/Clinicians are facing problems in modern allopathic treatment due to the multiple drug resistance in microorganisms, presence of antibiotic residues in food chain and/or associated allergies and autoimmune disorders in man and animals. Immunity is reducing drastically as a result of the environmental pollution, use of agrochemicals in agriculture and presence of pesticides, heavy metal, fungal toxins etc in the food chain. Deficient functioning of macrophages leads to inefficacy of antibiotic drugs, development of resistance in bacteria, recurrent infections, and/or decreased immune status of an individual. As per WHO, the twentieth century wonder drugs “antibiotics” will not remain useful and become almost ineffective by the year 2020. In these circumstances one has to think over the alternative therapeutic approaches to control the infections (Garg and Chauhan, 2003 a; Chauhan, 2005). Due to paucity of information on this aspect and the indiscriminate use of antibiotics to treat the uterine infection has invariably resulted into emergence of resistance among bacterial strains complicating the effectiveness of therapeutic measure. Economically, the cow urine will be cheaper as compared to other drugs available in the market. Keeping in view the above facts, this study was planned with the following objectives:- 1. To investigate the efficacy of cow urine distillate (CUD) against common genital tract microorganisms. 2. To compare the antimicrobial efficacy of CUD with that of commonly used antibiotics. 3. To study the effect of CUD in sub -clinical cases of endometritis in cattle. The present study was carried out at Military dairy farm, Namkom, Ranchi.A total of 60 cows were selected and grouped into treatment (30) and control (30).All the animals were diagnosed as sub clinical endometritis on the basis of history of repeat breeding and isolation and identification of bacteria in cervical mucus samples.A total of 68 bacterial isolates were obtained from 60 cervical mucus samples.The different types of bacteria identified were E. coli (26.47%), Streptococcus spp. (23.52%), Staphylococcus spp. (20.58%), Bacillus spp. (17.64%), Corynebacterium spp. (5.88%) & Pseudomonas spp.(5.88%).Ciprofloxacin was found most effective (88.23%) followed by Amikacin (82.35%), Gentamicin (79.41%), Chloramphenicol (70.58%), Ampicillin (55.88), Oxytetracyclin (52.94%) & Penicillin – G (35.29%).Neat CUD was found effective against 54.41% of bacterial isolates followed by diluted CUD (1:2) and (1:4) against 41.18% and 22.06%, respectively. The overall conception rate was found to be 56.67% in animals treated with neat CUD. The overall conception rate was found to be 23.33% in animals of control group. There was significant difference in conception rate between CUD treated and control groups. Neat CUD may be used in animals affected with sub clinical endometritis because it was most effective against bacterial isolates among all the three concentrations and significantly higher conception rate was recorded in the cows treated with CUD. Results obtained with regard to sensitivity pattern were almost comparable with commonly available antibiotics. Besides, it is economical as compared to antibiotics and easily available.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2006) Tiwary, Krishna Kant; Singh, Balraj
    It was concluded from the results obtained in this study that there was no significant difference between PMSG and Clomiphene Citrate therapies, with regard to induction of estrus and fertile estrus, interval between treatment and onset of estrus, number of A.I per conception, conception rate, steroid profiles on the day of estrus. However, higher economic gain was achieved with Clomiphene Citrate therapies. Hence, it would be better to use Clomiphene Citrate therapy to combat anestrus problems in cows.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2007) Bharti, Manoj Kumar; Sinha, M.P.
    Semen was collected twice weekly by Artificial vagina method and evaluated for different spermiogram, concentrations of certain enzymes and cations in neat semen. The results obtained have been summarized below: 1. The colour of Chottanagapuri ram semen was found to be creamy or creamy white. 2. The overall mean ejaculate volume, mass-motility, sperm concentration, live sperm percentage and abnormal sperm percentage were found to be 0.648±0.027 ml, 4.222±0.144, 3793±0.134 millions/ml, 83.333±1.318 and 7.034±0.135, respectively. 3. The differences between the ejaculate volume, mass motility, sperm concentration, live sperm percentage and abnormal sperm percentage were found to be non significant among the rams. 4. The overall mean value of sodium and potassium in seminal plasma were found to be 104.183 ± 0.849 and 24.618±0.590 mEq/L. 5. The variation in the levels of sodium and potassium in the seminal plasma differed significantly (P<0.01) between the rams. 6. The overall mean AST and ALT activities in seminal plasma were revealed as 39.600±3.011 and 40.254±2.736 IU/L, which did not differ significantly among the rams. 7. The overall mean of alkaline phosphatase (AKP) in seminal plasma was 735.972±6.792 IU/L. The values did not differ significantly among the rams. 8. The overall mean value of lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) in seminal plasma was 577.766±38.502 IU/L. Analysis of variance revealed that the variations in lactic dehydrogenase levels in the seminal plasma of rams were non significant. 9. The ejaculate volume was positively correlated with live sperm percentage, abnormal sperm percentage, potassium and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) whereas it was negatively correlated with mass motility, sperm concentration, sodium, aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and lactic dehydrogenase (LDH). All the correlations were non significant except with sodium concentration. 10. The mass motility was significantly and positively correlated with sperm concentration and live sperm percentage. Its correlation with other attributes were negative and non significant. 11. Sperm concentration was positively and significantly correlated with live sperm percentage. Its correlation with sodium was positive and negative with potassium. 12. Abnormal sperm percentage was positively but non significantly correlated with sodium, potassium, lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and alkaline phosphatase (AKP) enzyme. It was positively and significantly correlated with aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). On the basis of the findings obtained during the present study it is concluded that all the physical seminal attributes of Chottanagpuri rams are within the normal range as reported earlier in the case of other Indian breeds of ram. The seminal enzyme levels and cation levels are also within the normal range. The average values recorded for various seminal attributes and enzyme level in Chottanagpuri rams under study may be used as physiological norms for this breed in the absence of other published reports.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2007) Roy, Radheshyam; Sinha, M.P.
    On the basis of results obtained during the present study it is concluded that : 1. The average value recorded for different blood biochemicals during various reproductive stages and on different reproductive characters in T&D gilts may be used as physiological norms for this breed in the absence of any other published report. 2. Panchgavya liquid suspension is an indigenous preparation and its ingredients are easily available, cheaper and economical. It has improved both reproductive and productive performances of gilts during the present study and therefore, may be fed to the gilts daily at the dose rate of 25 ml/15 kg body weight till farrowing for profitable pig farming.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2007) Kumar, Sanjay; Singh, M.P.
    G.I. helminths infected ewes and does were kept almost parasite free for about 3 months using Albendazole alone or supplemented with mineral mixture. 2. The Hb (g/dl) level ranged from 8.83±0.08 to 8.96±0.03 in ewes before treatment. The value for does was 8.78±0.02 to 8.95±0.24. The level of Hb increased significantly (P<0.01) in both the treatment groups after treatment on day 20. 3. PCV (%) in ewes and does also followed the same trend which increased significantly (P<0.01) in both the treatment groups on day 20. Analysis of variance revealed significant effect of treatment on above haematological parameters after treatment in ewes. 4. In both the species of animals Hb (g/dl) level and PCV (%) increased significantly (P<0.01) in both the treatment groups on day 20 but the differences in levels were non significant between the treatment groups. 5. The Serum level of Ca, P, Cu and Zn in ewes increased significantly after treatment on day 20 in both the treatment groups, although they did not vary significantly among themselves except the level of Cu which was significantly (P<0.01) higher in Albendazole + Mineral mixture group than the Albendazole group in ewes. 6. In case of does also the serum level of Ca, P, Cu and Zn increased significantly after treatment on day 20 in comparison to control. The level of Cu was however, significantly (P<0.01) higher in Albendazole + Mineral mixture group than the Albendazole group and the level of Zn was higher in Albendazole group than Albendazole + Mineral mixture group. 7. The minimum interval from treatment to onset of estrus in does was recorded in Albendazole + Mineral mixture group (43 days) which was followed by Albendazole group (46 days) and control group (52 days). 8. In ewes the minimum interval (41 days) from treatment to onset of estrus was in Albendazole + Mineral mixture group followed by Albendazole group (44 days) and control group (55 days). 9. The average required number of services per conception in does were 1.33, 1.00 and 2.00 for Albendazole, Albendazole + Mineral mixture and control group, respectively. The corresponding values in ewes were 1.67, 1.17 and 2.17, respectively. 10. The pregnancy rates in the three groups were 66.66, 83.33 and 33.33%, respectively in case of does. The corresponding values in ewes were 50.00, 66.66 and 33.36%, respectively. The Albendazole along with Mineral mixture can be administered to the parasitised sheep and goats to improve their reproductive performances.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2007) Sarma, Dipak Kumar; Singh, Balraj
    in curing endometritis and can be used as alternative therapies for endometritis treatment. 3. Autologus plasma seems to be beneficial in field condition with regard to the cost and availability are concerned. Hence, this study suggests the use of such immunomodulators particularly E. coli LPS and oyster glycogen for treatment of endometritris on large scale to overcome the disadvantages with antibiotic treatment. In future, studies can be under taken on the following aspects : i. Nature and intensity of immunomodulation on repeatation of E. coli LPS and oyster glycogen at certain interval and its impact on recovery and fertility. ii. The intrauterine immunomodulatros in post parturient cows may prevent endometritis and /or metritis by augmenting uterine defense mechanism which is suppressed under the stress condition. iii. In this present study insemination was done at post treatment subsequent estrus. Thus calving to conception period lengthened by one estrous cycle. To avoid the lengthening, insemination in the same estrus following treatment can be tried.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2008) Mahto, Dinesh; Sinha, M.P.
    The present experiment was conducted to study the disposition kinetics and efficacy of ceftriaxone sodium in cows suffering from endometritis belonging to farmer from different farm around Ranchi veterinary college, Kanke, Ranchi. A total of 18 selected cows with endometritis were randomly allocated to 3 groups, comprising of 6 animals in each group. Ceftriaxone sodium at a dose rate of 10 mg/kg body weight was administered only once through I.V., I.M. and I.U. routes to each of 6 animals in different groups and plasma & uterine fluid concentration of the drug was estimated subsequent to drug administration. Efficacy of the treatment of endometritis with ceftriaxone was judged on the basis of bacteriological record and conception rate. The salient features of the present study are summarized below: 1. The average bacterial colonies count recorded was 247.66 X 106 /ml of uterine fluid before treatment in all groups. The mean bacterial colony counts per ml of uterine fluid decreased to the minimum at 3 hours (4.00  0.36 X 106 /ml) after I.V at 1 hours (5.330.55 X 106 /ml) after I.U and at 6 hours (5.330.66 X 106 /ml) after I.M. administration of drug and again increased gradually reaching to 56.66 1.80 X106 /ml, 85.33 2.78 X106 /ml and 81.16  1.24 X106 /ml of uterine fluid , respectively at 72 hours. 2. In-vitro antibiotic susceptibility test of the isolates against ceftriaxone sodium was also done at different levels of drug concentration by Summary &Conclusion 87 tube dilution as well as pour plate test which showed that ceftriaxone was effective at varying concentration and both the method yielding comparable results. 3. The mean plasma concentration (Cp max) of ceftriaxone was recorded at 10 minutes after I.V. (31.15 0.1μg/ml), at 2 hours after I.M. (27.05 1.03μg/ml) and at 4 hours after I.U. (22.98 0.03μg/m) administration. 4. The mean uterine fluid concentration (Cumax) was recorded at 15 minutes after I.U. (157.12  0.71μg/ml), at 2 hours after I.V. (136.87 0.06 μg/ml) and at 6 hours ,after I.M. (132.86  2.26μg/m) administration of the drug. 5. The Cp min after I.V. (1.11 0.80μg/ml) was higher as compared with I.M. (0.79 0.03μg/ml) and I.U. (0.07 0.006μg/ml) administration. 6. The mean Cumin after I.V. (0.79 0.04μg/ml) was marginally higher than I.U. (0.70 0.08μg/m) and after I.M. (0.06 0.007μg/ml) administration. 7. The therapeutic concentration (Cpther, 0.38μg/ml) of the drug in plasma was maintained till 12 hours after single dose I.V. administration, while for 24 hours after I.M. & I.U. administration of drug. 8. The therapeutic concentration of the drug in uterine fluid following I.V. &I.U. administration of the drug was maintained from 15 minutes to 72 hours, while it was maintained between 15 minutes to 48 hours after I.M. administration of the drug. Summary &Conclusion 88 9. The t 1/2 β value after I.U administration (1.93 0.33 hr) was lower than that of I.V (2.59 0.06 hr) and I.M (2.05 0.01 hr) administration. 10. The dosage regimen of Ceftriaxone sodium was calculated to be 8.30 mg/kg to be repeated at 22.24 hours through I.V., 11.33 mg/kg to be repeated at 26.00 hours through I.U. and 9.65 mg/kg to be repeated at 14.33 hours through I.M. for the treatment of endometritic cows. 11. The Ceftriaxone sodium was administered for consecutive 3 days though I.V., I.M. and I.U. routes at a dose level calculated on the basis of pharmacokinetic study in endometritic cows. The conception rates were recorded as 83.33%, 66.67% & 83.33% in cows following I.V., I.M. and I.U. post administration of the drug, respectively.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (Birsa Agricultural University, Kanke, Ranchi, Jharkhand, 2008) Azad, Chandra Shekhar; Singh, M.P.
    A total of 40 crossbred cows not showing the symptom of est rus even af ter 3 months of calving belonging to Dairy Uni t , Ranchi Veter inary Col lege, Birsa Agr icul tural Universi ty, Ranchi and Dairy Farm of Ram kr ishna Mission Ashram, Tipudana, Ranchi were ut i l ized for the study. The animals were al located to 4 groups, each comp r ising of 10 animals. The cows were grouped on the basis of blood biochemical prof i les est imat ion. Among the nut r i t ional ly def icient cows, 10 were designated as group I and cows wi th normal blood biochemical level were al located into group I I , group I I I and group. Var ious drugs viz. CoCu Medica (group I ) , Hi t -Ri t (group I I ) , Placent rex (group I I I ) were used to induce est rus and group IV was kept as cont rol which received no t reatment . Levels of glucose, total protein, calcium, phosphorus, copper and iron were est imated in serum samples bef ore t reatment and on the day of f irst est rus. : 2 : After treatment 60.00, 70.00 and 90.00 per cent animals evinced estrus in groups I, II and III, respectively showing significant (P < 0.01) effect of treatment. Significant effect (P < 0.01) of treatments was observed in all treatment groups. The duration from last treatment to onset of estrus ranged between 11.00 ± 0.882 days (group III) to 19.17 ± 3.135 days (group I). Average interval from last treatment to fertile estrus was shortest (18.71 ± 4.575 days) in Hit-Rit treated group. Non-significant effect of treatment was recorded on the interval from treatment to fertile estrus. Average number of insemination required per conception ranged from 1.29 ± 0.184 (group II) to 2.00 ± 1.00 (control group). The conception rate obtained with first A.I. was apparently highest (71.42 %) in Hit-Rit treatment group. After treatment serum glucose level increased significantly (P < 0.01) in treated groups. Highest total serum protein level (7.81 ± 0.740 g/dl) was recorded in Hit-Rit treated group (group II). Significant (P < 0.01) difference was observed between pre and post-treatment values in all the treated groups. Average serum calcium level on day of first estrus was highest (11.90 ± 0.287 mg/dl) in Hit-Rit treated group (group II). Significant (P < 0.01) difference was observed between pre and post treatment values in all the treated groups. : 3 : Significant increase in (P < 0.01) post-treatment serum phosphorus level was observed in group I (2.157 ± 0.272 mg/dl). Non-significant difference in calcium phosphorus ratio between 0 day and day of first estrus was observed in all the treatment and control groups. Maximum increase in serum copper level was noted in group I which significantly differed from rest of the groups. Maximum increase in post-treatment serum iron level was observed in group I (94.08 ± 8.947 μg/dl) which differed significantly from rest of the groups. The net economic gain calculated on the basis of gain in average days of fertile estrus was highest (Rs. 2130.83) in group II followed by group III (Rs. 1884.12) and group I (Rs. 1378.92) in comparison to control. It was observed from the present study that all the drugs used namely CoCu Medica, Hit-Rit and Placentrex were good estrus inducer, however, Placentrex therapy was found to be most effective. These treatments were also effective in improving conception rate; however the trial on larger population is required for conclusive result.