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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2008) TAMBE VAIBHA VGANPAT; Dr. L. L. Mane
    The present investigation entitled, "Path analysis and genetic diversity in sweet sorghum [Sorghum bicolor . (L.) Moench]" was carried out to study the correlation coefficient among the different cane yield and juice yield attributes; to find out the direct and indirect effects of components on cane yield and juice yield and to estimate the genetic divergence between different genotypes of sweet sorghum and also to group them in to suitable gene clusters. Forty genotypes of sweet sorghum were grown in randomized block design with two replications at MPKV, Rahuri during kharif, 2007.The observations were recorded on ,fe~ 'growth \ traits viz., days to 50 per cent flowering, days to physiological maturity, plant height (em), millable cane stalk height (em), stem girth (em), number of green leaves at maturity, number of internodes, length of internode (em), green cane yield (tjha), grain yield (qjha) and on ~"''"".n _quality traits like juice extraction per cent, juice yield (qjha), pH of juice, reducing sugars per cent, non-reducing sugars per cent, total soluble sugar per cent and total soluble solids (0 Brix). The heritability in broad sense for growth characters was highest for all the characters studied except no. of green leaves at maturity. In quality characters, all the characters except pH of juice showed high estimates of · heritability. High estimates of heritability accompanied with high genetic advance was observed for growth traits viz., grain yield, green cane yield, millable cane stalk height, plant height, number of internodes and length of internode, while same was observed for all the quality characters studied. Green cane yield was significant and positively correlated with miliable cane stalk height, plant height, and number of internodes, whereas it was negatively correlated with days to 50 per cent flowering, days to physiological maturity and stem girth. For quality traits, juice yield was significantly and positively correlated with juice extraction per cent whereas it was negatively correlated with pH of juice.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2011) ROKADE RA VINDRA CHHAGAN; Dr. A. L. Pharande
    The present investigation "Genetic diversity and path analysis studies in quality protein maize [Zea mays (L.)] was undertaken to study association between different characters, the direct and indirect contribution of the component characters on the yield, genetic advance, heritability for various characters and to assess the extent of variability through genetic divergence in fifty genotypes of quality protein maize. These genotypes were evaluated during Kharif 2010 in a randomized block design with three replications. Observations were recorded on days to 50% tasselling, days to 50% silking, days to maturity, plant height (em), ear head height (em). ear length (cm),ear circumference (em), number of kernel rows per cob, number of kernels per row. 100 grain weig~t (g). shelling percentage. starch content(%).
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2009) GHULE NILESH NIVRUTTI; A.H. Sonone
    The present investigation entitled "Genetic variability and diversity for green forage and seed yield in cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.]" was carried out at AICRP on forage crops, M.P.K.V., Rahuri (M.S.) during Kharif, 2008, to study the extent of genetic variability and diversity for green forage and seed yield and their components in cowpea. The experiment was conducted with 44 diverse genotypes of cowpea received from AICRP on Forage Crops and Pulses Improvement Project, M.P.K.V., Rahuri. Two field trials one each for forage studies and seed yield studies were grown in randomized block design with two replications. The genotypes were evaluated for eight characters to study extent of genetic variability and diversity for green forage yield viz., days to 50 % flowering, (no.), plant height at 50 °/o flowering (no.),number of branches per plant, leaf: stem ratio, dry matter yield per plant (g), green forage yield per plant (g) and crude protein content (%). Similarly to study extent of genetic variability and diversity for seed yield, six characters viz., days to maturity (no.), plant height at maturity (em), number of pods per plant, number of seed per plant and seed yield per plant (g) were evaluated. Appreciable amount of variability was observed for all the characters. The genotypic and phenotypic coefficient were highest for green forage yield per plant and least for crude protein content for forage traits, whereas for seed traits these coefficient found highest for seed yield per plant and least for days to maturity indicating presence of good amount of variability. High heritability with high genetic advance indicating additive gene action was observed for traits viz., plant height at 50 o/o flowering (no.), number of branches per plant, dry matter yield per plant (g), green forage yield per plant (g), plant height at maturity (em), number of pods per plant and seed yield per plant. The green forage yield per plant showed highly significant and positive association with almost all characters except branches per plant and crude protein content. The seed yield per plant showed highly significant and positive association with all characters.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    "Studies on cytoplasmic diversification in sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench)" on biometrical and biochemical aspects "
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2000) SHASHIKANT B. CHAUDHARY; Dr. B.N. Narkhede
    The investigation was undettaken during the period from 1995-1998 at Rahuri to study cytoplasmic diversification in sorghum on biometrical and biochemical aspects and heterosis and combining ability based on milo cytoplasm in two seasons rabi -1996 and rabi -1997 in respect of five characters for Expt. I and eight characters for Expt.2. In diverse cytoplasm fertility restoration pattern was studied. Known restorers of SPY 655 and SPY 1047 of 104A (milo) cytoplasm restored the full fertility on ms 840A2. However, the known restorers SPY 503 and IS 84 of ms 840A2 cytoplasm restored fertility on I 04A and msCS 3541 (Mal.), but were found to be maintainer of SP A3-4A cytoplasm. Two known restorer SP 14197 and SP 14189 of SPA3-4A and restorer of GD-23436-1 ofmsCS 3541 (Mal.)
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2019) BHISE RAMDAS SHAMRAO; Dr. V. P. Chimote
    The present investigation entitled "Evaluation of backcrossed lines of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merrill] for Kunitz trypsin inhibitor free trait" was carried out at Post Graduate Research Institute Farm-Botany Section; State Level Biotechnology Centre, and Department of Agril. Biochemistry M.P.K.V., Rahuri during the period from 2017-18 to 20 18- 20 19. In the present study, 18 BC1F2 and 6 BCzFz lines along with four parents viz ., trypsin inhibitor expressing (Phule Agrani and Phule Kimya) and Kunitz ttypsin inhibitor free NRC 101 and NRC 102 were analysed. The objectives were to screen backcrossed lines with molecular markers specific to null allele of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor gene and to confinn absence of Kunitz trypsin inhibitor activity in backcrossed lines. It also involved correlation coefficient of yield and yield contributing character of BC1F3 and BC2F3 lines. Among all BCtFJ and BC2F3 days to 50% flowering, days to maturity and pods per plant was intermediate between parents with mean value of 42.0 days, 90.0 days and 38.8 pods per plant respectively while 100 seed weight was higher than better recurrent parents (mean value of I 0.3g). Correlation coefficient for yield contributing traits with seed yield per plant revealed that there was highly significant positive association of days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, pods per plant and 100 seed weight with seed yield per plant in all three crosses of BC1F3 and BC2F3 generation (Phule Agrani x NRC 101 , Phule Agrani x NRC 102 and Phule Kimya x NRC 101). Out of the total of 18 BCtFJ and 7 BC2F3 plants studied, 15 and 7 of them respectively showed amplification with Satt409 primer. Out of them 10 BC1F3 and 3 BC2F3 plants amplified null allele linked Satt409-170 bp marker; while 4 BC,FJ and 3 BC2F3 plants amplified 280 bp marker. Heterozygosity was observed with both 170 bp and 280 bp bands being present in one line each of BC,F3 (#12) and BC2F3 (#19) generation. Among those amplifying only null allele specific Satt409- 170 bp band included 10 BC,FJ and 3 BC2F3 plants; with six of them were from cross Phule Agrani x NRC101 (#2, #3, #4, #30, #5 BCtF3 and #21 BC2F3 resp.), three lines were from Phule Agrani x NRC102 (#8, #9 and #10 BC,F3); and four lines were from Phule Kimaya x NRC101 (#13, #14 BCtFJ and #17, #18 BCzFJ resp.). All the BCtFJ and BCzFJ along with parents amplified a 220 bp band with Satt-228 marker showing no polymorphism.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2019) Manojkumar N; Dr. P. A. Turbatmath
    The present investigation was unde11aken to study the genetic diversity in selected maize genotypes at molecular level. The genomic DNA isolated from twenty four maize genotypes viz., 52021 , 52065, 52099,52144,52191,52217,52222, 52285, 52310,52327,52337,52349, 52507, IC-470475, IC-437070, IC/RNG/SW-1-7, IC-552819, EC-639232, EC-639008, EC-639290, EC- 639001, DML-1112, DML-1285 and DML-1336 was subjected to PCR amplification using 14 SSR primers. All the 14 primers yielded amplification and showed polymorphism. A total of 35 loci were generated by amplification with 14 polymorphic primers, of which all 35 loci were polymorphic i.e., l 00% polymorphism. These primers amplified 6 unique loci in 5 genotypes. Each primer thus produced on an average 2.5 polymorphic bands. Among the SSR primers, bnlg 1823 produced maximum number of 4 loci. The size of amplification products ranged fi·om 11 0 bp to 750 bp. All the SSR primers showed 100% polymorphism with 6 primers showing more than 0.50 PIC value of while 8 others are having less than 0.5 PIC value. Maximum PIC value of 0.75 was observed in SSR primer bnlg 1823 and minimum PIC value of 0.06 was observed in primer umc 1297. The maximum number of bands were observed in 52222 (20 bands) whereas minimum number of bands were observed in DML 1336 (11 bands) and 52507 (13 bands). The Dice similarity coefficient values ranged from 0.25 to 0.86. Maximum similarity value of 0.86 was noticed between the genotypes DML-1285 and 52099, 52337 and 52327, while mm1mum similarity value of0.25 was observed between genotypes IC-552819 and 52217. The consensus tree constructed by using NTSYSpc 2.02i software revealed four major clusters of maize genotypes. Cluster I was the largest cluster and comprised of20 genotypes and
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The present experiment entitled "Genetic and molecular analys is of terminal heat tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) for yield and yield contributing characters .. was conducted at Post Graduate Instructi onal Fa1m, Department of Agri cultural Botany, Mahatma Phule KI-ishi Vidyapeeth Rahuri and State Level Biotechno logy Centre, MPKV, Rahuri during the peri od from 2015-16 and 201 6- 17 with an obj ective to study genetics and id cnti fy mo lecul ar markers associated with tcnninal heat tol erance in wheat. T wo diverse parents i. e. NlAWI 4 15 (Thermo-sens iti ve) and DBW 17 (T hermo-tol erant) were used to effect cross NIAW I4 15 X DBW17. Five generatio ns 1·i::.: P1, P2, F1 , F2 and F3 were developed from cross. They were raised dming rabi 20 16 in a randomi zed block design in two repli ca ti ons with randcmi zati on of di fferent generati ons of the cross. Data were reco rded o n rando mly se lected 5 plants in p arents and F1. 20 in F2 and F3 from each replicati on. Observations were recorded on twelve di ffe rent yie ld. yield contributing characters and heat re lated tra its l'iz; days to 50 per cent !lowerin g, day to anthesis, days to mat urity. grain filling durati on, plant height (em). number of productive tillers per pl ant. spike length (em), number of seeds per s pike. I 000 grain weight (g), grain yie ld per pLmt (g ). canopy temperature deprc ion a nd chl o roph yll content by SPAD under nom1al and late sown irri gated co nd itions. For biochemi ca l screening pro line and g lycine beta ine a lso recorded fo r di ffere nt
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2019) BORKAR NEELAM SHIVAJI; Dr. C.B. Salunke
    Reproductive biology provides infonnation on life fonns, rate of flowering, type of breeding system, plant pollinators interaction, fruit and seed output, overall fitness and survival biology. Studies of reproductive biology provide infonnation about the nature of species, adaptation, speciation, hybridization. The knowledge of reproductive biology is a prerequisite for attempting any breeding programme. Very little is known about the reproductive biology of this rare but important medicinal herb. Some workers paid attention to the biology of reproduction in medicinal plants, it is not adequate. Reproductive biology of this plant species is essential for developing effective strategies for their sustainable utilization. This recognition has made reproductive biology a frontline area of research. Ashwagandha is highly popular herb and widely used in lot of ayurvedic fonnulations, nutracitical products and other herbal products. The dried roots of ashwagandha (Witlzania somnifera) a dry land medicinal plant have been employed as valuable drug in Indian traditional systems of medicine: Ayurveda, Siddha and Unani. The roots of the plant are categorized as rasayans and have been used as antioxidants, adaptogen, aphrodisiac, liver tonic, anti inflammatory agent, astringent and more recently to treat ulcers, bacterial infections, venom toxins and senile dementia
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The present investigation entitled "Identification of stable genotypes in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)" was undertaken with a view to identify most stable genotype under different enviromnent and to estimate stability parameters for grain yield and its components. Eight genotypes were sown on three different sowing dates in a Randomized Block Design with three replications for measuring stability of genotypes for different characters. In general genotypic differences were found significant for days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height (em), pods per plant (No.), 100 seed weight (g) indicating the presence of genetic variability in the material. G x E interaction was found to be significant for the characters viz., days to maturity, plant height (em), plant spread (em), primmy branches per plant (No.), secondary branches per plant (No.), pods/plant (No.), seeds/pod (No.), I 00 seed weight (g) and seed yield/plant (g). Linear component of G X E interaction was found significant for the characters viz., days to 50% flowering, days to maturity, plant height (em), plant spread (em), primary branches per plant (No.), secondary branches per plant (No.), pods/plant (No.) and seed yield/plant (g) when tested against pooled error. The genotypes Phule G 0819-43, Vijay, Vishal and Digvijay had exhibited average stability for days to 50 % flowering. The genotypes Vijay, Digvijay and Phule Vikram had average stability for days to maturity, while Phule G 13107 and Phule Vikram had shown average stability for plant height (em), however the genotypes Phule G 13107, Phule G 0405, Vijay and JAKI 9218 possessed average stability for plant spread (em).