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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Combining ability and stability analysis for yield and shootfly traits in sorghum hybrids (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench.)
    The present investigations were undertaken at Department of Botany, M.P.K.V., Rahuri to study the combining ability and stability analysis for yield and shootfly traits in sorghum hybrids under three environments as early, mid and late sowing in respect nf thirteen characters. The studies on combining ability indicated that there was considerable amount of genetic variability among the parents for different characters. The male sterile line 185A was good general combiner for majority of yield and shootfly traits. Among restorers Derivative-3, SG 40306, RSV 165, RR 9819, RSFR 9504-4-1 were good general combiners for shootfly tolerance and RS 647, Derivative-2, RR9818, Derivative-4, RS 653 for grain yield and yield component. The cross combinations, 95A x RS 647 in environments El , E2, 49 Ax RSV143 in environments El, E3 and 95 A x SG 40345 in all the environments El, E2, E3 for grain yield whereas I 85 A x Derivative 2, 95 A x RR 9812 m environments E2, E3 for dead heart percentage are the best specific combinations. Non-additive gene action was pre dominant for all the characters studied. An appreciable amount of heterosis was observed for grain yield and yield components. The highest per cent of heterosis was observed in the crosses 95 A x RS 647, 49 A x RR 9818, 49 A x RS 647, 127 A .x Derivative-2, 1409 A x RS 653, 49 A x RSV 143, 49 A x RSFR 9516, 95 A x Derivative 4, 1409 A x RSFR 9510, 1409 A x RSFR 9517,1409 Ax RS 647,95 Ax RSFR 9509,49 Ax Derivative 2, 49 A x RR 9819 for grain yield and other components. These crosses also showed high per se performance. From the studies on per se performance, heterosis and combining ability, it is in general inferred that the crosses 95 A x RS 647 and 49 A x RSV 143 showed high mean performance, significant sea effect and one of the parents in cross combinations with high gca effect. The studies on stability analysis indicated that the parent RSV 176 and RSV 653 and the hybrid combination 1409 Ax RR 9818, 95 A x RSV 165, 127 A x RSFR 9516, 127 A x RR 9816, 127 Ax RR 9818
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2010) Tikate Mahadeo Maruti; R.S.WAGH
    The present investigation "Morpho-physiological assessment of rabi sorghum genotypes was carried out at PGI Farm, M.P.K.V., Rahuri during rabi season of year 2009-10. The experiment was laid out in randomized block design with two replications involving twenty genotypes viz., RSV-869, RSV-1026, RSV-1085, RSV-787, RSV-1041, RSV-1127, RSV-1126, RSV-1080, RSV-1070, RSV-888, RSV-799, RSV-1073, RSV-842, RSV-1089, RSV-1048, RSV- 1076, Phule Chitra, M35-1, Phule Maulee and Phule Anuradha. Sorghum is major staple food in semiarid tropical regions of Asia and Africa. Due to vast increase in human population and more number of cattles and buffalows in our country. It is essential to screen land races for more grain yield and high dry matter production in rabi sorghum genotypes. The various morpho-physiological characters were recorded at different growth stages, while yield and yield contributing characters were recorded after harvest. The genotype RSV-1085 recorded highest plant height, number of leaves and leaf area, while Phule Chitra recorded minimum leaf area.The genotype RSV -1127 recorded highest days for 50 per cent flowering and for physiological maturity, while genotype RSV -1089 recorded minimum days for 50 per cent flowering and RSV-869 recorded minimum days for physiological maturity. The genotype RSV -1048 recorded highest relative leaf water content and genotype RSV-1127 recorded maximum chlorophyll stability index, rate of photosynthesis was maximum in genotype RSV-787, while lowest rate of photosynthesis in RSV- 1073. The genotype RSV-799 recorded maximum stomatal conductance, while genotype RSV-1126 recorded minimum stomtal conductance. The genotype RSV-787 recorded maximum photosynthetically active radiations while genotype RSV -1073 recorded minimum photosynthetically active radiations. The genotype RSV-787 recorded highest number of grains per plant, grain yield per plot and highest grain yield per hectare. The grain yield was positively correlated with harvest index, number of grains per plant, rate of photosynthesis. The value for yield and yield contributing characters were significantly higher in genotype RSV-787. The values for total dry matter were significantly higher in the genotype RSV-1085 due to more number of leaves, high leaf area, more number of days for 50 per cent flowering and for physiological maturity, high values of phenological characters like RLWC (%) chlorophyll stability index(%) etc., and high values of dry matter of leave, stem etc., at 50 per cent flowering and at physiological maturity.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2010) Mutkule Badrinarayan Rameshwar; M.S.Shinde
    The investigation entitled, "Physiological studies on sweet stalk sorghum genotypes in relation to phenology as influenced by temperature and photoperiod" was undertaken during kharif and rabi 2009 to identify photoinsensitive genotypes adoptable/suitable to both rainy (kharij) and post rainy (rabz) season with high biomass interms of green cane yield coupled with better juice quality parameters. An experiment was laid out in RBD with two replication s during kharif and rabi 2009. The eighteen sweet sorghum genotypes were used. The observations on growth, phenology, rate of photosynthesis, cane yield and dry matter production were recorded during crop growth. The data on grain yield and yield contributing characters were recorded at harvest. The photoperiod sensitivity, heat unit and heat unit efficiency were computed as per the standard formulae. The photoperiod sensitivity studies revealed that the sweet sorghum genotypes RSSV-167, RSSV-138, RSSV-104, RSSV-96, RSSV- 99 and RSSV-157 displayed lower magnitude of photoperiod sensitivity(< 9.420 %) among the genotypes studied indicating their photoperiod insensitivity for rabi season. The genotypes RSSV-259, RSSV-260 and RSSV-261 displayed higher magnitude of photoperiod sensitivity (> 24.804 %) indicating their adaptability I suitability for rabi season. The growth studies revealed that the plant height, leaf area per plant, stalk girth and number of internodes were higher during kharif than rabi season. Phenological studies indicated that the mean number of days required for panicle initiation was almost similar during kharif and rabi season. During rabi season, the sweet sorghum genotypes matured earlier than kharif season. The photosynthesis studies revealed that the photosynthesis rate observed was higher during both kharif and rabi season at flowering than the panicle initiation stage. Among the seasons, the photosynthesis rate was high during kharif season as compared to rabi season. The genotypes viz., RSSV-167, RSSV-138 and RSSV-192 were the most efficient photosynthetic genotypes during the both kharif and rabi seasons. The heat unit studies revealed that the average heat units required for different growth stages viz., sowing to panicle initiation (GSt}, panicle initiation to flowering (GS2), flowering to maturity (GS3), sowing to flowering maturity were lower during rabi season than kharif season.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2009) Jadhav Sharmila Narendrasingh; R.M.Naik
    Laboratory and pot culture experiments were conducted in the Department of Biochemistry during 2007-2008 to evaluate the levels ยท of osmoprotectant such as proline ,glycine betaine,soluble proteins and the activity of PSCS in the leaves of five drought tolerant and five drought susceptible cultivars and segregating crosses of sorghum by the imposed stress created by withholding irrigation as well as by osmotic stress created PEG- 6000. Imposition of osmotic stress was found to increase the mean proline accumulation in leaves from 30.62 to 112.36 1-1moles g-1 fr. wt., approximately 3.67- folds in tolerant types. Under similar conditions, the mean proline accumulation was found to range from 43.01 to 91.10}..lmoles g-1 fr .wt. approximately 2.11- folds in susceptible types .The mean P5CS activity was found to increase from 1.55 to 4.01 }..lmoles of y-glutamyl hydroxamate formed g-1 tissue hr- 1, about 2.66 fold in tolerant type while it ยทwas found to increase from 1.67 to3.01 J..l moles of y- glutamyl hydroxamate formed g-1 tissue hr-1 ,about 1.80 -fold in susceptible cultivars .Similarly, the other osmolyte glycine betaine accumulation was found to be 3.50 -fold in tolerant cultivars and about 1.84-fold in susceptible cultivars. The application of osmotic stress created by withholding irrigation increased mean soluble protein content by 4.56- fold in tolerant types and 2.34- fold in susceptible types .These results thus indicated that an increase in proline and glycine beatine accumulation is a good indicator for . evaluating sorghum genotypes for drought .An increased P5CS activity during stress indicated the fresh biosynthesis of proline during stress. An increase in soluble proteins due to stress further supports the neVi' enzyme synthesis and least protein degradation during stress. RAPD analysis of genomic DNA of four cultivars viz. RSV-458, CSV-216, SPV-1546, RSV-658 showed polymorphism with seven different primers. When the parents and their respective segregating population was analyzed with specific primers showing parental polymorphism , the amplification profile of segregating population appeared to be similar to that of a male parent . Thus the use of a high proline and high glycine beatine accumulating
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2009) Sonawane Hemantkumar Sampat; A.H.Sonone
    The present investigation entitled "Genetic diversity in summer groundnut (A. hypogaea L.)" was undertaken to estimate the genetic variability and genetic divergence in sixty-six genotypes of summer groundnut. The sixty-six genotypes were evaluated during summer 2008 season in a randomized block design with two replications at All India Co-ordinated Research Project on Groundnut, M.P.K.V., Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar (M.S.). Observations were recorded on the traits viz., days to flower initiation, days to maturity, plant height (em), number of branches/plant, number of filled pods/plant, number of unfilled pods/plant, fresh pod yield/plant (g), dry pod yield/plant (g), dry haulm yield/plant (g), test weight (g), shelling percentage (%), sound mature kernel (%), pod shell thickness (mm) and oil percentage(%). Appreciable amount of variability was observed for all the characters studied. The magnitude of genotypic and phenotypic coefficient of variation indicated the presence of good amount of y variability for plant height, number of branches/plant, number of fllled pods/plant, number of unfilled pods/plant, fresh pod yield/
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    "STABILITY ANALYSIS IN LUCERNE (Medicago sativa L.)"
    Investigation was conducted for critical assessment of stability in Lucerne (Medicago sativa). Ten genotypes including one check variety (RL-88) were evaluated at AICRP . on forage crops, MPKV, Rahuri, Maharashtra in three seasons. Five cuts were taken in summer 2008 and six cuts were taken in Kharifand Rabi- 2008 season each.Data were recorded on the traits viz., plant height, internode length, number of tillers, leaf length, leaf breadth, green forage yield, dry forage yield, crude protein (%), crude fiber (%), crude protein yield, ADF (%) and NDF (%). Significant G x E interaction was observed for plant height, internode length, green forage yield, dry forage yield, crude protein(%) and ADF (%). The linear component of G x E interaction was highly significant for plant height (em), GFY and DFY when tested against pooled error, where as it was high significant for the traits crude protein (%) and ADF (%) when tested against pooled deviation. The non linear components of G x E interaction (pooled deviation) ยทwas found to be highly significant for plant height (em), green forage yield (qjha) and dry forage yield (q/ha). In present investigation the genotypes RLH-4 (plant height, and dry forage yield), RL-88 [plant height and crude protein (%)], RLP-06-03 (green forage yield and dry forage yield). The genotypes RLP-06-03, 01, 05, RL - 88 (internode length) and RLH-2 [dry forage yield and ADF (%)1 were found to be promising and had
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2009) Suryawanshi Sandip Jagannath; S.N.Mate
    A field trial entitled "Physiological intervention to regulate the pre harvest sprouting in mung bean (Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek) var. Vaibhav" was carried out at PG Farm, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri, Dist. Ahmednagar during kharif2007. The experiment was laid out in a Randomized Block Design (RBD) with three replications involving ten treatment using Vaibhav variety of mungbean crop. The treatment consist of no spray (Absolute control), water spray (control), 4 foliar applications of CCC@ 500 ppm at 45, 50, 55 and 60 DAS and 4 foliar applications of MH@ 100 ppm at 45, 50, 55 and 60 DAS. Foliar sprays of CCC and MH were given when the crop was 45 days old. The observations on different plant characters such as plant height, number of branches, days for 50 per cent flowering, dry matter studies, 1000 grain weight, grain yield,number of pods per plant, pod weight, harvest index and seed quality parameters and chemical compositions viz., protein content (%), carbohydrate (%), total sugars (%), reducing sugars (%), moisture (%) and vitamin C (mgf 100 g) were recorded for both raw as well as sprouted condition. The treatments T2 (CCC @ 500 ppm at 45 DAS) and T6 (MH @ 100 ppm at 45 DAS) revealed high magnitude of per cent increase in yield which was 8-15 per cent over the absolute control. The treatment with CCC (500 ppm) and MH (100 ppm) exhibited favourable influence in all morpho-physiological characters such as reduced plant height and increased number of branches, dry matter production, yield contributing characters, harvest index. However, the chemical compositions in which plant growth regulators increased protein, carbohydrate, total sugars, reducing sugars per cent and Vit. C (mgf 100 g) but reduced the moisture per cent in seed over the absolute control. The both treatments CCC (500 ppm) and MH ( 100 ppm) shown the beneficial effect on seed quality parameters. In which it reduces the moisture (%) in seed than the absolute control and it increases the germination rate and vigour index than the absolute control and water spray. The treatment CCC (500 ppm) and MH (100 ppm) reduced the germination rate due to reduction of moisture percentage in seed over the control and absolute control in laboratory at the 48, 72, 96, 120 hrs.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (MPKV,Rahuri, 2009) Takmoge Dnyaneshwar Dattatraya; R.S.Patil
    The present investigation on "Phenotypic stability in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.)" was undertaken with the objectives, to study the predictability of grain yield and its components over array of environments to isolate stable and adaptable genotype over different sowing dates. A field experiment was conducted to evaluate 14 genotypes of chickpea including two checks (Vishal and Digvijay) duing Rabi 2006-07 under three sowing dates viz., Early E1 (5th October), optimum E2 (6th November) and late E3 (6th December) in Randomized Block Design with three replications ยท at Pulses Improvement Project, M.P.K.V., Rahuri. The recorded data was subjected to statistical and stability analysis by following the approach given by Eberhart and Russell (1966). G x E interactions were detected for all the ten characters studied. Linear component shared major portion of total G x E for all the characters except 100 grain weight and grain yield per plant. Non linear component was found to be significant for all the ten characters studied. However, considering the relative magnitude of linear component and non linear component both the components were important for expression of days to 50 per cent flowering, plant height, primary branches per plant, pods per plant, grains per pod and grain yield per plant. Estimates of environmental indices (Ij) suggested that normal sowing (E2) environment was the favourable environment for yield and most of the other yield components followed by E1 and E3. Four genotypes viz., PG-97030-1, PG-9708-6, PG-00108 and Vishal were found to be high yielding and stable. Further, PG- 97030-1 was also stable for early flowering and grains per pod, PG- 00108 for early maturity, plant height and grains per pod were stable. The genotype PG-9801-12 also had below average stability for plant height only, whereas, PG-9708-6 had above average stability for primary branches per plant. The promising .genotypes can be made use for release of new varieties or as the parents for generating the breeding material suited for development of new chickpea varieties with wider adaptability over environments or with specific adaptability to a particular environment for desirable attributes.