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  • ThesisItemUnknown
    (Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University, TIRUPATI – 517 502,A.P, 2012-10) APARNA REDDY, N; ESWARA PRASAD, P (Major); PADMAJA, K; ADILAXMAMMA, K
    ABSTRACT : An experimental study was conducted to evaluate and compare the wound healing properties of citrate coated silver nanoparticles and B.ovalifoliolata mediated silver nanoparticles in wistar rats in three wound models. The nanoparticles were synthesized and the synthesized nanoparticles were characterized using UV-visible spectrophotometer, Scanning electron microscope (SEM), DLS (Dynamic light scaterring) Technique and FT-IR analysis and were also evaluated for antimicrobial activity and cytotoxic effects. A total of 90 rats (both sexes) were divided into five groups, each group containing 18 rats and the wound healing activity was evaluated in three different wound models viz., excision, incision and dead space model. Group 1 was treated with normal saline, group 2 with Povidone iodine (1% solution), group 3 with Citrate coated silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) (170 μg per dressing), group 4 received B.ovalifoliolata bark ethanolic extract (50 mg per dressing) and group 5 received B.ovalifoliolata mediated silver nanoparticles (BENS) (85 μg per dressing). The respective concentrations of the drug were prepared as dressings and applied topically. In excision wound model, percentage wound contraction and the periods of epithelialization were recorded. Blood was collected from orbital sinus in EDTA coated tubes and plasma was separated for estimation of Vitamin C, TBARS and protein. Granulation tissue from excision model was processed for histopathological examination. In incision wound model, the wound breaking strength was measured on 10th day. In dead space wound model, the granulation tissue collected on Day 10 was used for the estimation of hydroxyproline, hexosamine, total protein, TBARS, superoxide dismutase, catalase, reduced glutathione and ascorbic acid. UV Visible absorption spectrum showed a maximum absorption between 350-450 nm and around 450 nm for AgNPs and BENS respectively. SEM images showed that AgNPs showed an agglomerated morphology (size 374-718 nm) while, B.ovalifoliolata mediated silver nanoparticles were spherical in shape (size 192.8-346.1 nm). The results of FT-IR analysis indicated the involvement of hydroxyl, carboxyl and amine groups in the synthesis of B.ovalifoliolata mediated silver nanoparticles. The size of the particles as measured by DLS technique was 78.8 and 273.5 nm respectively. The in vitro studies showed that BENS possess highest antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus as evidenced by highest zone of inhibition (17.67 mm) and lowest MIC value (1.77μg/ml). BENS was practically nontoxic at 85 ppm while AgNPs were toxic from 10 ppm onwards. In excision wound model, BENS showed significantly (p<0.05) higher percentage of wound contraction and shortest period of epithelialization compared to control group indicating better wound healing property. The TBARS level was significantly (p<0.05) lower and the levels of vitamin C and protein were elevated in both BE and BENS groups. Histopathological examination of BENS group showed mild cellular infiltration with angiogenesis and more fibroblast proliferation when compared to control. In the incision wound model, BE and BENS groups showed significantly (p<0.05) higher wound breaking strength compared to other groups. In dead space wound model, there was a significant increase in hydroxyproline and hexosamine content with increased catalase and SOD activity and decreased lipid peroxide levels in the granulation tissue of BENS group compared to other treatment groups. Thus in conclusion B.ovalifoliolata mediated silver nanoparticles showed better wound healing properties compared to citrate coated silver nanoparticles and ethanolic extract of B.ovalifoliolata.