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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT: Lymph nodes are the prime organs to carry out various defensive mechanisms. The lesions of lymph nodes are the reflections of lesions of the tissues they drain. The present work was undertaken to study the pathology of lymph nodes in sheep brought for slaughter, to overcome zoonotic threat and to enhance the quality of consumable, disease free and whole-some meat. In the present investigation 2266 lymph nodes of sheep were collected from various slaughter houses in and around Hyderabad. The regional lymph nodes like mesenteric, bronchial, mediastinal (anterior, middle and posterior) and prescapular were collected and examined for gross pathological changes. Only 247 (10.90%) lymph nodes were found to be abnormal. The tind~ngs ui this study revealed the incidence of various pathological changes in the mesenteric, bronchial, mediastinal and prescapular were 120 (12.90°/t), 37 (10.78%), 38 (10.16%) and 52 (8.38%) respectively. Among the different regional lymph nodes the lesion were more noted in mesenteric lymph nodes followed by bronchial lymph nodes. The incidence of enlarged and edematous lymph nodes was high, followed by haemorrhagic and lor hyperemic, parasitic lymphadenitis and pibmented lymph nodes. The gross changes like enlarged and edematous in 89 (36.03%) lymph nodes, hemorrhagic and /or hyperemic 62 (25.10%), probable parasitic mipation tracts 48 (1 9.43%). pigmentation 32 (1 2.95%). abscesses 12 (4.85%). atrophic 3 (1.2 1%) and one (0.40%) cystic lymph node were recorded. Microscopically, reactive hyperplasia in 54 (21.86%) cases, edematous 27 (10.93%), haernorrhagic 32 (12.95%), hyperemia 30 (12.14%), discrete eonsinophilic accumulations 48 (19.43%), melanosis 5 (2.02%). anthracosis 8 (3.23%), foreign debris accumulations 16 (6.47%), hemosiderosis 3 (1.21%), lymphoid depletion 4 (1.61%), abscesses 12 (4.85%), chronic lymphadenitis 1 (0.40%) granulomatous lymphadenitis 6 (2.43%) and fibroma 1 (0.40%) were observed. A total of 247 lymph node impression smears were examined for cytology. The kind of cells observed were plasma cells, mast cells, neutrophils, red blood cells, lymphoblasts, epithelioid cells, eosinophils, bipolars and acid -fast bacilli in 26, 20, 1 I, 18, 20, 1 1,23, 8 and 5 cases respectively. Out of 247 lymph nodes examined 56 cases showed positive for bacterial identification. Mycobacrerium sp. (5 cases), Pseudomonas sp. (l), Pasteurella sp. (a), E.coli (37) and Slaphylococcus aureus (5) were identified either by cultural isolation and by cytological smear examination. Based on the present investigation it can be concluded that - 1. The incidence of diseased sheep that are brought for slaughter is around 11%. This indicates that moore vigilence is required during ante - mortem examination. 2. The more changes in the mesenteric lymph nodes in the study indicates that the spread of infections through oral route is more than respiratory route. 3. The microscopical examination revealed presence of various pigments and granulomas. 4. The cytological examination of smears revealed the incidence of M~~c~obacteriuSmp. which is of zoonotic importance and other important diseases like Pasteurellosis and parasitic infestations. Thus the results of present study highlighted the importance of study of lymph node pathology in sheep, further studies with respect to imnunological and molecular aspects are the areas of thrust, can be undenlken in future to determine the causes.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT: More than 70 crores of people in India are solely dependant on agriculture and livestock and contributing more than Us. 50.000 crores annually. India's sheep population is more than 1 38.50 millions. \\ hich ranks 6'" in the world. Pneumonia is one of the most frequentl! occurring ailment as well as the most of important disease entities causing morbidit! and mortality in sheep. As disease problems severely cripple the production. a sound knowledge of common contagious/ infectious disease5 that accounts for mortalitj & morbidit) among sheep become necrssar?.. Multiple etiology and several factors contributing to high susceptibility of sheep to pneumonia and posing great ditXcuip in control of this malady to sheep farming community. In view of this, the study on the pathomorphology of lungs in sheep pneumonia was undertaken to investigate various pathological pneumonic types, common bacteria that cause pneumonia in sheep and common antibiotics that can be used against the bacteria that are isolated. In the present investigation, a total of 2850 ovine lungs were collected from different slaughterhouses and field mortality cases in and around Tirupati. On detailed gross pathological changes, 358 ovine lungs revealed lesions suggestive of pneumonia. On histopathological examination 273 (09.58%) cases were having definitive lesions of various types of pneumonia. But, remaining 85 didn't reveal specific pneumonic lesions related to the study. In the present study, various types of' pneumonic conditions that were encountered in lungs were bronchopneumonia 109 (39.93%), suppurative pneumonia 64 (23.44%). fibrinous pneumonia 42 ( 1 5.38%%), pulmonary adenomatosis 2 1 (7.69%). maedi 10 (3.66%), interstitial pneumonia 8 (2.93%), granulomatous pneumonia 7 (2.56%), verminous pneumonia 6 (2.20%), pleuro pneumonia 5 ( 1.83%) and aspiration pneumonia 1 (0.37%). 13ronchopneumonia was characterized by presence of moderate to high infiltration of inflammatory cells, neutrophils and mononuclear cells in and around bronchioles and alveoli. Inter alveolar haemorrhages with mild edema of alveoli and peribronchial haemorrhages u.ere seen. Suppurative pneumonia was characterized by presence of diffuse infiltration of inflammatory cells, mostly neutrophils, al\eolar macrophages with congestion, necrosis with calcification and pre? hepatilation changes. Fibrous tissue proliferation was also e\.ident. In fibrinous pneunlonia alveoli. bronchioles and bronchi were filled with sero fibrinous exudates. Infiltration of inflammatory cells like neutrophils and macrophages were seen &long with edema congestion and haemorrhages. Edema and widening of inter lobular septa \\.as noticed in almost all cases with thickening of pleura. Pulmonary adenomatosis was characterized h? papilla? projection 01' epithelium into alveolar/ hror~chiolar lumen. Fibrous tissue proliferar~on was seen. Metaplasia of alveolar epithelium leading to formation of glandular structures in alveoli was also evident. Maedi was characterized by hypertrophy and hyperplasia of bronchiolar epithelium. Peribronchiolar and perivascular infiltration with lymphocytes was most predominantly seen. Alveolar lumen contained desquamated epithelial cells. Thickened alveolar walls with interalveolar haemorrhages were also evident. Interstitial pneumonia was characterized by thickened alveolar septa due to accumulation of serous and fibrinous exudates with infiltration of inflammatory cells like lymphocytes, macrophages and mononuclear cells in alveolar septa was noticed. Pleuro pneumonia was characterized by active hyperemia, edema, congestion and haemorrhages with mild serous exudates along with mild infiltration of inflammatory cells like macrophages, lymphocytes and epitheloid cells. The pleura were thickened with fibrous tissue proliferation. Infiltration was very mild with neutrophils and lymphocytes Tuberculosis was characterized by a granuloma with a central caseation with calcification changes surrounded by macrophages. epithelioid cells, lymphocytes. and Langhan's giant cells with fibrous covering. Other changes noticed were thickening of pleura. suh pleural haemorrhages, pleural fibrosis along with congestion changes. Mycotic pneumonia was characterized by presence of granulomatous caseative necrosis with macrophages. epithelioid cells. I>rmphocj-tes and fibroblasts. Branched septa1 h>-phae were seen in lumen of alveoli. Nodular bronchopneumonia was evident as a local in flammatog. reaction. Focal areas of pu lmonar? edema and consolidation were also seen. Ectopic migration of Fasciola into lungs was characteri~ed b~. presence of a fluke. around which a se\ere reactike zone of cosinophils. polymorphonuclear cells and Iymphoc>-tes. I'he tluke \\as identified as hscioln gigu,~rica. Bronchiolar and al\.eolar edema and haemorrhages were seen. Hematoma was also seen. Hydatidosis was characterized by presence of mononuclear, eosinophils and plasma cell infiltration around the cystic space and surrounded with focal areas of fibrous tissue proliferation along with haemorrhages and congestion. Aspiration pneumonia was characterized by necrosis with presence of foreign body in the bronchiole with bronchiolar haemorrhages. Inter alveolar edema; haemorrhages with mild infiltration of inflammatory changes were also evident. In the present study, out of 273 pneumonic sheep lungs, 100 were examined bacteriologically and bacteria were isolated from 82 cases. The) were Pasreurella multocida 17( 18.29%), E. coli 15 ( 18.29%). Coryehucterium orvis 13 (1 5.85%) and coagulase negative Staphylococcus sps. 1 1 (4.88%) . Stray cases of bacteria isolated were Streptococcus sps. 7 (8.54%). Bacillus sps. 5 (6.10%). Mvcobacteriun~ sps. 4 (3.88%). Klehsrella sps. 4 (4.88%), Proreus sps. 4 (4.88%) and Pseudomonas sps. 2 (2.44%). From bronchopneumonia, interstitial pneumonia and pleuro pneumonia cases major bacteria isolated was E. coli organisms. In case of suppurative pneumonia Pastrrtrella sps.,and Cor\~17ehucterirtmo \,is ~c,er-tJ isolated. From fibrinous pneumonia Pasteurella sps.. was majoril? ~ti~nt~fifFirrodm. jaagsiekte and maedi lungs E.coli and coagulase - negati\.r Sraph~~lococcus sps. were identified. From tuberculosis lungs !%fir-ohac,terilrmsp s. was identified. An attempt was made to find sensiti\it~ of antibiotics on bacteria from ovine pneumonic lungs. High sensiti\it> \\as found to enroflosacin 73 (90.249'0). followed bj. petlosacin 70 (85.37O0 ). ciprofloxacin 70 (75.37%), amoxacillin 68 (82.93O/0), gentarnlcin 68 (82.37%) and chloramphenicol 65 (79.27940) be the drugs of better choice for bacterial causes of ovine pneumonia. Other drugs of choice were ceflriaone 62 (75.61 %), cefotaxime 6 1 (74.39O 0). cefi~ro\imc 60 (73.17%). tetracycline 60 (73. 17°fo). co-trimouunle 50 (60.QN0 0 1. ampicillin 49 (59.7690) and sulfadiuine 45 (54.88'0) ha\ ing good sensitivity for bacterial isolates from the present pneumonic lungs. It is evident that almost all the bacterial isolates revealed absolute sensitivity to quinolone group of antibiotics follo\ved hy arnouacillin, gentamycin, and chloramphenical. No antibiotic was efficient c)n Mycobacterium sps. and sulfadiazine was lowest in the order of sensitivity by the bacterial isolates.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT: Ochratoxin and citrinin are being found in combination in a wide variety of feedstuffs used in poultry rations. Ochratoxin is a nephrotoxic, hepatotoxic, carcinogenic and immuno suppressive mycotoxin and citrinin appears to be a“slow-acting”nephrotoxic & hepatotoxic mycotoxin on which little work has been documented. The present study was undertaken to evaluate the toxicopathological effects of ochratoxin and citrinin in combination on clinical symptoms, performance, haemato-biochemical parameters, gross and histopathological lesions and their amelioration by using physical adsorbant, activated charcoal and detoxifying agent, yeast in broiler chickens. An experiment was conducted for a period of six weeks by obtaining 80 day- old male commercial broiler chicks (Vencob strain). The experimental design consisted of four dietary groups, each group was divided into four replications containing five birds in each. These birds were housed in electrically heated brooders with feed and water available ad libitum. Group I was provided with the routine basal diet. Group II was fed with ochratoxin (2 ppm) + citrinin (25 ppm), where as group III was supplemented with ochratoxin (2 ppm) + citrinin (25 ppm)+ activated charcoal (0.4%) and group IV was provided with ochratoxin (2 ppm) + citrinin (25 ppm) + activated charcoal (0.4%) and yeast (0.2%) along with their basal diets. Clinically the experimental birds of group II were dull and showed watery diarrhoea with out any mortality. By the end of the experimental period average body weights were significantly (P<0.05) reduced in toxin group II against control group I while the groups III and IV showed moderate improvement. However dietary ochratoxin and citrinin (2 ppm and 25 ppm respectively) didn’t show any significant detrimental effect on feed consumption and feed conversion ratios. From the 2nd week onwards birds were sacrificed at every fortnight intervals (14th, 28th and 42nd days of experiment). Blood and serum samples were collected from each group separately for the estimation of haemato biochemical parameters. A detailed necropsy was conducted on each bird and tissue samples of kidney, liver, heart, spleen, pancreas, intestines, thymus and bursa of Fabricius were collected in formal saline for histopathological studies. The haematological profile of the present study revealed that overall mean values of Hb, PCV and TEC were significantly (P<0.05) reduced in toxin group. The serum biochemical profile of the present study indicated a significant (P<0.05) increase in uric acid, creatinine, blood urea nitrogen, glucose, A/G ratio; GGT activity, ALP activity and ALT levels, where as a significant (P<0.05) decrease in cholesterol, total proteins, albumins, globulins, Ca and P in group II birds. However, dietary OA + CTN had no significant effect on AST activity. The haematological and biochemical parameters of groups III and IV showed mild to moderate improvement when compared to toxin group. The gross pathological changes of various organs in the toxin group were characterized by moderately enlarged and congested kidneys, enlarged livers with rounded borders, pale yellow discoloration with occasional haemorrhages. Moderate congestion was observed in heart, spleen, pancreas, intestines and thymus. Bursa of Fabricius showed mild enlargement with gelatinous material. Few birds showed linear haemorrhages on the thigh muscles. The gross lesions were mild to moderate in groups III and IV in comparision with toxin group II. The histopathological changes in various organs of group II birds consisted of moderate to marked congestion and haemorrhages with lymphocytic infiltration, marked degenerative changes in the tubular epithelium of kidneys, sinusoidal congestion, bileduct hyperplasia with mild fatty change in the hepatocytes, mild disruption of cardiac muscle fibres and mild depletion of germinal centers of spleen. Sections of bursa of Fabricius showed cystic spaces in the follicular epithelium and mild depletion of lymphoid follicles, and pancreas revealed mild congestion. Groups III and IV recorded mild to moderate lesions indicating the protection offered by ameliorating agents used in the feed [activated charcoal (0.4%) and yeast (0.2%)]. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that the presence of OA + CTN [2 ppm and 25 ppm respectively] in the feed supplied to poultry, resulted in significant toxicopathological effects in the broiler chicken. Activated charcoal (0.4%) and yeast (0.2%) were moderately efficient in ameliorating the toxico pathological effects induced by ochratoxin and citrinin in combination.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT : Cancer is one of the major causes of morbidity and mortality in pet dogs and humans. Approximately 25% of humans and approximately 30% of older dogs will develop cancer during their lifetime. There is a tremendous increase in the interest of canine malignancies. So it is very much important to know about features of cancers and their incidence for diagnosis, prognosis and as well as for the proper treatment. A total of 53 canine tumour cases were collected during present study with the relevant clinical data. Histologically they were classified into discrete round cell tumours, mesenchymal tumours, epithelial cell tumours and mixed tumours Out of 53 cases the incidence was 18.86, 13.21, 62.23 and 5.66 percent in round cell tumours, mesnchymal tumours, epithelial tumours and mixed tumours respectively. The benign tumours were 47.2 percent whereas malignant tumours were 52.8 percent. The highest incidence was recorded in 6 to 8 years age group (43.4 percent), followed by more than 10-year age group (24.53 percent). The highest incidence was noticed in female dogs (69.8 percent), whereas 30.19 percent was observed in males. Among the breeds affected, Non-descriptive breeds were the most common (41.51 percent) followed by Spitz (30.19 percent), German shepherd (18.87 percent), Doberman (3.78 percent) and Labrador, Boxer and Terrier each one case (1.89 percent). Mammary gland tumours were observed in 6 to 16 years age group. Breeds affected were Spitz (7), German shepherd (4), Doberman (2), Non-descriptive (2) and Labrador (1). Growths were located in abdominal pair (4), inguinal (7), thoracic and abdominal (1), abdominal and inguinal (3) and thoracic, abdominal and inguinal (1). Out of 53 cases the highest incidence was recorded in mammary glands (30.19 per cent), followed by transmissible venereal tumour (15.09 per cent), basal cell tumour and papilloma (5.66 per cent). Mast cell tumour, fibroma, lipoma, pancreatic exocrine adenocarcinoma, amyloblastoma and setolicell tumours were seen in each two cases (3.78 per cent). Myxoma, osteosarcoma, melanoma, squmaous cell carcinoma, apocrine adenocarcinoma, sebaceous gland adenoma, prostatic adenocarcinoma and tricoepithelioma were seen in each one case (1.89 per cent). Mammary gland tumours were further classified into Simple adenoma (1), Adenocarcinoma (7), Solid adenocarcinoma (1), Anaplastic carcinoma (2), Papillary adenocarcinoma (1), Papillary cystic adenocarcinoma (2), Tubular adenocarcinoma (1), Benign mixed mammary gland tumour (6), and Malignant mixed mammary gland tumour (2). Cytopathology of transmissible venereal tumour, mast cell tumour, fibroma, myxoma, osteosarcoma, lipoma, melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and pancreatic exocrine adenocarcinoma revealed characteristic cellular features. The mean AgNOR count for all of the individual tumours varied from 2.4 to 8.83. The mean number of AgNOR in benign tumours and in malignant tumours was 3.59 and 5.74 respectively. Anaplastic carcinomas have the highest AgNOR value (8.83). There was a difference between the CRP values of benign and malignant tumours and no difference was observed between control and benign group. In the present study 33.33 percent of tissues shown positivity to p53 and 25 percentages to p120. C-erb B2 immunoreactivity was observed in only one benign mixed tumour (8.33 percent). Positive reactivity to p120 and p53 was observed in anaplastic, tubular adenocarcinoma and solid carcinoma.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Studies On The Pathology Of Cobalt Toxicity In Broiler Chicken
    (SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2001-08) Sudha Rani, U; Nisar Ahmed, M(MAJOR); Srilatha, Ch; Ramakrishna Reddy, P; Sreenivasulu, D
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Effects Of Fumonisin-B1 Toxicity In Broiler Chicken
    (SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2001-07) Satheesh, Kokila; Nisar Ahmed, M(MAJOR); Srilatha, Ch.; Chandrasekhara Rao, T.S.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Clinico-Pathological Studies Of Sodium Chloride Toxicity In Broiler Chicken
    (SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2001-02) Umamaheswara, C; Nisar Ahmed, M(MAJOR); Ramadevi, V; Narasimha Reddy, V; Hanumantha Rao, V