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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The present research was conducted to identify the selective indicators for diagnosis of endometritis and to evaluate the efficacy of intrauterine immunomodulators (E.coli LPS, Oyster glycogen and autologous Platelet-rich plasma) for the treatment of endometritis (subclinical and clinical) in graded Murrah buffaloes. The characterization of repeat breeding based on affections of reproductive tract in buffaloes (n=130), revealed that most predominant cause of uterine affections was endometritis with an occurrence of 89.80 per cent (88/98). Occurrence of subclinical endometritis based on per rectal examination, appearance of uterine discharge (score), pH, white side test, leucocyte esterase strip test, optical density and uterine discharge cytology (flushing) was 82.95, 63.34, 72.73, 65.91, 78.41, 75.00 and 67.04 per cent, respectively. While, occurrence of clinical endometritis was 17.05, 36.36, 27.27, 34.09, 21.59, 25.00 and 32.95 per cent, respectively. Uterine discharge cytology (flushing technique) by Leishman’s stain and Field’s stain could be effectively used under field conditions for staining of uterine discharge smears. The mean levels of physical characteristics and analytical parameters were significantly (P≤0.05) higher in CE as compared to SCE affected and normal healthy buffaloes. However, the mean levels of physical characteristics and analytical parameters were non-significantly (P>0.05) higher in the uterine discharge of SCE than normal healthy buffaloes. The haematological changes in whole blood sample revealed no significant (P>0.05) variations in the mean Hb (gm%) and PCV (%) concentrations of normal, endometric buffaloes. While, the mean neutrophil and lymphocyte counts (%) were significantly (P≤0.01) higher in endometritis affected buffaloes than normal healthy buffaloes. However, there was no significant difference between the SCE and CE affected buffaloes. Biochemical parameters like, Urea, cholesterol, alkaline phosphatase, creatine kinase and zinc had a highly significant (P≤0.01) difference between normal and endometritis affected buffaloes. Uterine discharge of buffaloes with greater than 39.78 mg/dl, 144.79 IU/L and 98.12 IU/L of threshold concentrations in urea, ALP and CK, respectively were at a higher risk to be affected with SCE. While, uterine discharges in buffaloes with less than 50.90 mg/dl and 141.27 μg/dl of threshold concentrations in cholesterol and Zn, respectively were at a greater risk to be affected with SCE. Differentially expressed protein profiles of uterine discharge that the mean concentrations of Heat shock protein (HSP-70) and C-reactive protein (CRP) were significantly (P≤0.01) higher in endometritis affected buffaloes than normal healthy buffaloes. However, there was a non-significant (P≥0.05) variation in HSP-70 (ng/ml) between CE and SCE affected buffaloes. On the other hand CRP (mg/L) concentration were significantly (P≤0.05) higher in CE than SCE and it was showed CRP levels an increasing trend with the increase in severity of uterine infections. The differentially expressed protein profile by SDS-PAGE analysis showed a total of 2 different protein bands were recorded with molecular weights ranging between 60 to 70 kilodaltons (kDa) in uterine discharge of normal buffaloes at the time of estrus, whereas 4 different protein bands with molecular weights ranging between 50 to 120 kilodaltons (kDa) in uterine discharge of SCE affected buffaloes. Relative quantification of pro-inflammatory cytokines gene expression (Toll like receptor-4) revealed that buffaloes with SCE showed 1.14 folds up-regulation of TLR-4 mRNA compared to normal buffaloes without SCE. In the present study, intrauterine administration of E.coli LPS (100μg) and Platelet rich plasma (autologous) yielded promising recovery (90.00% and 80.00%) and conception rates (77.77% and 68.75%) in endometritis affected buffaloes as compared to Oyster glycogen treatment (65.00% and 46.15%). In conclusion, therapy with E.coli LPS and Platelet rich plasma (autologous) could be effectively used as an alternative to the traditional use of antibiotics and other antimicrobial agents with better efficacy to resolve the uterine infection (both SCE and CE) by promoting uterine defense mechanism. While, PRP enriched the endometrial layers with the growth factors required for implantation and development of embryo and cured endometritis by its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    The aim of the present study was to identify the frequency of SIRS in pyometra affected bitches and to study the role of certain biomarkers of diagnostic and prognostic importance, along with evaluation of blood flow velocities and hemodynamic indices in uterine artery and to study the hemato-biochemical, histopatholgical and immunohistochemical changes in canine pyometra. Out of 716 bitches presented for various gynaecological ailments, 122 bitches were diagnosed with pyometra with an overall occurrence of 17.04 per cent. Bitches in the age group of 6 to 9 years (29.51%) had high occurrence of pyometra followed by 3 to 6 years (28.69%), 9 to12 years (27.05%), 12 to 15 years (9.83%) and least in bitches upto 3 years of age (4.92%). The mean age of occurrence of pyometra was 8.03±0.26 years with a range of 2 to 15 years. The present study revealed high occurrence of pyometra in Spitz (43.44%) followed by Labrador (22.95%), Mongrel (9.83%), German Shepard (7.38%), Pug (5.74%), Pomeranian (4.10%), Great Dane (2.46%), Doberman (1.64%), Dachshund, Bull Mastiff and Saint Bernard (0.82% each). Occurrence of pyometra was highest in nulliparous (62.30%) bitches followed by primiparous (22.13%) and pluriparous (15.57%) bitches. The occurrence of open cervix (85.25%) pyometra was higher than closed cervix (14.75%) pyometra. The most predominant symptom reported by the owners was presence of vaginal discharge (80.00%) followed by inappetence (72.00%), polydipsia (74.60%), vomiting (68.00%), polyuria (57.30%) and diarrhoea (12.00%). The altered physiological findings on clinical examination were increased (28.00%) and decreased (1.33%) temperature, pale (28.00%) and hyperemic (6.67%) mucous membranes, mild (32.00%) to moderate (6.67%) dehydration, moderate (50.67%) to severe depression (34.67%) in pyometra affected bitches. On palpation of abdomen 24.00 per cent bitches expressed pain and enlarged uterus was clearly felt in 32.00 per cent bitches and unclear in 68.00 per cent bitches. The temperature and respiratory rate were significantly elevated in pyometra affected bitches compared to healthy controls. Hematological studies revealed decreased hemoglobin, packed cell volume and total erythrocyte count, while leukogram showed significant neutrophilia and leukocytosis with left shift. None of the hematological parameters differed significantly between open and closed pyometra except for TLC and percentage of band neutrophils being higher in closed cervix pyometra. Serum biochemical profile showed elevated levels of total protein, globulin, ALT, AST, ALP, BUN and creatinine and reduced albumin and A/G in pyometra affected bitches compared to healthy controls. None of the biochemical parameters differed significantly between open and closed cervix pyometra except for elevated globulin and reduced A/G in closed cervix pyometra. Estimation of CRP and SAA revealed significant elevation of these acute phase proteins in pyometra affected bitches (71.12±6.19 mg/L and 60.68±2.27 mg/L) compared to healthy controls and also, the concentrations were significantly higher in closed cervix pyometra than open cervix pyometra. In the present study 70.67 per cent bitches affected with pyometra had positive SIRS status. Positive SIRS status was noticed in 80.00 per cent of bitches with closed cervix pyometra and 68.33 per cent of bitches with open pyometra. Among the clinical criteria to assess SIRS status temperature, heart rate, TLC, percentage of band neutrophils and SAA were significantly higher in SIRS positive than SIRS negative bitches. No significant difference was noticed in respiratory rate, albumin and CRP between SIRS positive and SIRS negative bitches. Radiographic examination revealed a space occupying radiographic opacity between colon and urinary bladder in moderately affected cases, while in severely affected bitches distended uterus was easily identified beyond caudo-ventral abdomen displacing the intestines cranially. On ultrasonographic examination the distended uterine horns appeared as round or oval anechoic to hypoechoic fluid filled structures dorsal to anechoic urinary bladder. The pyometra affected bitches were categorized basing on the sonographic appearance of uterus and uterine contents into groups B, C, DH and DA. The diameter of uterine horns was highest in group DA and thickness of uterine wall was highest in group DH. In pyometra, the blood flow was continuous with high velocity, low resistance and low pulsatility. In pyometra affected bitches, higher blood flow velocities (PSV and EDV) and lower hemodynamic indices (RI, PI and S/D) were recorded in group DA. The histopathological findings showed that Type II CEH-pyometra complex (51.52%) was the common pathology observed in pyometra affected bitches followed by Type III (36.36%) and Type IV (12.12%). Histopathological picture of Type II uterus was characterized by cystic endometrial hyperplasia with diffuse infiltration of the stroma by plasma cells. Type III pyometra was characterized by cystic endometrial hyperplasia with acute inflammatory reaction. Type IV pyometra was characterized by marked atrophy of endometrium with very few glands and stroma was infiltrated with plasma cells, macrophages and few neutrophils. All the histopathological types of pyometra showed cytoplasmic staining for VEGF. A variation in quick sore was noticed in luminal and glandular epithelium between different histological types of pyometra. Type II and Type IV had higher quick score in luminal epithelium whereas, the quick score in glandular epithelium was higher in Type III. The nuclear staining for Ki-67 did not yield consistent results in the present study. However cytoplasmic staining of Ki-67 was observed in stroma cells of few cases of Type II pyometra. In the present study, the mortality rate in pyometra affected bitches was 18.67 per cent of which 6.67 per cent succumbed to death after surgery and 12.00 per cent before surgery. The mean temperature, heart rate, percentage of band neutrophils, total protein, globulin, ALP, BUN, creatinine and SAA were significantly higher while hemoglobin and TEC were significantly lower in non-survivors than survivors. A significant association with mortality was noticed with the presence of SIRS (P<0.0072), closed pyometra (P<0.0279), elevated ALP (P<0.0109), elevated creatinine (P<0.0002) and elevated serum amyloid A (P<0.0001) in the pyometra affected bitches and these parameters could be used as prognostic indicators in canine pyometra.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    Treatment of sub-estrus and true anoestrous high yielding lactating graded Murrah buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis) using estrus and ovulation hormonal protocols, Double PGF2α, Presynch-Ovsynch, Ovsynch and CIDR Ovsynch their influence on fertility in farm and field during breeding and low breeding season was studied. The estrus response following hormonal treatment was 91.30, 85.71, 91.66 and 92.85 per cent in DPG, POVS, OVS and COVS in farm where as in field it was 85.66, 80.43, 80.95, and 86.84, respectively. The onset of estrus (hrs) following hormonal treatment was 52.0, 50.31, 51.31 and 48.20 in DPG, POVS, OVS and COVS, respectively in farm and 50.12, 51.63, 53.52 and 50.31 in DPG, POVS, OVS and COVS, respectively in field. Peak estrus synchrony with incidence of estrus (63.63 to 81.81%) between 48 to 72 hours following the treatment in all the groups was observed both under farm and field conditions. Pre ovulatory follicle (POF) diameter (mm) observed at the time of AI in DPG, POVS, OVS, COVS and control group buffaloes were 12.86, 14.15, 13.16, 11.58, 11.15 and 11.45, 12.47, 11.75, 10.11, 10.15 in pregnant and non-pregnant buffaloes, respectively under farm conditions and 12.44, 14.21, 13.05, 11.32 and 11.65; 11.22, 11.31, 10.92, 9.49 and 9.35 in pregnant and non-pregnant buffaloes, respectively under field conditions. Ovulatory response (%) observed on day 10 post AI in DPG, POVS, OVS, COVS and control group buffaloes were 56.21, 78.57, 75.00, 64.28 and 56.25, respectively in farm, while the same in field was 50.00, 65.21, 61.90, 47.36 and 37.77, respectively. The mean diameter (mm) of the corpus luteum (CL) was recorded on day 10 post AI in order to study the relationship of CL with pregnancy status in treated and control buffaloes. The conception rate in relation to CL diameter (mm) was highest in POVS (17.15 Vs 64.28%) followed with OVS (16.16 Vs 58.33%), COVS (15.97 Vs 50.00%), DPG (15.95 Vs 50.00%) and control (14.65 Vs 43.75%) groups, respectively in farm, while the conception rate with that of CL diameter (mm) in field was highest in POVS (16.65 Vs 54.34%) followed with DPG (15.55 Vs 46.50%), OVS (15.05 Vs 50.00%), COVS (14.75 Vs 36.84%) and control (14.15 Vs 28.88%) groups, respectively. The per cent conception rate at induced/observed estrus were 39.13, 42.85, 41.66, 28.57 and 25.00 in DPG, POVS, OVS, COVS and control group, respectively in farm conditions, while per cent second service conception rate was 8.69, 14.28, 16.66 , 14.28 and 12.50, respectively, whereas per cent third service conception rate was 2.1, 7.14, 00.00, 7.14 and 6.25, respectively. The per cent conception rate at induced/observed estrus were 32.16, 32.60, 33.33, 23.68 and 15.55 in DPG, POVS, OVS, COVS and control group, respectively in field conditions, while per cent second service conception rate was 11.18, 15.21, 11.90, 10.52 and 8.88 respectively, whereas per cent third service conception rate was 3.14, 6.52, 4.76, 2.63 and 4.44, respectively. In the present study no significant difference was observed in serum total cholesterol concentration, mean hemoglobin (gm/dl) level and Mean PCV (%) between days of the treatment with DPG, POVS, OVS, COVS and control groups protocols in farm and field and during seasons also. The mean levels of serum progesterone recorded on different days of treatment day -10, 0, 11, day of A.I and day 21 post AI in postpartum sub estrus buffaloes during breeding and high breeding seasons in farm and field. The difference between BCS groups in farm and field were significant in POVS and OVS treated groups. Higher conception rate was recorded in buffaloes belonging to L2 group (parity) treated with POVS in both farm and field condition. In farm, higher conception rate was recorded in postpartum sub-estrus buffaloes belonging to L2 group treated with DPG during breeding and low breeding season, whereas in field higher conception rate was recorded in L2 group during breeding and L3 group during low breeding season. In the present study the conception rate varied between T1, T2, and T3 (service period) groups. Maximum conception rate was recorded in postpartum true anoestrous buffaloes subjected to OVS protocol in T2 group both at farm and field condition. While in COVS group maximum conception rate was recorded in T2 group both at farm and field condition. Maximum conception rate was observed in T2 and T3 group at farm and T2 in field level in control group. In the present study cost per pregnancy was recorded as Rs-/ 660, 1719, 1346 and 3271 in farm and 710, 2033, 1570 and 3271 in field treated with DPG, POVS, OVS and COVS respectively. It is concluded that estrus and fertility response in postpartum lactating an