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  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    ABSTRACT: A total of 155 birds representing eight populations, two layer strains of White Leghorn (WLH-IWD and WLH-IWF). two dual-purpose breeds (Dahlem Red and Rhode Island Red), a commercial layer (Babcock), a commercial broiler (Vencobb), a native breed (Aseel) and Non-descript (Desi) chicken were genotyped with twenty (mono, di and tri nucleotide repeats) microsatellite markers to assess the genetic diversity, genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships. All the microsatellite loci utilized for the analysis were polymorphic with a reasonable informativeness ranging from moderate to high. The total number of alleles obtained across all the populations was 285 with a size range from 76 for MCWO51 to 256 for MCWOOS locus. The total number of alleles per locus ranged from 7 at MCW001 to 26 at MCWOOS with an overall mean of 14.25 alleles per locus. The mean number of alleles across the loci and among the populations ranged from 3.50 (ADL158) to 8.63 (ADL176 and MCWOOS) and 4.70 (WLH-IWD) to 6.75 (Non-descript). The mean effective number of alleles am-ng the loci and the populations varied between 1.96 for ADL158 and 4.4 1 for ADL267 and 2.69 in Dahlem Red and 4.15 in Non-descript. A total of 103 alleles were unique to population/strain in various chicken populations. The frequency of most of these alleles was very less. Only 30 per cent of the alleles had frequency of more than 10 per cent. The mean Polymorphism Information Content (PIC) values ranged from 0.39 for ADL158 to 0.71 for MCWOOS and ADL267 across the loci and 0.55 (Dahlem Red) to 0.71 (Non-descript) among the populations. The expected heterozygosity estimates ranged from 0.63 (Dahlem Red) to 0.77 (Non-descript) with an overall mean of 0.68. The observed heterozygosity estimates were the highest in Babcock (0.73) and the least in Dahlem Red (0.55) among the populations studied. The overall mean inbreeding coefficients (FIs) varied between -0.05 (Babcock) and 0.16 (Rhode lsland Red). Babcock, a commercial layer had negative Fls value (-0.05) indicating high genetic variation and outbreeding effects. The genetic distance was least between WLH-IWD and WLH-IWF (0.30) and highest between Dahlem Red and Babcock (0.80). The WLH-IWD and WLH-IWF strains were closer with maximum genetic identity index of 0.75 among all the populations and Dahlem Red and Babcock were wider apart with least identity index value of 0.45 indicating their high genetic divergence. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that the eight populations were grouped in to two main clusters, one cluster representing Dahlem Red and Rhode Island Red, the pure breeds and the other cluster representing the remaining six populations/strains (two commercial, two synthetic strains and two native chickens). The second group was divided into three sub clusters i.e., Aseel and Non-descript; Babcock and Vencobb; WLH-IWD and WLH-IWF. All the loci departed from the equilibrium frequency in at least two of the eight populations studied. It may be concluded that the chicken populations studied were in the state of mild to moderate inbreeding except commercial birds. A planned breeding is suggested for purebreds to revive their genetic potential. High genetic diversity exists in Non-descript birds, which can be tapped to improve the birds suitable for backyard poultry.
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2006-03) SHIVA PRASAD, Ch.; Ramesh Gupta, B(MAJOR); Venkatramaiah, A; Chatterjee, R.N
    ABSTRACT: Thc investigation was made on full sib, half sib and non-inbred groups of Dahlem Red birds maintained at the Project Directorate on Poultry. Hyderabad. to characterize then phenotypically and by RAPD markers. The phenotypic characterization war undertaken on a total of 328 Dahlem Red birds belonging to full sib mated (45). half sib mated (64) and non-inbred groups (219). The overall icast squares means of body weight at 4. 8. 20, 40. weeks of age. ASM. EP 40. EW 32 and EW 40 were 146.88. 374.28. 1150.70. 1678.57 g. 181.02 days, 71.06, 52.81g and 56.25 g. rcspectivoly. The mean performance of non-inbred group was in general. superior to inbred groups in dl the traits studied. The estimates of heritability obtained by half sib mehod for the full sib. half sib and non-inbred groups were 0.02. 0.61 and 0.49. respectively for BW 4 and 0.19, 0.20 and 0.53. rrspectrvely for BW 40. For egg weights. the highest heritabilities were obtained in half sib group and the lowest in non-inbred group. Majority of the genetic comlations of BW 20 md BW 40 wih egg weight were positive. The genetic comlii~ionosf ASM with EP 40 and egg weights were negative. The EP 40 was also found to be correlated negatively with EW 32 and EW 40. Majonfy of tht phcnotyp~cc omlations between the body weight and egg we~ghtw ere positive, while che comlations of ASM with EP 40 were negative. The phenotyp~c conrlarions of ASM with EW 32 and EW 40 mgcd from -0.18 to 0.17. where&\ the comlations between EP 40 and egg weights were negative in half sib and non-inbred grvups * - - - -- Fn an --A ,,, ...-:nt,, 0 13 The phenotypic comlations estimated by full sib method among the body weights were in general positive and ranged from -0.11 t 0.34 in full sib group. The BW 4 and BW 8 were comlated negatively with ASM. while BW 20 and BW 40 were also correlatd negatively with EP 40. The phenotypic correlations of BW 4. BW 8, and BW 40 with egg weights were found to be positive. The ASM was comlated negatively with EP 40 (-0.58). whereas, the correlations of EP 40 with EW 32 and EW 40 were positive. The phenotypic comlations among the body weights in half sib group ranged from -0.06 to 0.46; The phenotypic correlations between body weights and ASM varied from -0.19 to 0.30, whereas the comlations of body weights with EP 40 ranged from -0.10 to 0.34. The phenotypic correlations between body weights and egg weights at various ages were all positive. For molecular genetic characterization, a total of 48 Dahlem Red birds. ( 16 birds each of the group) with equal representation of sexes, were utilized. A total of 100 Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers were tested, of which, 21 primers generated appreciable polymorphism. A total of 341 RAPD bands were produced, out of which 204 wen found to be polymorphic. The overall mean number of bands produced by the primer varied from 12 to 23. The size of amplified bands varied from 100 bp to 3409 bp. The analysis of the fingerprint patterns of individual DNA samples revealed that the full sib group was unique by the pre.xnce of one 1866 bp fingerprint when amplified by the primers PDP157F and 496 bp and 380 bp fingerprints only when amplified by the primer PDP176F. The half sib group wa\ unique by the presence of 1788 bp fingerprint when amplified by the primer PDPSOF. The non-inbred group could be distinguished by the prcsence of a unique 42 1 hp band bawd upon PCR amplification with primer PDP54F and PDP73F. The overall genetic sirn~lwitiesh a.sed on band sharing within the full sib, half sib and non-lnhred group were 87.90. 87.85 and 83.94 per cent. respectively, whereas the genetic similarities between full sib and half sib, half sib and non-inbred and full sib and non-inbred groups were 90.18. 88.51 and 88.07 percent, respectively. The overall genetic similarities based on band frequency within full sib, half sib and non-inbred groups were 85.25. 85.09 and 8 1.14 per cent, respectively, whereas those between full sib and half sib, half sib and non-inbred and full sib and non-inbred groups were 79.53, 74.34 and 72.78 per cent, respectively. The genetic distance between full sib and non-inbred groups was found to be the maximum (0.3 176). while the minimum genetic distance (0.2290) was observed between full sib and half sib groups. The RAPD markers in the present study were able to detect the polymorph~sm between the three groups of Dahlem Red i.e., full sib mated, half sib mated and non-inbred and could establish the genetic relationships
  • ThesisItemOpen Access
    (SRI VENKATESWARA VETERINARY UNIVERSITY TIRUPATI - 517 502. (A.P.) INDIA, 2006-02) SUSHMA, G; Ramesh Gupta, B(MAJOR); Vinoo, R; Narasa Reddy, G.V.
    ABSTRACT : The data on Ongole cattle at Cattle Project, Livestock Research Station, Lam farm, Guntur and Cattle Breeding Farm, Chadalawada, Prakasam district from 1987 to 2005 were analyzed for studying the mean performance and estimation of genetic parameters of various production and reproduction traits. The overall least squares means of body weights at birth, 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of age were 26.27, 47.77, 69.38, 102.81, 147.77, 197.43 and 251.15 kg, respectively. The body weights of Ongole cattle were significantly affected by the period of birth from 1 to 24 months of age whereas season of birth influenced the body weights at birth and one month age only. The sex of the animal influenced the body weights of the animals at all the ages studied. The overall least squares means for height at withers, chest girth and body length of Ongole cattle from birth to 24 months of age ranged from 73.09 to 133.30 cm, 69.24 to 145.73 cm, and 59.54 to 125.58 cm, respectively. The overall least squares means for total lactation milk yield, 305-days lactation milk yield, lactation length, peak yield, days to reach peak yield, milk yield per day of lactation and milk yield per day of calving interval were 620.49 kg, 607.91 kg, 232.26 days, 3.90 kg, 49.94 days, 2.77 kg and 1.37 kg, respectively. The effect of farm was significant on all the production traits studied, except on milk yield per day of calving interval. Period of calving and order of lactation influenced all the production traits, except days to reach peak yield, while season of calving had no significant influence on any of the production traits studied. The overall least squares means of age at first calving, gestation period, service period, dry period, calving interval, number of inseminations per conception and breeding efficiency by Jain’s formula, Tomar’s formula and Wilcox’s formula were 1448.48 days, 221.24 days, 242.92 days, 294.04 days, 534.82 days, 1.78 and 87.07 %, 77.36 % and 72.07 %, respectively. The farm and period of calving significantly influenced the age at first calving, service period, dry period, calving interval and breeding efficiency by all the three formulae. Season of calving had no significant influence on any of the reproduction traits studied. Order of lactation significantly affected the gestation period, service period, dry period, calving interval and breeding efficiency estimated by all the three methods. The heritabilities of body weights ranged from 0.05 + 0.05 at birth to 0.51 + 0.24 at 12 months age in males and from 0.04 + 0.06 at 6 months age to 0.25 + 0.16 at 24 months age in females. The heritabilities of height at withers, chest girth and body length ranged from 0.02 to 0.35, 0.04 to 0.44 and 0.05 to 0.63, respectively in males and from 0.17 to 0.33, 0.07 to 0.39 and 0.15 to 0.30, respectively in females. The genetic correlations of body weight with height at withers, chest girth and body length ranged from 0.56 to 0.82, 0.33 to 0.89 and –0.06 to 0.84 in males and from 0.06 to 0.82, 0.47 to 0.96 and –0.38 to 0.60, respectively in females. The chest girth was highly correlated with body weight at various ages. The magnitude of such correlations varied from 0.15 to 0.39 in males and 0.13 to 0.39 in females. The phenotypic correlations of height at withers with chest girth and body length at various ages ranged from 0.07 to 0.27 in males and from –0.22 to 0.34 in females. The phenotypic correlations between the chest girth and body length ranged from 0.07 to 0.33 in males and 0.02 to 0.36 in females. The heritabilities of calving interval, total lactation milk yield and breeding efficiencies based on Jain’s, Tomar’s and Wilcox’s formulae were 0.49, 0.61, 0.43, 0.75 and 0.40, respectively. The genetic correlations of calving interval and total lactation milk yield with all the measures of breeding efficiency were negative. The calving interval was generally positively correlated with total lactation milk yield (0.46 + 0.05). The genetic correlations among the three formulae of breeding efficiency ranged from 0.46 to 0.84. The phenotypic correlations of calving interval and total lactation milk yield with breeding efficiency by all the three formulae ranged between –0.62 to 0.14, whereas these correlations between three formulae of breeding efficiency were all positive and ranged from 0.28 to 0.37. The estimates of heritability based on overall lactations for total lactation milk yield, 305-days lactation milk yield, lactation length, peak yield, days to reach peak yield, milk yield per day of lactation and milk yield per day of calving interval were 0.46, 0.48, 0.33, 0.45, 0.10, 0.45 and 0.46, respectively. The heritabilities for gestation period, service period, dry period and calving interval were 0.18, 0.10, 0.23 and 0.12, respectively. The genetic correlations of total lactation milk yield with other production traits ranged from 0.40 to 1.00. Its correlation with reproduction traits varied from –0.63 to 0.07 The genetic correlations of 305-days lactation milk yield ranged from 0.38 to 0.97 with other production traits and from –0.63 to 0.05 with reproduction traits. The genetic correlations of lactation length varied from 0.47 to 0.97 with other milk production traits and with the reproduction traits the estimates ranged between–0.78 and -0.11. The phenotypic correlations of total lactation milk yield with other production and reproduction traits varied from –0.26 to 0.50 and 305-days lactation milk yield with other traits ranged from –0.26 to 0.47. The lactation length was correlated positively with all the other production traits and negatively with gestation period (-0.12) and dry period (-0.28). The milk yield per day of lactation and milk yield per day of calving interval were phenotypically correlated negatively with all the reproduction traits studied. The overall phenotypic correlations of gestation period were 0.01, 0.09 and 0.02 with service period, dry period and calving interval, respectively while these estimates of service period with dry period and calving interval were 0.39 and 0.50, respectively.